Dark Wonderland

Dark Wonderland is casino-club-bar hybrid set in Helholtt, known for the scantily clad bunny girls (or guys) for waiters and being possibly the largest casino on Terrandt, and perhaps Eon itself. Owned by Ursula, it's flashing, large lights an loud atmosphere makes it enticing for any visitor to the capital of Bella, Abilon, want to join in on the gambling fun and be entertained by shows and great food. Salvation works here part time when he isn't busy with bounty hunting.   The casino overall has an extremely dark history that it's now trying to combat by rebranding and offering many lavishly wealthy things to new players and old players alike.

Purpose / Function

As mentioned, Wonderland is not only a casino, but also is a club, mixed with a bar, and has a hotel system where guests can stay the night, complete with a tab where they can put services and goodies to.   The first part of the building is the large casino area, complete with machines set up with games for patrons to gamble on, or tables where employees working act as the dealer. This area of the casino spans a large part of the building, with there even being two additional floors dedicated to the gambling. While there are some familiar games like dominoes, spades, craps and roulette, there are slot machines for patrons to play at, along with additional games that are unique to Eon such as Divination Pool, and Rhythm Rebellion (which is outfitted to fit the gambling aspect of the casino.) Like typical casinos, tokens are used for the games, which can be cashed in at the end of a guest's stay or night of playing. Sometimes the casino may offer some additional goods to racking in a lot of money, and even goals are made where patrons have the opportunity to make even more if they manage to hit said goal before the night ends.   Several bars are spread throughout areas of the casino, being a little smaller than a typical one to make space for the games. However, the main bar is the one that one will find the most populated and the common area of the casino as well. This bar is far more massive than the other ones, and can seat many more people. It's situated on the first floor of the casino and off to a specific section where patrons can relax, consume their food in peace and even watch sports or TV for entertainment. Salvation is usually working the front of this bar due to his immaculate skills in creating drinks, which makes the casino all the more popular for having a celebrity tending to guests with sugary, alcoholic drinks.   The club part of the casino is for the reserved, much more wealthy patrons who are able to afford a lavish lifestyle at a comfortable cost. These members are called Deluxe Members, and have golden, sparkly cards with their number ID and member status on the card. It can also double as a debit card if they sign up for that. The club is on the fourth and fifth floor of the casino, and this is where these wealthy patrons are able to have a more quiet, reserved area to themselves where they have opportunity to earn even more silver from their gambling exploits. There's also a large bar, and even a expensive restaurant that anybody apart of the cardowner's family can dine at - the cost of the restaurant will just be charged to their tab.   The hotel of the casino is on the third floor, though it's in its own separate area complete with bouncers making sure not just anyone can sneak in there. The hotel rooms are extremely luxurious, with rooms usually being so large 4 people could comfortably rest and sleep with plenty of elbow room. The rooms always come with a king sized bed, a desk for working, a couch that can be made into a comfortable bed, and a mini fridge stocked with (non-alcoholic typically) drinks and snacks. Deluxe card members can be situated in rooms that are even more regal, and likewise they are called Deluxe rooms.   Last, but certainly not least, the casino is outfitted with a wonderful buffet that is open to the public, and is actually one of the first areas a person can enter. It's off to the left side as opposed to everything in the right, so that if people want to bring their kids in to eat, they won't be exposed to the risque outfits and sexual nature ofthe hotel. The buffet is sometimes made into All-You-Can-Eat, with specific tickets advertised on the radio for free give-aways, or offered for special prizes at other businesses. The buffet is generally based off of Magnesian food, but other cultures are displayed apart of the buffet, such as Hefunetian, Banvalian, Ororiian, and others. There is a difference between this buffet and the Deluxe buffet, that being the Deluxe may serve wagyu steak and rarer, more expensive foods like caviar while the regular buffet may stick to Jupiter crab legs and rainbow lobster.   it's important to also note that people who aren't card members are allowed access into areas, but they must pay a hefty fee to be allowed in unless they actually work there (where employees receive all the benefits deluxe members do)   Lastly, employees are dressed in "sexy bunny" apparel, complete with collars and bowties, cufflinks, a sleeveless leotard, and possibly fishnets and stockings and either heels, boots or slip ons. Although this is common dress etiquette, most of the bunnies actually go by their own theme choice - with Salvation's case, he dresses in an Alice in Wonderland theme, being Alice, and Catastrophe is his counterpart as "Dark Alice".   The men are free to dress differently but usually they're dressed the same as female for the fun of it!


The architecture is very loud and in your face, but with a smooth look that could impress anybody who goes in. The foyer area greets people with a massive arch and gorgeous statues of bunny girls throwing their arms out to invite patrons in.   The front desk is right in the middle, and behind it are the stair cases to the main offices where all of the paper work and "boring actions" happen behind the scenes to make the casino work. To the left is the corridor that leads to the large, public buffet, where access to it is granted by a temporary card specifically. The buffet is actually pretty large, and can fit hundreds of people with eat to all the booths and tables it has.   To the right of the desk is another corridor with an archway that greets people to the main casino area - looking left has people go through a path that leads to the slot machine and other machine or dealer games, while the right side is the massive bar where people can order food and drinks. The middle of the area may have smaller slot machines, with another help/information desk situated just a few ways away from the large stairs that wrap themselves up through the entire six story layout of the casino. The stairs themselves are extra in decor, with the bannister and handrailing made of a material to simulate gold, and the stairs themselves being carpeted.    Each floor has a specific theme to it, and an association with the suites - the ground floor is very neutral, as members aren't really going to be focused there.   The first  floor is red and patterned after the suite of hearts, while the second floor is blue, and patterned with the suite of diamonds. The third floor is green, patterned after the suit of club, and the fourth floor is yellow, with its theme centered around the suit of spades. The fourth and fifth floors are patterned with a black and white with gold theme, the symbol being the fleur-di-lis.   Decorations on the floors are usually stylized with the suite that they take their theme from, with the ground floor using all four suite ideas and Deluxe member areas that are on the ground floor using the fleur-di-lis. Sometimes games that will be available for playing have breakable vases that allow for people to get clues or keep souvenirs from their gaming.


Because of how people typically are in a setting that offers alcohol, walls are stood to handle beatings if done by larger or tougher species like Taurvros or Brashur. Bouncers are placed everywhere where only Deluxe members have access (and will confirm if a Standard member has temporary access by scanning their card).    Alarms are set if people who are not properly attuned to the magics are in areas where they shouldn't be, and police officers on site will arrest and charge people with trespassing - the casino itself can invoke even harsher punishments, such as suspending access to specific areas, suspending memberships,  or even outright banning patrons who have been given too many chances.


The history of the casino is pretty straight forward, but all the more scandalous and rich in excitement.   The original owner was a lonely bachelor, his name being Jakob, originating from Abilon that took a vacation to the entirety of Sur'Dahl to explore the region and try to get back his passion in life. What he found was a beautiful culture that he fell in love with, and became friends with a man who he became super close with that was Hefunetian. His name was Amir.   Jakob stayed in touch with him, but was compelled to offer a service very similar to one he purely enjoyed while he stayed in West Sur'Dahl, which set up the premise of having a club for people to relax in. This was coupled even more so with the friend staying in contact with him, to which he revealed his massive idea. The friend was on board, and helped contract some friends who would be great in helping with the architecture, layout, introduction of services, and other crucial things for the casino.   The development for it took a bitter 15 years, with the friendship straining due to the discovery that the Abilonian man had been cheating on his wife with his friend's wife. Even through the resentment that was felt, the casino was finished but opening night ended in a tragedy when the body of Jakob was discovered, alongside the wife of Amir, in a messy, blood bath. Amir was nowhere to be found, and even to this day authorities still haven't been able to catch him.   The dark start of the casino blindsided all of the excitement, which quickly morphed into horror. While the opening week was plagued with people horrified by the circumstances, this only served to make the casino even more popular with people visiting and hoping to find some more interesting information about what caused the violent spiral to one of the co-founders. There was also a rumor that Jakob's ghost still haunts the casino to this day, and that if everyone is losing money, even a small amount, he was being active that day or night.   The murder of the owner is not the only murder that happened at the hotel and for the first 10 years, Wonderland was plagued with historically violent murders and graphic suicides. Jakob's Revenge is what the corner of the hotel is called where his and his lover's body was found, and it's said that the energy was angry, but depressing, and super cold. Some priestesses even refuse to access the area, out of chills and fear.   Despite this, the casino has made a comeback and rebranded from its old Sur'Dahlian-based theme with a more contemporary, casino theme with the floors set to specific themes.   But, still, some people complain about their food being too cold, or their rooms feeling uncomfortable while they stay Some believe these are the spirits of the victims unable to rest, and causing more negative energy to persist.   Ursula became owner once the Divines had come back as a horrible accident overcame the previous owner - and since then Ursula has made it an amazing casino.


Wonderland is the biggest and hottest tourist spot for anyone coming to visit Bella in Abilon. It being apart of the city's important structuring and layout.   Many people from all around the world love to visit the casino, but even people from Bella and around Helholtt will come check out the flamboyant architecture and the delicious food being served. The gambling is the biggest part, obviously, but even just being able to step in and see the public restaurant is a treat for anyone coming to visit.   It's not uncommon for people to purchase a week stay at the hotel, and use the casino as one of the recreational activities they can do while staying in Bella. If they feel like they would like to leave, they can easily visit other areas apart of Abilon, which has a lot of activities to offer even with the snowy condition.
Founding Date
Alternative Names

Dark Wonderland (Buffet Menu - Standard Member)

  • Salt and Pepper Shrimp
  • Teriyaki Chicken
  • Fried Chicken
  • Mash potatoes
  • Steamed Broccoli
  • Steamed Cauliflower
  • Roasted parmesan potatoes
  • Corn
  • Peas and green beans
  • Jupiter Crab Legs (Sometimes AYCE)
  • Make-Your-Own-Burrito Bar
  • Chocolate Fountain
  • Strawberry roll cake
  • Various soups of the day

Dark Wonderland (Buffet Menu - Deluxe Member)

  • Caviar
  • Wagyu Steak/Wagyu Burger
  • Lobster linguini
  • Mussels with garlic toast
  • Raw Oysters/Scallops
  • Sashimi and Sushi bar
  • Creme de La Creme Pudding
  • Cheesecake