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Azotharant Craft

(a.k.a. Az)

Azotharant Craft is the demigod son of Cthulu, the Old One. He has a deep love for eggs and reading. Az has recently became a published author, writing An Account of the Cities of Enouran (Placeholder).

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Azotharant Craft has pale green and clamy skin, beady black eyes resembing that of a squid's, and a prominent mantle of tentacles replacing where a normal humanoid would have a nose and mouth. Bearing a large scar down the back of his left leg, he covers this with pants or trousers.

Special abilities

He is a Warlock caster of 13th level. He is trained in herbalism, observation, and writing.

Apparel & Accessories

Preferring academic garb, Azotharant Craft prefers tweed and plain fabrics. Having an eye for the drab and dark, he attempts to minimalize his visual impact to reduce the attention he receives as a result of his illithid heritage.

Specialized Equipment

As the proud owner of the Tentacle Rod, he is capable of wielding it to great effect. A notable exam of it's usage was in paralyzing a horned devil.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Orphaned at a young age by his mother surrending him to the Found Library, he was taken in by Eucaloris. Eucaloris's child, PLACEHOLDER, was friends with Cynthia. As a result of his adoption, he viewed Eucaloris as a surrogate grandmother. PLACEHOLDER and their spouse perished as a result of their involvement in the Military District. Azotharant views Marynae as a sister. Az learned in 37 A.C. of his mothers pact, but had never fully believed he was the son of the Great Old One, Cthulu, until then.

Occasionally visited by Cynthia , he was gifted a diary by her to record his life. He primarily detailed his life frustrations and vents. Originally, Azotharant didn't learn of Cynthia's identity until his 12th birthday.

Troubled by bullies in school, he suspected his Illithid background for years before it's confirmation. He respected his fellow classmate, Eldin Sol, for his kind demeanor and helpful attitude.


Azotharant Craft is asexual, and does not engage in romantic relationships.


Educated in the public school systems of Aeris, Az is well-read and literate. He has turned his passion from his education into a writing hobby.


Employed in the Military District under Amaranth Alaric. Azotharant serves as a guard, although he primarily focuses on his role an an Envoy in the Ambassador and Envoys of Aeris.

Mental Trauma

As the result of being godspawn, Az was plagued by nightmares from his father, Cthulu. After seperating his soul from his body, he was able to avoid his father's insistent attempts at contact before his father learned he could possess his cat, Bjorn.

He is unable to stay in some churches due to feeling Cthulu's presence acutely in religious spaces.

Intellectual Characteristics

Capable of telepathic communication, Azotharant Craft possesses some Illithid traits.

Morality & Philosophy

Seeing himself in any unfortunate child he faces, Azotharant cannot bear to see children in harms way.

Personality Characteristics


Motivated by a desire for survival, Azotharant Craft is only recently discovering his deeper drives. He longs to support the Found Library, and his adoptive family, Eucaloris and Marynae.

Desiring to become something more, he has sought advancement within Aeris's Military District, and with a personal appointment to the Ambassador and Envoys of Aeris.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Eggs, reading, his family, tea, trinkets, classical music, cats, all animals

Dislikes: Child murderers, ocean, his father, water (disambiguation), Ioanna Gorska


Hobbies & Pets

Bjorn is the recently tail-less pet cat of Az. He was acquired in Toulon, and has traveled and been doted on by Az ever since. As an orange cat, Bjorn has not had his turn with the brain cell in years.


Yerrow Griswold


Towards Azotharant Craft



Azotharant Craft


Towards Yerrow Griswold


Neutral Good
Current Location
Circumstances of Birth
Created by a Pact between Cynthia and Cthulu
Parents (Adopting)
Current Residence
Found Library
He / Him
Pure black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale Green
6' 0"
165 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"My cat is my father"
"Is Amaranth... my NEPHEW?"
"Even the most meaningless people can have meaningful journeys."
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Fluent in Common, PLACEHOLDER


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