Sha-dandy Character in Ente Isla | World Anvil
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Sha-dandy the Great Mastiff

    The giant dog upon which the Boboddys' Tavern rides.
It's how the tavern moves from place to place

Sha-dandy was originally an incredibly smart and talented hunting mastiff that was apart of a tribe, however, was never treated well, minimally fed, kept in a cage, abused if she failed her hunts. One day while out on a hunt Sha-dandy was able to trick her captors and escape during a routine hunt. She spent days in the forest alone, eating small plants and animals to survive, hiding in bushes at night.

That was until the nomadic wanderer, Dustu Boboddy stumbled upon Sha-dandy, cold and slowly withering away after weeks of feeding herself off nature, Dustu Boboddy immediately offered her a great deal of his own food. Sha-dandy was quite intelligent, and could easily discern human languages, of which Dustu understood greatly.

Dustu and Sha-dandy became eternal friends as they journeyed through the world, going on a variety of quests in villages all around the world. One day as a quest reward from a shady vendor in town they received a ring of resizing, after spending countless nights analyzing it Dustu was able to resize the ring into a collar without changing its properties and gave it to the intellectual Sha-dandy.
Through her thoughts, Sha-dandy is able to control the exquisite abilities of the now collar, shrinking and growing at will multiple times a day.




Towards Dustu Boboddy LEGACY


Dustu Boboddy LEGACY


Towards Sha-dandy




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