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Eldin Session Report #1

General Summary

Mycia 12th, 37 A.C. - Graduation

Eldin stood with his class, four years later than he should've been to graduate, but happy to have at least made it. He was excited to hear what district he would be put into, his hopes on the Medical District, wanting to learn how to heal and help people. He also would have been okay with the Industrial District, he would be taking after his family in that regard even though it would be hard to walk those streets. He was a good student and worked hard, taking extra classes to be sorted into the correct district. It was no big deal when Raylin Trowven, the Agricultural District employer didn't call his name and it was a relief when Shiela didn't call his name. It was obvious now which district he was going to be put in, his first choice. So, it was much to his horror when @Clover also stepped up and he never heard himself be called. Sigmund Howell, the Military District employer, stood and announced several other people, but Eldin's name was there too. It felt like a dream- no, a nightmare. He floated through the next 20 minutes of the ceremony and the next thing was a stinging strike to the face from his mother's palm just outside the castle doors. He wasn't quite sure what he had done wrong. He hadn't disrespected the gods, he hadn't gotten bad grades , he hadn't broken the law or was in the slightest bit rowdy. His mother had gotten his record cleaned from punching that kid at 16, and he slept around but that was his own perogative being over 17 and all. He hadn't asked for a position in the military, this must have been a mistake; but the King and the council and the employers, they didn't make mistakes. Unfortunately, he couldn't dwell for long as he had a new job to learn and a new goal to survive.

Eldin went with Sigmund Howell and the other new recruits. He was surprised to see some were happy, he was unsurprised to find others sulking like him. Even just entering the barracks was not a pleasant time, there were people hurt and dying right in the entry. They had just gotten back from outside the walls and had a small goblin medic tending to them. Oh, how Eldin wished to be her assistant instead of someone she would probably tend to at some point. The goblin said that she needed a Deku baba plant's saliva, and that it only grows outside the walls. He was then assigned with a group of misfits; Beau of Ironclaw, a cowardly and asummedly daft lion-kin, Maarra Nightfinder, a tall stone like woman, he would guess half-giant, Quinn, a robot with a thousand yard stare of blue, offputting eyes, and Azotharant Craft, a smaller green squid man who was unusual, maybe part Illithid?, but not scary. They were tasked to go collect the plant and Eldin was much obliged, at least this way he was still helping people. He left the walls for the first time in his life that day, left the protection of the purple magic barrier. He was caught off guard by how blue the sky was. It was peaceful and calming, the antihesis of what outside the walls was supposed to be. He followed the others into the field, suddenly a lot more fearful as every small noise became a warning of something bigger lurking in the unkept fields and ruins surrounding the city. The outer city that once was around the capital now was a shamble of leftover wood and stone that couldn't be reused with vague shapes of houses from what once was. They did run into Beasts and not too far into their trip either, Eldin quickly became aware of what people meant when they described the Beasts, they were deranged looking, so many parts of animals mashed together, then left to rot but able to stand on their own and bite and kill. They were lucky to get away from the beasts with only a few scrapes and Eldin would thank Corellon Larethian for protecting him later that night. Thankfully, him and his group managed to find the plant, which also had teeth to bite with, much to Eldin's annoyance. They collected the saliva from the plant and returned to the Barracks. Sigmund then tasked them with bringing it to Clover, what a way to rub salt in the wound, Eldin thought. They dropped off the plant juices and were thankfully done for the day.

Eldin was given a room in the barracks. He would compare it more to a broom closet than an actual living quarters. He ignored the discomfort of being in a foreign bed, in a foreign place that was loud  and terrifying. His mother was more so and he didn't want to go home to deal with her and her disappointment in him. No, instead he drowned himself in alcohol at the bar in the barracks (it was very low quality alcohol) and found himself the first person he could to be his bed partner for the night, which happened to be a female dragonborn that he had known from school. *He doesn't remember who he slept with that first night anymore.
This session took place 12/17/2020
Report Date
17 Dec 2020
Primary Location
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Feb 19, 2024 09:37 by Tzaritsa

2021? Wouldn't this have been 2020? I was in college by December 2021, and I could've sworn Flaming talked to me about this campaign the summer beforehand

|Author of Matelo Kaloje|

When life gives you lemons, they're probably poisoned - The signature of some pessimisst on a defunct forum in 2014