
Shimmers, also known by scientists and scholars by Geofae, are a special kind of creature that uses a combination of Eonian magic and Faerie magic. Their existence is something of a contradiction, as Midgard and Vanaheim magic normally do not mix properly. However, due to the strong influence the Fae have had to the planet upon joining the mortal realm, it's made these creatures possible to exist.   Shimmer are classified under Sprites even with the inclusion of Fae magic.. There are many differences compared to a Sprite and a Shimmer, though. These differences are seen with how Shimmers are born and how they especially work with the magic they're given naturally - specifically that sprites are usually fully elemental while Shimmers are geological.   It's extremely common to see Shimmers as familiars for people on Eon, usually to Divine priests, or nuns/monks and Scholars. Their high density of magic composition makes them invaluable to use as assistance in the Arcana Arts. They can also help with everyday stuff, though this is mainly from very rich and magically powerful people interested in having them.

Basic Information


Shimmer are petite, huemeoid beings with very similar proportions to a Hueme or Elf. They can have a wide array of body types, but its noted that they do not have a proper skeleton. Their ears are usually very long, but there have been depictions and some that have shorter ears. They have the typical anatomy of a hueme, with two eyes, a nose, two ears, a mouth, two arms and two legs with a normal torso. Typically, the only hit the maximum height of a foot and a half, and can be as tiny as 6 inches depending on the environment of where it was raised, and the nutrients its being fed. It's possibly to make a smaller one larger by feeding it more food and energy.   The antennae that is typical for Fae shows as crystal horns that can grow to be any shape or size - some of them don't have horns at all, rather floating crystals around their head, or tiaras similar to their mother queen they come from (however this is shown to be a sign a Shimmer may grow to be a Queen as well.) Their wings are large crystals coming from their back and in a consistent pattern that matches one another. They are able to "mould" the crystals into their back to make them disappear, and they don't seem to need them to fly - it appears to be just a natural appearance associated with them.   Another very important part to a Shimmer is the gemstone that they have, the color of said gemstone, in association with their Mohz scale rating.
  • Red, Orange, Pink, Brown gemstone Shimmers have a chance of knowing fire.
  • Blue, Indigo, some Purple, and Teal gemstone Shimmers have a chance of knowing water.
  • Milky or Cloudy White, Ivory, or translucent gemstones (like Quartz), and Blue Shimmers have a chance of knowing air.
  • Green, Teal, Brown and Metallic/Ore gemstones Shimmers have a chance of knowing earth.
  • Purple or Gold gemstones/metallic Shimmers have a chance of knowing lightning.
  • Pale Blue, Cloudy White, and some Purple gemstone Shimmers have a chance of knowing ice.
  • Clear/White gemstone Shimmers are energy, and can use any element to their liking - if they have a companion, they will use the element(s) the Companion uses the most. This may even extend to slight bending/manipulation of time and space but its observed that most Shimmers have no capacity to handle those elements.
The hardness of the gemstone registered on the Mohz scale determines how powerful their magic is. A good example is a Diamond Shimmer being massively powerful in handling energy, and is moreso fitted for being a familiar with a priest that can handle such power and use it to boost their own magical strength.   There is also the rarity of the gemstone in question, but this doesn't play into their abilities or magic, rather just the rarity of seeing the Shimmer as the gemstone.
  • Common: All of the birthstones for the months
  • Uncommon: Other birthstones associated with the months
  • Rare: Specialty rocks/gems (sedimentary rocks, igneous rocks, metamorphic rocks, amber)
  • Mystical: Legendary, magical and/or fictional rocks and metals/ores
  The most rare Shimmer to ever exist is the Mythril Shimmer, and that has been in the air with the scientific community ever since their discovery. Shimmers refuse to talk about it, and some people have interpreted this one as being a Queen Shimmer, possibly even the progenitor of all existing Shimmers. All Shimmers are immortal, or at the very least live a very, very long time.

Genetics and Reproduction

Shimmers are born from Queen Shimmers who live out in gemstone caverns carved to look like a home fitted for a kingdom. These caverns are usually as big as a five bedroom house, and are lined on the walls full of gemstone eggs from which normal Shimmers grow from. As rare and fleeting as the documentation is on the reproduction of Shimmers, it may be possible for mortals to mate with them and create half-children that retain a normal, mortal size (from 5 feet tall to even 7 feet tall)   Shimmers don't have to be born from Queens, as the planet can "vent" the corrupted Eonian magic out of these gemstone caverns and create Shimmers like it would create a Sprite. But in order to make a Queen Shimmer, the conditions need to be correct for her to grow properly, and have the resources to fulfill the massive amount of energy needed to keep them their large size and care for her babies. Thus, Queens are extremely rare, and moreso rare to see in person.   The progenitor to Shimmers is Queen Mab , along with her husband Thrynhart. She's noted as having created the ancient and modern Shimmers but her existence is debated among mortals who have not really seen her or heard of her.

Ecology and Habitats

Shimmers are capable of living anywhere, but its common to see wild Shimmers living around or near caves that they were born from, as the cavern may be full of the element that they can feed on.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Shimmers do not need to consume food - indeed, they can live their life without having a single thing go through their mouths. But, if a Companion of a Shimmer would like to have an easier time bonding, it's very common for Commpanions to feed them any kind of Hueme food. This food gets absorbed into their magical gemstone make up, and gets absorbed into the matter that they make up (which defies physics and baffles scientists).   Like Sprites though, Shimmers are capable of eating pure elemental things, such as a Ruby or Carnelian eating a flaming coal, or a Blue Tourmaline consuming water. This gives them a further boost in their abilities especially, so it behooves the Companion to feed them more of their element.


Due to the Fae magic that causes Shimmers to exist, it's expected that they may take on the behaviors of Fae and exhibit them. The interesting thing about this is that in most cases, Shimmers are not as mischevious with their use in abilities. At least, not as mischevious as a normal Fae.   Some Shimmers can show behavior of mischief in pranking, or causing light humor trouble such as telling on someone, stealing food (its amusing watching them try to tout off with a giant cracker or cookie), or harassing their Companion by pulling on their ears or hair. But even with this mischief being very down low compared to Fae, people have a stigma against Shimmers that they are annoying pests that shouldn't be able to exist. Divine followers are trying to change the mindset by showing the positives Shimmers can bring by helping people, but so far its only a small, steady growth.

Additional Information


The process of gaining a Shimmer for a mortal is called The Bequeathing of Stone. Though the process is not very well known to the public, it is said a person ventures into one of the caverns of a Shimmer's home, and speak with the queen through offerings of food, material wealth or some sort of resource. The queen then allows for the person to either take one of the gemstone eggs and hatch the Shimmer or take an already born, adult Shimmer with them. It is noted that taking an already hatched Shimmer is harder, as the ritual of bonding can take up to 10 years, and isn't complete until the Shimmer gives them the name that she/he was born with.   The personality of a Shimmer is debatable to it being molded to the person's personality or them having it when they're born - but regardless, people enjoy having them as Familiars and they prove to have a lot of use, with the trouble one goes through to get one.   Special stores built for gaining a Shimmer or taking care of them are popular in large cities, and offer special elemental tablets for food to feed them, to clothes for them to wear (even though they don't need them at all, it's only for aesthetic for the Companion.)

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Shimmers are capable of existing everywhere, but the crystal deposits that have the more common ones are scattered between Helholtt, Oro, and Sur'Dahl on the Western side of Eon. The Eastern side sees more of them in Banvale, which is said to have even more diversity due to Banvale having a higher concentration of elements there.

Average Intelligence

Shimmers are as sentient as people, and are capable of speech, thinking and free will. Even if they ae mischievous and like to prank, Shimmes are born to adulthood from the right away, and don't have an age due to immortality. Some Shimmer can be very ditzy or lacking of common sense, but this is not as common as people believe it to be.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Shimmers can usually detect or see things that a normal Hueme wouldn't see before them, such as a Revenant or a powerful source of magic. Their horns and wings provide themselves as sensors for the Shimmer to feel their surroundings, and collects information as sensitive as emotions even.   There also able to sense magic that they're aligned to fairly easily - for example, a fire Ruby Shimmer will be able to tell if something is ready to explode or there will be a danger of fire.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Shimmers refuse to give their names to anybody - like the Fae they derive from, their names are important. They are born with a name automatically, which is usually very fantasy, and comes with a denotion of the type of gem they are, and their elemental control. Once the process of bonding has been completed, the Shimmer gives their name and their companion can start using it - however, only the companion and people bonded to the Shimmer will be able to hear and use the name. Anybody else will hear the name the companion gave them.   For example, Samara later acquires a Shimmer that helps her with casting healing spells faster and more potent (without killing the person.) They bond fairly quickly, and her Shimmer goes from Crystal to Momo, her real name. As such, her true name is Momo of the Moissanite Light, a special diamond-sub type of Shimmer that is in the uncommon/rare category.


It's vey clear that Shimmers are derived from Faeries and utilize the elemental magic to gain mass. What isn't clear is when they were formed, as any documentation providing insight to studies done on them were one of the many, many things lost to Ragnarok.   However, the first appearance of Shimmers and the domestication of them becoming familiars to their Companions was documented at least 600 years ago, with the first Companion being the King of Helholtt at the time. He popularized the concept as by that time, Shimmers were denounced and politicians were unsure of what to make of laws in association with them. The king then showed the amazing abilities and skill that Shimmers add to a persons life, and while studies were meticulously done, the public had a wary eye on the sudden turn to acquire them. This lessened over time, slowly but surely, and currently its common to see a Shimmer riding someone's shoulder downtown in Dross.
(Example of a possible Sapphire Shimmer, or Blue Diamond)
  • Open/Closed Species: Open
  • Habitat: Can live anywhere, has no preference even with elemental consistency
  • Diet: Elemental energy, though can consume mortal food
  • Size: Tiny
  • Notable individuals: Momo, Samara's Familiar
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Geovolansidus Fata
Derived from corruption via Faerie magic
Conservation Status
The species currently is common and bountiful, in no risk of danger.
Average Height
6 inches - 1 foot 6 inches (Queen Shimmers are typically on the taller end of the height)
Average Weight
2 lbs to 15 lbs
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Shimmers are denoted with having a very pale saturation of the gemstone that they hold. Their hair and eyes then take on the actual color of the gemstone. The sparkling effect polished gems have shines over their body naturally and becomes stronger in darker coloration on their extremities, wings and horns. Some Shimmers may have freckles across their body, and this doesn't have any consistency with any gemstone or type of Shimmer - any kind can have them.   Depending on the gemstone they're based off of, they may have large waves or lines of color, such as a Jasper Shimmer having the effect through her body.