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Taniacia the Blooded, Captain of the Guard

The Blooded, Captain of the Guard Taniacia (a.k.a. Tia, Cia)

I was his champion once he told me things, said all the right lines, melted me into his mold, then boldly left me blind, wounded by his lack.   I'm his dead champion, a decorated sad veteran, whose seen the elephant.   I wear a purple heart where mine once beat, so I think I'll go mercenary now, cry my way behind the scenes, try the clandestine route for serious love.
-Kleorise The Red Siren
Original by Jonny Angel , Hello poetry

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Taniacia is strongly muscled though very lean and extremely agile. He is missing a small fin on the left side near his hip.

Body Features

In his human form he is tall and graceful, being able to pass for an elf if it weren't for the rough "Scaled" patches on his cheeks and collar bones and near the v-line.   In his natural or "Sea" form he has a long powerful shark tail with silvery grey "scales" and red tipped fins.

Identifying Characteristics

Missing hip fin and a large tribal shark tattoo along his spine.

Physical quirks

Feels on coming storms in his hip due to the scar tissue from the missing fin.

Special abilities

Able to sense the change in currents with his missing fin

Apparel & Accessories

In his sea form Taniacia wears a simple red sash around his hips to keep himself modest when he shifts from sea to human. Along with very light chain-mail around his shoulders for added protection.   In his human form he wears a simple pair of tan breeches and a loose scarlet three quarter sleeve t-shirt the red sash around his hips and well worn leather boots. He also has his chain-mail for his torso and hips for when he is human and a belt to hang his sword from.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity



Gay. Very Very Gay.


Captain of the Guard

Accomplishments & Achievements

Beating the previous Captain of the Guard in armed combat becoming the current Captain of the Guard.   Defeating his other gam mates in armed combat to end up leader of his gam.

Failures & Embarrassments

Beat by father twice before beating him.   Had a minor fin torn off in a fight with another Shark-Siren.

Mental Trauma

Saw his mother get killed by a Zerrirus elf when he was 400 years old. at 450 years by a human.

Intellectual Characteristics

Hides anger behind walls until he is slighted too far

Morality & Philosophy

Taniacia believes that people should live and let live but should meet others violence with their own if it is bad enough.


Hurting children, expecting women, or innocents   Forcing a mating between non-compatible Sirens.   Using ones song to harm pod/gam mates.   Forcing heavy restrictions or rules on people thus removing their freedom

Personality Characteristics


Protecting his King, His gam, and Kainalu. Trying to prove himself to Kainalu and to his King so that he may potentially court Kainalu.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Fighting, Brawls, and cards are things he's good at however he's awful at understanding social cues when it comes to romance.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes Sword Smithing, Fish, weaponry, and meeting sirens, selkie and Analae.   Dislikes Eels, Zerrirus elves and In-fighting

Virtues & Personality perks

Loves his gam freely and is very protective and kind to those in his care.

Vices & Personality flaws

Can over indulge in drink, is overly defensive of Family and can be self sacrificing to a dangerous extent.

Personality Quirks

Will fake being Deaf or mute at times when dealing with diplomats from other clans and/or species to make him more useful to his King.


Well Groomed and clean unless just out of a fight or battle.


Social Aptitude

Extroverted though he is down to earth, aloof and always down plays his roles. Incredibly dense in romantic situations and otherwise very charismatic unless he has been truely pissed off.


He has a tendency to pace and fiddle with his daggers or swords when talking or thinking.

Hobbies & Pets

Taniacia's Giant Shark

Large beast, lawful neutral
Armor Class 13
Hit Points 186 (4d12 per level)
Speed Swim: 50ft

23 +6
11 0
21 +5
15 +2
10 0
5 -3

Skills +3
Senses blindsight 60 ft., passive Perception 13
Languages Understands common, Selkish, Sirens Tounge but can't speak it
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)

Blood Frenzy. The shark has advantage on melee attack rolls against any creature that doesn't have all its hit points.
Water Breathing. The shark can breathe only underwater.


Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 22 3d10+6 piercing damage.


a giant shark that is 20 feet long looking like an over grown Tiger shark that is rather like an overgrown puppy towards Teniacia and those his master considers family otherwise acting like a well trained guard dog.

  Learning Sword Smithing and whittling

Wealth & Financial state

He has a good chunk of savings and no dependencies. He also has a small home in the capital near the Palace. He is the Captain of the Guard and thus part of the military. He also has a large number of custom swords that he has either been gifted or commissioned.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Blooded   Captain of the Guard
Year of Birth
9285 ATC 700 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Only child of his mother the matriarc of his gam.
Quotes & Catchphrases
My blade, my promise.   Don't cross me.   They won't survive.   Revel! You are alive!
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Elvish, Siren, Selkish


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