
Lady Samara Deatheater (a.k.a. Sammie/Sam)

Samara is the Archbishop to the Divine Light religion, and is heralded as one of the most blessed figures to be apart of the religion as well. She is a half-Tessachier but due to the nature of her parents, she appears as full blooded, with the full four arms and markings.   Due to Samara's intense responsibility of leading the entirety of the religion, she spends her days at the floating city of Dellatrox, where she both works and lives at the massive temple that can be for any and all Divines and their servants. Samara specializes in assisting people with healing - physically, mentally and even emotionally. Her compassionate and empathetic personality assists her greatly and boosts her light magic due to the belief system on Eon.   While Samara is a very loving and down-to-earth woman with the most amazing healing magic in possibly High Priestess history, she has a very dark emotional side she tries to keep under wraps due to past trauma and issues of her own well being she refuses to focus on. Though she keeps this side very well managed, sometimes it peaks during her work with banishing Revenants and can be a sight to behold to many people.   Samara also has a familiar, named Zoe , princess of the Shimmers, who accompanies her with magical healing and helping people have a stronger bond to Shimmers as well.

Physical Description

Body Features

Samara has the most interesting anatomy out of the Trio Plus, with her four arms being the first thing people notice. She has all the common features of a Tessa - four arms, natural markings adorning her face, and a small stubby tail. She even has the digital pads on her fingers and toes (called "toebeans" by Calamity) like a Tessa.   However, the similarities begin to drop off seeing that she doesn't have as many markings on he body overall compared to a full blooded Tessa. Besides that, it's hard to tell Samara is even half.

Special abilities

On Eon, priests and priestesses who are able to hold their own in combat are identified as monks and nuns respectively. Samara truly lives up to her title and has insane magical skills, allowing for her healing to restore the party back to health in seconds, or do costly damage against foes. Even before Samara joined Francine's sect under her mother's following, it was discovered that she has healing abilities but because she began to hone her skills, she became a ferocious white arts user, and it only elevated further from ascending.   Samara is able to do many things with her air magic, but the most common is using it as buffs with her magic - she can create Shields, which helps negate some physical damage, Veils, which helps negate some magical damage and Mirrors, which reflects magical damage. She's also able to restore individuals in her team back to health by using her air magic to nurture them, and cast other spells like elemental negation.   Besides using air magic, because Samara is part Lightwarden, she's actually given access to energy, which is dominion of all other elements. This explains why she can use non-elemental magic or other magics with ease compared to say, Salvation or Catastrophe. She just prefers using light magic as a means of worshipping her goddess and using the abilities she blessed her with.   With Zo's help, Samara is able to accelerate and accentuate her healing abilities to a greater level, and thus have people recover from debilitating diseases or injuries like they've never had it. Zoe can also help make her offensive abilities be much stronger by channeling her energy further into Samara's attacks.

Apparel & Accessories

Samara is usually adorned in her Archbishop Robes, specifically a set of clothes made for her role, which is then blessed in a meticulous ceremony by soaking in the divination pool for fifteen minutes. The garbs are then blessed on every 6th day of the week on the cusp of Midnight, to ensure that the holy magic used is used to its full potential.   Besides wearing that, Samara is usually wearing cottagecore outfits, or something of what a modern witch would wear, with a wide brimmed hat, black pinafore/coveralls and thigh high white stockings with tall black military boots.   She never leaves the house without her bell earrings. Bells are seen as very holy objects, and its said their ringing cleanses the darkest of hearts and most impure minds.

Specialized Equipment

Samara has a special staff with a chain connector leading to a censer. This special 2-in-1 weapon combination was crafted by a Divine blacksmith who crafts holy weapons for the nuns and monks to use. Samara can actively separate the censer by dislodging the chain out of the staff, then wrapping said chains around one of her arms to hold the censer in place. This is common to see her do in battle, as she has the censer in her upper left hand and holds the staff behind her with both right arms. The censer is full of holy magic called Fransca oz Bahth (Francine's breath), which can be called out to inflict air (or non-)elemental damage, or to heal her party members. Usually she physically attacks with the censer, knowing it'll do more damage than simply attacking with just her staff.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Samara was born to Sin Eater Hendrix and his Tessachier wife Jaxmine . While Jaxmine was the high priestess for Francine, she never forced Samara to be apart of the religion and would prefer her daughter going on her own path. But due to the love that Jaxmine had for her religion, and the warmth she showed to Samara, Samara ended up going down the path of becoming a priestess and began studying tomes as early as 12 years old.   Around this time, Jaxmine got extremely sick and was bed ridden for half of the year. Unfortunately the illness being a common disease Tessas can come down, there was a chance Jaxmine wouldn't have been able to survive. While it hurt Samara to go away to do her studying, Hendrix worked endlessly to make sure his wife got the best medical care. Samara had then turned 13 and took it among herself to travel to Niflheim to find the mythical ore Mythril to imbue healing magic in it that could cure her mother.   While this journey was extremely dangerous, she was not only able to secure the ore, but also gain a new friend due to Queen Mab giving her daughter Zoe to Samara as a familiar.   Samara was able to cure her mother with Zo's help and making a healing soup from the stone. Jaxmine bounced back from the illness and in a ritual, Samara was elevated to priestess - making her one of the youngest priestesses ever. Samara quickly showed her immense talents in using her healing, specifically with battle damaged hunters or monks/nuns. She rose though the ranks quite easily, and it wasn't long before her father and mother both were watching her take on the habit of Archbishop in a celebratory ritual, being made just the same day after the death of the previous Archbishop who died of a rare disease.   Since then, Samara has had to watch over any and all priests in her sect, and takes joy in healing people and helping them.

Gender Identity

Samara is able to shapeshift due to her heritage, though she's usually shown as female. Some days she likes being more masculine and will be a feminine man.


Samara identifies as bisexual, with no preference to either gender.


  • High school education
  • 5 years in studying the healing arts, provided by her temple


As mentioned previously, Samara works at the Divinity Shrine, in the floating city of Dellatrox. Though her job generates income, donations given from followers and believers allow her to add more to the temple and make necessary updates considering the technological leaps Eon has made.   As the Archbishop, she has responsibility over any and all legally recognized followers of the religion. She can usually offer wisdom to them, even if she's younger than them, and it's said that the Gods themselves use Samara as a mouth piece.   She also excels in magic, something that most of the Divines requires for all of their high ranking followers, and she has the ability to use offensive and defensive magical tactics in battle. Her healing magic is most important, and she usually uses the divination pool and spa resources in the temple to offer a full on spa day to heal a person - full body massages, mud bathes, and cleansing their body with an invigorating sparkling water.   Not only is magic important to the religion but so is preserving any and all knowledge, magically inclined or not. Samara's temple has a massive library, and that library has a hidden passage in it that leads to an underground vault containing all literature released on Eon and preserved to its best ability. One of Samara's responsibilities with this is making sure to add literature to the vault and keeping the vault itself in pristine condition.   And finally, the biggest and most important part of the Divine Light is exorcism - the healing of the dead. Nandipha becoming the god of death made it an important part of the religion, and with that, the duty of followers is respect and reverence of the dead. Deceased people or beings that cling to the world with strong emotion that, combined with chaos syndrome, makes them drawn to harming people are then called Revenants. These ghostly abominations are sanctified in the holy arts as being horrific, and should be given guidance to move on.   Samara is skilled as an exorcism as anything else in her religion, and she's usually called out to handle spirits that refuse to move on and may be causing physical, emotional or mental damage to family members, friends, or even enemies. Her high attunement to the spiritual arts is a result of her Lightwarden and Tessachier heritage.   After the events of the first game, Samara is asked to join the VANGUARD to be one of the healers. Samara likes the premise of this, but turns it down for her priestess responsibilities having come first. She makes sure that the group can come heal without any charge, however.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • In her time of being a power in religion, has successfully exorcised over 1,000 Revenants.
  • Has secured and kept the Library of History well for her short time of being High Archbishop
  • Saved the world (pre-Disastrous Events)
  • Was recognized for a high award winning medal usually given to hunters, awarded by the president of Magnesia.

Morality & Philosophy

Samara is a devout follower of the religion she's apart of, using it as a means to cope with circumstances in her life and using her healing and ambitions to help other people around her. Though Samara is highly optimistic, something her mother helped foster with her own devoutness.   This love and passion Samara has makes her healing magic ridiculously strong, which only makes her happier that she's able to heal people and give them more reason to live and enjoy life.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes


  • Macaroni and Cheese (obsessed with it practically)
  • Giving Zoe scratches under her chin
  • Massages
  • Healing/Assisting others
  • Doing motivational speeches
  • Singing


  • Feral Revenants
  • Being away from her temple for too long
  • Arguments
  • Not using logic to resolve conflict
  • Battling

Virtues & Personality perks

  • Will always be there by someone's side, even at the cost of her own health or time.
  • Is practically a therapist, and will listen to any and all problems. If asked, she'll offer her own advice and thoughts on the matter.
  • Empathetic with people with mental illness and trauma, having gone through trauma herself and suffering with depression.
  • Virtue: Charity

Vices & Personality flaws

  • Is quick to anger and has vicious anger as well - something that will make one wonder if its the same Samara that was smiling and laughing.
  • Will wallow in her own negativity sometimes, which leads to doubts, second thoughts, and can culminate into her anger and depression.
  • Cannot stand the idea of being in enclosed spaces - her claustrophobia can cause her to have a panic attack.
  • Vice: Wrath

Personality Quirks

  • Due to being Tessa, Samara sometimes runs her fingers through her hair when she's day dreaming or lost in thought. 
  • She will also weave a little web and start knitting if she's bored or there's nothing to do.


Family Ties

  • Hendrix Deatheater - Father
  • Jaxmine Sumya Deatheater - Mother



close friend (Vital)

Towards Samara




close friend (Vital)

Towards Calamity





Towards Samara




Towards Adrian


Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lady, Lady Bishop, Archbishop, Your Brilliance
Date of Birth
14th of Febrar
Pink sceleras with white irises
Long, wavey black hair, which goes down to just the top of her calves.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tan skin, with fading to a darker pink on extremities.
6'3 or 1.91m
Quotes & Catchphrases
  • "Masc eia fion equilibria." (May you find your equilibrium) - A very common Divine saying, in meaning the person is hoping one will be at peace. Also used as a farewell statement.
Divine Light
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
  • Abilonian (English)
  • Al-Abarakian (Arabic)
  • Islaghetian
  • Vocem