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The Clans Of The Sea's

As your ship sails, perhaps to visit the Selkie, Ajaba, or Dragons. Perhaps just to fish or to travel and avoid the Onyx forest you may hear singing in the depths or from one of the few Islands claimed by the mysterious singers. These are the Sirens. Living is small cities on land and deep in the depths of the ocean Sirens are a reclusive species. They will happily trade with outsides and sometimes even welcome outsiders among them should they prove trust worthy but otherwise they leave you alone so long as you respect Their waters.   Currently led by their King Ilephea, known as the Sorrow of the Sea's for his long mournful songs. These folk want nothing more than peace and to be left alone to flourish under the sea.
-Aímhníon the Selkie


While they have a King most decisions are jointly made between the King and the Elder Council which is made up of the head of the main clans of the Sirens and the eldest of each clan. Below that people are divided into pods which are usually led by one siren or a mated pair.

Demography and Population

The Clan of the Sea's wander all the oceans and the seas swimming far and wide claiming small areas to live sometimes. This people is made up of all of the different types of Sirens.

Foreign Relations

The Sirens tend to keep themselves distant from the rest of the world however other than the Zerrirus elves they have good to neutral relations with other peoples. They have good and close ties with the Selkie who even help to guard one of their few claimed islands.

Agriculture & Industry

The Sirens tend to large coral reefs, kelp beds and other forging made with lava vents and the shed scales of Sirens and other special metals and rocks only found in the depths. They are also the only known source of Ice-Bay leaf and glow-stone. They also often breed and raise fish for food.

Trade & Transport

The majority of what the sirens trade are items made of coral or other sea found materials along with kelp and very rarely the often thought mythical Ice-bay leaf.


Most sirens are highly educated in the traditions of each clan.


Permanent homes tend to be sung out of stone, coral or thick shell. Otherwise temporary homes are often made out of woven sea grasses or caves found in the depths.

Always Remember the Call of the Sea's.

Founding Date
0000 ATC
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
The Sirens Kingdom
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Siren, Folk of the Sea
Head of State
Head of Government
Economic System
Mixed economy
While they prefer to trade and barter they also accept Cassar, Cannar, Kittar, and Kissar.
Major Exports
Mostly Fish, Glow-stone, Ocean material made items and rarely Ice-bay leaf.
Major Imports
The Siren folk only really trade for alchemy ingredients, wood, land found metals, animal meat besides fish and shell fish and cloth.
Legislative Body
The Elder Council and the current King and/or Queen work together to make all the laws for the different clans.
Judicial Body
The Elder Council hold all trials and other such aspects of the Judicial review.
Related Ranks & Titles
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