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Seer of the Dawn Nemeris (a.k.a. The Quiet)

Dancing on the edge of the horizon   A sea breeze looks for love   You watch pensively,   A paintbrush in your hand   Your feet soaking in painted waters   And you,   Encapsulated by the freedom of the wind,   That you have only seen in your dreams,     you fall in love with life all over again
Sea Breeze Written by Allesha Eman

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Nemeris is a lean and thin lady. While her tail is rather strong and thus her legs are also, she has less upper body strength than the average Siren. She is rather nimble and quick footed and prefers distance in a fight instead of coming to blows.

Identifying Characteristics

A seashell tattoo on her Left hip and a trio of ravens on her right thigh when human.

Apparel & Accessories

a soft slue wrap skirt and a soft brown wrap shirt.

Specialized Equipment

an amulet around her upper arm, a mark of her devotion to Ivellios.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity





Nemeris was raised by her parents for the first 300 years of her life going to schools hand selected by her mother in and around their home gaining a basic, though incorrect in places, education of the world on land and of her people. She spent the next 43 years only on her brothers ship traveling with him learning the languages she most commonly interacted with, and the histories of people. Eventually she learned of the Old Divines and traveled to Eagle's Rest to visit the main temple housed within its walls. From there she spent 50 years before devoting herself to Ivellios and traveling to his temple. Since then she has off and on been with her brother in his ship or at the temple to Ivellios.


Currently a Bard Devote to Ivellios


  • Harming Children
  • Harming Innocents
  • Harming those with child
  • Using her song outside of hunting or self defense
  • Forcing a mating between non-compatible Sirens
  •  Using ones song to harm pod mates.

Personality Characteristics


To bring joy to the children of her now home village and help people to know the difference between Ivellios and his twin.

Likes & Dislikes

Nemeris loves the sunrise and the sea breeze. She also really enjoys swimming, flowers, being on her brothers ship.   In contrast Nemeris hates dark places, hates being unable to reach the sea, and the deep places of the earth. She also dislikes eel, wild fires, and violence.

Personality Quirks

When cleaning up Nemeris will often hum under her breath and those songs are most likely to be sea shanties.


Nemeris is usually very clean and hates having dirt and blood on her due to her skin being rather sensitive as a siren.


Family Ties

  • King Ilephae - Cousin
  • Kainalu - Older Brother

Religious Views

Nemeris is a devoted follower of Ivellios And wile she honors most of the other gods and goddesses she loathes her deities Twin brother.

Hobbies & Pets

Ebí - Sea Otter Pup


Nemeris's voice is rather soft and flowing, gentle to the ears and like the waves gently lapping on the side of the boat.

A beautiful and calm Siren who is a devote bard of Ivellios.

Character Location
Chaotic Good
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • The Quiet
  • Seer of the Dawn
Date of Birth
Year of Birth
9462 ATC 523 Years old
Current Residence
The Temple of Ivellios and The Sea Whisp
Soft violet/silver eyes
Long, Flowing, Wavy, Red hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale cream tones
6' 2" in Human Form 9' 8" long in Sea Form
Quotes & Catchphrases
  • Do not speak the traitors name to me. Ivellios is not his brother.
  • Ivellios?? He is the God of Tricksters, and of Pranks, and of Mischief. He is the Ferryman of the dead and a Good Deity. He protects his people best he can.
  • I follow Ivellios. The one you are thinking of is Feysius, Ivellios's twin.
  • No. Thats Feysius, the twin of Ivellios, who is the God of Murder.
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Srelvin, Deep Srelvin, Selkish, Common, Vathrin


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