
**Salvation belongs to Opeitos

Oscar Thomas Gravemire (a.k.a. Salv)

A member of the VANGUARD, Salvation is a hybrid of Taurvros and Brashur who works to hunt Daevahs and criminals down to bring them to justice. He is a cousin to Catastrophe, though it's more distant than immediate. The two of them have a healthy rivalry that often involves making jabs at each other in jest, and it can sometimes drag on for a while before they cool it. He decided to join the VANGUARD upon hearing that Cat did so, and finally got in after a few years of submitting applications and gaining a patron, becoming a Forged for the Lightwarden Sahaquiel.   Salvation loves being dramatic, often hamming it up whenever he deals with criminals. This persona is something he learned from watching many a superhero film and show, along with melodramatic crime shows. It's an external bravado he keeps up with people he doesn't know very well in addition to those he hunts down, and it hides a very dry, sarcastic personality beneath it. This true self is often also accompanied by frustration and weariness, often related to dealing with ridiculousness on a daily basis. However, he is deeply devoted to those he cares greatly about, such as his older sister Tanya and their mother Venus.  
Besides his pride in his work, Salvation loves collecting cabinets of fighting games and has an entire arcade set up in the basement of the VANGUARD's headquarters - something he loves showing off to friends and lovers alike. He’s an avid collector of merch pertaining to sentai shows as well, and is a huge nerd over shows or documentaries pertaining to the former two. If he’s not working on stopping or preventing a tragedy, he’s usually gushing about that.

Physical Description

Body Features

Salvation is of pretty average height for both male Brashurs and Flatfoot Taurvros. His musculature is typical of a Brashur, but still on the lean side in terms of Taurvros, which can be - and typically are - extremely beefy. He has the curves that are typical of all Taur, even the men. His white hair is cut short and styled to be longer on one side.

Facial Features

Salvation has red eyes, which he gets from his father. They're very bright and full of life, shining with the ambition and justice that he holds within his soul. His horns, located on his forehead, are rather small, which is very atypical of Taur, though he thinks it makes him stand out even more and has no qualms about them.

Special abilities

Being part Brashur, Salvation is blessed with heightened endurance and strength, allowing him to go toe-to-toe with many an opponent with ease. This is bolstered even further by him also being part Taurvros, meaning he's absolutely a force to be reckoned with. In addition to his more physical traits inherited as a result of genetics, being a Forged for a Lightwarden grants him the ability to use her light magic in battle. This magic is extremely powerful and does more damage to Daevahs and other dark/chaotic creatures.

Apparel & Accessories

Salvation's wardrobe has plenty of options on both the masculine and feminine sides of the gender spectrum. Which of the two he decides to wear depends on his mood for the day, but he does tend to dress more feminine in the warmer months and more masculine in the colder months. In addition, he has snakebite piercings on his bottom lip, as well as a simple ring earring in each ear. He also has a couple of necklaces he likes to wear: a crown and a bullet.   His VANGUARD uniform is very daring in that his top features an open chest and only a single shoulder pauldron in the shape of a bull's head, as well as a pair of arm sleeves. His bottoms are a pair of dazzling white pants and black, heeled boots. The very light armoring he's chosen for himself is because his heritage grants him considerable durability as it is, and his patron's magic can be channeled to provide himself with additional protection.

Specialized Equipment

Salvation uses a triggerblade that he's named Rapture. This weapon is a blade, as its name suggests, but it is unique in that it features a trigger (again, suggested by the name) and a revolving cylinder which contains six cartridges. These cartridges can be imbued with magical energy of any kind, and Salvation chooses to channel his patron's light magic into the cartridges. These can be detonated by pulling the trigger just below the hilt of the blade. As a result, the infused cartridges explode around the blade and do additional damage while also transfering the magic to the blade and giving it the ability to harm dark/void beings even more.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Salvation was born Oscar Thomas Gravemire to Venus Argyros and Harrow Gravemire, a former member of the Ni'Avan Royal Guard and the captain of the Stalwart Brigade of Lorgar. The former, Oscar's mother, was a Brashur, while his father was a Taurvros, specifically a Taurvros from Leslave that had, several years prior, defeated Venus in a duel and claimed his victory in the form of a night of passion with her. This resulted in the birth of Oscar's older sister, Tanya. Before Venus gave birth, she fled from Ni'Avan, fearing for the safety of her unborn child and wanting her to be raised away from the country's poisonous influence.   Oscar was born when Tanya was four years old. Harrow was often away from Venus as a result of his nomadic lifestyle, but always found time to return and care for his children when possible. He would attempt to stay for as long as he could before duty called yet again. Harrow was already very old by the time he and Venus conceived Tanya, meaning that his death when Oscar turned three, while very much so sad, wasn't too surprising to Venus. Even so, she grieved for him alongside her two children, and resolved to raise them to love and honor their Taurvren legacy.   Inspired by this, as well as tales of his late father's exploits (and more than a few superhero movies and shows), Oscar strove to fight for truth and justice in the world from a young age. He would spend much of his childhood pretending to be a valiant hero, and playing Cops and Robbers with his friends (and, on occasion, his cousins Damian and Carter). He wanted nothing more than to be the pinnacle of justice, the bane of criminals and the savior of the meek.   He devoted himself to training all throughout his teenage years, training alongside his sister under their mother's tutelage. He learned much of combat this way, including both offensive and defensive tactics. He also learned how to use a multitude of weapons, and even took it upon himself to learn how to make his own, leading to the creation of his unique triggerblade.   Oscar was shocked when he learned that Damian had been accepted into the VANGUARD Organization. He wasn't expecting Damian to go that route in life, which was the direction he himself had wanted to go. Not wanting to be left behind, he soon began to submit applications to join, as well, though he would receive notices of rejection each time. This left him dejected more and more every time he was denied, and he spent a good deal of time feeling extremely frustrated by it.    Eventually, his desire to join the VANGUARD's ranks attracted the attention of a Lightwarden by the name of Sahaquiel. She offered him her powers and a guaranteed acceptance into the organization if he became her Forged and hunted down targets of her choosing - namely, Voidseeds and particularly nasty Daevahs. Seeing a chance fulfill his life's goal, Oscar leapt at it, accepting the deal without a second thought. Satisfied, Sahaquiel insisted he apply again after she left, which he did. He was stunned to hear back the next day about his acceptance, but, with delight, thanked his new patron as he prepared himself to follow his dreams to their completion.

Gender Identity

Even though Salvation is very feminine in appearance, he's very comfortable being male and referring to himself in male pronouns.


Salvation identifies as bisexual, with no real preference.


Salvation is a very well-educated individual. He excelled in all of his studies in school, and is extremely knowledgeable in regards to combat and the use of multiple weapons due to the intensive training he went through alongside his sister.


Salvation is employed by the VANGUARD Organization. He is tasked with the eradication of Daevahs, hunting dangerous criminals, assisting citizens wherever possible, and fending off deadly Voidseeds, among other things.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Attained mastery of several different kinds of weapons, and even created one of his own
  • Enlisted in the VANGUARD and quickly rose through the ranks even without his patron's help, reaching the level of second lieutenant
  • Stopped multitudes of crimes and rescued numerous people in need

Morality & Philosophy

Salv has a highest moral standing and thus always wants to help people who are in need. He hates people who take advantage of the weak, and allows for the strong will to continue to smack and knock people around. If he believes something is unjust or undeserving and will be the very first to say something about it if others won't stand up and fight against it.   His strong, knight-like morality comes from his mother, who herself was a knight and protector of the Ni'Avan royal family, tasked with dealing with many nasty criminals, Daevahs, and other supernatural suspects. She passed this philosophy on to him, and he continues to pursue it to this day.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes


  • Planned events
  • Justice and righteousness (in good heart)
  • Fighting games
  • Watching superhero, sentai, and crime media
  • Spending time with his family (mother, sister, cousins)
  • Riding motorcycles
  • Tiramisu
  • Hanging out with Catastrophe and the rest of The Spice Boys 


  • Rude people
  • Desensitized people
  • Lack of motivation
  • Lack of sympathy
  • Disorder
  • Interrupted plans
  • Crime and criminals
  • Discrimination against Taurvros

Virtues & Personality perks

  • Super caring and will be the first person to defend someone from injustice
  • Really strong willed and has a lot of determination to finish and do things right
  • Always willing to be an advocate for people in need
  • Unswayed by challenge and thinks of it as a means of growth
  • Looks out for the people closest to him, no matter what
Virtue: Kindness

Vices & Personality flaws

  • Can be extremely stubborn, to the point that it takes pulling his hair and dragging him to make him reconsider doing something
  • He’s also quick to become pretty grumpy over something, whether its a task leaving him unsatisfied or having to reconsider doing something entirely (he’s not very good with changing direction if there’s momentum already)
  • Easy to dissatisfy due to his perfectionism
  • Not very optimal to sudden change
  • Indebted to his patron
Vice: Pride


Family Ties

  • Tanya Gravemire, sister. Grand Nun for Coraxol. Lives in Magnesia.
  • Venus Argyros, mother. Former member of the Ni'Avan Royal Guard. Lives in Magnesia.
  • Catastrophe, cousin. Agent in the VANGUARD. Lives in Magnesia.
  • Carter, cousin. Head chef. Lives in Magnesia.
Current Status
Hunting Daevahs and criminals
Current Location
Date of Birth
30th of Sepzim
Circumstances of Birth
Current Residence
VANGUARD Headquarters
Platinum blonde, cut short and longer on one side
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair skinned
1.95m (6'5")
92.08kg (203bs.)
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
  • Abilonian (English)