The temporal bubble of the Fenterric ocean

The temporal bubble found around the continent of Fendrel, during the time of its downfall. It has made for many stories, myths and legends, some are or were believed and other not so much.



The main myth believed, is that the bubble were put there by the gods. To protect the rest of the world, from the wrath that they unleashed upon the people of The Shattering, for defying them. Most people think that this is the truth, and the different clergies support it and encourages this belief.

Historical Basis

There are no longer any traces of the temporal bubble left. But it was a real thing, the thing is that on body knows is why, what or how it was or came to exist. As to evidence of it. Pieces of history can be but together, with the few written encounters of ships encountering the bubble while it was there, and the increase in phenomena after the dissolution of the bubble. So there are no doubts, among the people, of the subject. That the bubble were there, But it origin and purpose, is what is in dispute and the source of all the myth on the topic.


After a few centuries for the original tales, of the base of the myths about the bubble. The clergies heard of it and cultivated the ones where the gods took action. It took them a couple more centuries, of cultivating and letting the different stories and myth develop. To a point of them make the final shape of what is today thought, to be the real true telling of the events around the bubble of the Fenterric ocean. there exists variations, even after the clergies made a single version the most know one, some of the old tales still endures. Today even spinoffs of the cultivated myth, are told in different ways, by different tongues, with different morals and intend.
Date of First Recording
960 BS
Date of Setting
960 BS to 50 SS
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