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Orcs are viewed quite disfavorably by many of the other races in Enon (with the notable exception of halflings ). The bad blood runs deep, thousands of years deep. Under Kalyx, the orcs maintain that they were driven from their ancestral homelands in the name of expanding Kalyx's empire. Typical human histories assert that orcs never lived in the empire, and were barbarians that simply raided the empire and tried to live off of what hardworking humans created. No one really knows which story is correct at this point, and neither side has really made any diplomatic outreach efforts to try and resolve their differences.   Orc culture is largely nomadic, though small villages are not uncommon as well. Orcs do not participate in plant agriculture, getting their only fruits and vegetables from foraging. Though many orcs are warriors and raiders, there are many that raise cows, ox, sheep, and goats.   Orcs are capable of breeding with humans , though this is uncommon. Any half-orc tends to be rejected by both humans and by orcs, with humans viewing them as savages and orcs viewing them as weaklings.

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

Orcs are native to cold, mountainous areas, but are well adapted to live in all environments, a constant source of conflict with the other species around them. Orcs reproduce quickly, and because of their status as apex predators, very few orcs tend to inhabit the same area. Orc villages and bands very rarely exceed a few hundred people because of the inevitable conflicts that will break out between the residents. A typical settlement or band will be comprised of a few large families that have common ties including marriage.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Orcs are omnivores, but lean heavily on meat, dairy, and eggs over fruit and vegetables. The extent of their plant-based foods are occasional berries that they harvest while carrying out their ranching and shepherding duties.


Though orcs have a well-earned reputation for violence, they are very rarely violent without purpose. Humans consider this to be savagery, but orcs consider it to be efficient. The strong rule, and there is no use putting up with a weakling in charge.

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