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Sirens had long been a myth of those who lived by the sea. Beautiful Men and Women with tails instead of legs who would sing songs so beautiful it would cause men to crash their ships into rocks simply to follow the sound. Due to this when The Collision happened and the Sirens were discovered, the race of Man was Highly worried about what would become of their people. Many Sirens wish nothing more than to help, guide and teach but in some of them that dwell in the dark and deep places sing of death.
  Somewhere along the way Sirens began magically changing, taking on different species of fish to better suit their chosen homes. The Cold clan Sirens tend to be much more defensive and aloof though they are slow to anger. These Sirens tend to have more muted colors and more compact fins. These are your Salmon and Cod type Siren.

Basic Information


Sirens have a human upper body and the tail of a fish in the place of legs. These beings can shift to form legs if needed but they always carry a few scales over, For Females its often on their hips and/or thighs while on the males its on the collar bones and/or cheeks and/or pecks. Gills typically rest on the neck though rarely they may rest on the ribs. Depending on species the shape and color of the tail may vary though the colors are typically more dull and better for camouflage against stone. Some may have markings that glow in the dark to aid sight.

Genetics and Reproduction

Cold Sirens carry live young and mate for life often going mad with grief if their partner dies or is lost to them. Extremely rarely will a Siren take on another mate should the first die before them. Sirens will have an innate feeling of whether or not a being may be the right match for them at which point they will begin to spend time to try and see if they are compatible often showing off knowledge on how to forage or the best places to hide. They will often do more traditional dates and take their time to make sure the match if perfect. This process may take anywhere between two to ten years, and sometimes even beyond that. Should both parties then decide to mate they will often spend three days and nights singing and harmonizing with each other before formalizing and finalizing their mate bond. The bonding often takes place in the late winter to early spring when the magic feels right and allows for it. Should the pair have children it is often only one per-pregnancy though some of the older lineages, often thought to go back to royalty or the gods themselves, may have up to five "Guppies" per-pregnancy.

Growth Rate & Stages

These Sirens are a very long lived race often living anywhere between 4,000 to 6,000 years, though some Sirens may live longer. The life stages are rather like humans just lengthened with a child being between 0 - 150 years old and teenagers being between 150 - 300. Sirens never look for a mate before 350 years of age so that each Siren may know what freedom is and so that they are fully mentally developed. Their tail shape may change between ages 120-200, though the color will only change in rare circumstances.

Ecology and Habitats

Cold Sirens tend to live in cooler waters away from shores but still in mid deapth. They tend to form small huts and "dens" in rocky areas. These Sirens tend to eat a mixture of fish, shell fish, and kelp.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

These Sirens tend to have smother and more rounded features.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

These Sirens are typically found in colder and rocky waters. Places where it is cool and easy to hide in mid depth waters. They often live in clans or pods of 20-30 and tend to also be wandering traders.

Average Intelligence

Extremely Intelligent often rivaling Men and Elves especially due to their long lives.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

These Sirens are able to see in the dark up to 50 feet in shades of grey and in dim light as though it is normal. They can breath above and below water and always know the way back to their village of birth. Sirens are always highly connected to water many able to manipulate and move it on instinct often using it to swim faster and sense near by surroundings. They have their song which they can use to lure in their prey, be it animal or "Human". They also in rare cases can use their song to control their innate magics. Cold Sirens usually have an advantage when it comes to hiding in rocky areas under water.

Civilization and Culture

Common Taboos

Forcing a mating between non-compatible Sirens.   Using ones song to harm pod mates.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

War is brewing between the Zerrirus Elves and The Sirens due to an event in the long past in regards to humans.   They often trade with Selkie and enjoy their company. They also willingly trade with the Analea elves.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Altum Cantores Frigus
Mitigata Equoris
4,000 to 6,000 years
Average Height
8 - 12 feet in length in Sea form. 6-7 feet tall in "Human" form
Average Weight
Average Physique
These sirens tend towards a little more pudgy build but are well muscled and still rather lithe
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
These Sirens tend to have duller more streamlined forms meant for speed and hiding. Each clan may take after a species of fish like Cod or Salmon.


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