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The country that started and ended The Calamity. Where our player characters are natively from. The citizens of this nation are called Gallion    The inner city is surrounded in a wall over 20ft tall, yet many of the buildings are taller than that. The inner city was once a beautifully decorated part of town where only the wealthy and well-dressed could roam, live, and find entainment. Now, many of the older buildings have levels stacked on top with what little resources Gallison had at the time of the Calamity. Yet, these renovations are slowly being undone, as more stable houses are constructed in the outer city, and Sheila, the Industrial District Employer, has deployed a rehoming program. This program involves loan forgiveness on the haphazardly made houses; free assistance in moving for those disabled, injured, or with children; and, with Ankhthelia Mekhi's Bank's help, a no-question loan program intended to help people get into better homes and not displace more people. The outer city is slowly rebuilding after The Calamity ended in Fruashund, 37 A.C.. It mostly consists of farmland and a few barns/farmhouses scattered about, all made with fresh wood, but Krinoa and Lierin Sol are leading the charge into making new neighborhoods and getting the people into new houses.   As Gallison heals from almost 40 years of being trapped inside it's own walls, it is beginning to clean itself up. It has been easier to walk in the streets, and the streets have been cleaner. The stone streets in the southern part of town are now able to be seen once more, as before trash, dirt, and biowaste once coated it all.


Gallison, at it's core, is a mismatch of a bunch of cultures. It started off being a few small dwarven towns ruled by elves, and once it became independant, it tried to find it's roots in Dwarven culture, but the elves and humans that lived their kept their pieces of their culture. Soon enough, the three cultures embraced each other, as well as the tieflings that joined later on. Ever since The Calamity, everyone accepts that everyone else comes from somewhere different, and they try to make room for people to share their culture. This creates lively festivals and unique restaurants. The busy streets in Aeris are a rainbow of skin, hair, and clothes, none quite like another.

Public Agenda

Gallison is dedicated to righting their wrongs. They currently have a group, the Ambassador and Envoys of Aeris , that are trying to reconnect Vi, making the continent full of civilization, travel, and trade once more.


Gallison was once a cluster of towns majorly consisting of dwarves, all ruled by an Elven nation. Tired of the racism and general mistreatment, the people rebelled against the nation of Ludum. Only because Ludum's forces were still weak after the 50-year-war did the dwarves succeed in their revolution.   Queen Demora Ionis was the first ruler of the new nation of Gallison, reigning from 3120 P.R. to 3254 P.R.. She was a Queen set on equality, and played a very hands on role in making sure that laws were enforced equally. The small nation was not perfect, but people had faith in Queen Demora, and with her iron fist and warm heart, she has gone down in history as the fairest queen Gallison has ever had.   The next to rule was King Erevan Liadon (ruled 3256-3373), and mature Elven man nearing his second century. Feelings still sore from the revolution, King Erevan was not well-liked by the people. Elves are frequently characterized as stubbon, unchanging, and very opinionated. And while King Erevan was certainly opinionated, he used his keen hearing to listen. He elected a diverse council, and held regular meetings with them. Hearing the wooes of the people, he spent his next century of ruling perfecting the education system that Aeris still uses today. The curriculum remains unchanged, only colleges added on top of it, due to the people of Opus wanting a way to change their job after graduation.   The next ruler of note was King Drovsel. Many now deem him as a bad omen, and those who were adults before The Calamity struck will now say they saw it coming. He was crowned just one year before The Calamity, at only 17 years old. He was young, naive, and those who went to school with him would describe him as quiet or cold. Nothing one would espect from a good ruler. Yet, the Royal Council thought of him as promising, and when he passed the test, there was nothing else to be said.   King Drovsel did not have his usual ceremony, and only once showed his face to the public after becoming king. He ignored the cries of Extarsi, quieted all of those who spoke or wrote poorly of him, and simply welded Aeris' gates shut instead of finding a solution to the beasts. No one can describe him as anything but a tyrant, and after almost 40 years of ruling, he fell to the very people he wronged.   King Raylin has been a promising king these past few years. The have made it a point to draw back to Gallison's roots, ruling much like Queen Demora was said to. They attend all holidays, listen to the people, and has promoted equality once more, as they revealed that they were a changeling, a race hunted and experimented on during Drovsel and his predicessor's rule. Raylin currently has to walk a fine line, being compared to the worst and best ruler at the same time. The lack of food available has them being equated to Drovsel, while being friendly and inviting to criticism equates them to Demora. All eyes are on her to see where King Raylin will lead this country.

"Everyone must play their part to add up to the country's success."

Founding Date
Ralsund 5th, 3120 P.R.
Ruling Organization
Government System
Monarchy, Elective
Economic System
Market economy
Legislative Body
The crown ruler is elected then tested, if they pass the test with a 90% or higher, they are eligable to be crowned. They serve until death, in which time they see over all of Gallison. They also employ a counsil, accurately titled The Royal Counsil, who oversee all small state matters and propose solutions to problems to the crown royal. The counsil cannot go against the crown ruler, but the crown ruler can overrule a Royal Counsil's decision.
Judicial Body
When someone breaks the law, and it is a minor offense, they go to trial and are judged by the Royal Counsil. The Royal Counsil has strict laws to follow, in which they have set punishments to give the criminal if they find them guilty. If it is a major or reoccuring offense, then the person will go to trial in front of the crown ruler, where they will be at the ruler's mercy.
Notable Members
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