
Doctor Nicole Ohoudr'vhelbh

A prestigious alchemist turned doctor, Sorbet is apart of the VANGUARD and serves to be one of the two medical professionals that tend to wounds from either the agents or from civilians that sustain damage from Daevah attacks or otherwise.   From a completely different dimension entirely, Sorbet ended up on Eon after a freak accident had ended up severing her connection with her best friend, Angel, to her. She has really no memory of what had happened, but upon realizing how hungry she was, became fascinated with the culture of the planet and started her work with becoming of service to the planet. Since then, 20 something years have passed and she's become a well known doctor that people are well aware of her crazy side.   Currently, she's in a loving relationship with her doctor partner, Kamion, and has been for a few years.

Physical Description

Body Features

Sorbet has a pretty average female body type, with being a little curvy. Her legs are slightly longer than average, having helped her with her previous adventuring, and even now with her intense battle skils she has.   The most striking feature she has is her rainbow hair, which doubles as storage where she can keep things if she doesn't have pockets. The hair itself has its own pocket dimension, which she's free to visit on her own. Another interesting thing about Sorbet is that due to her shapeshifting abilities, she can change her hair's length at will by running her fingers through it and "molding" it basically to what she wants. (This means that whenever she's drawn, she may have a completely different hair style each time!)

Special abilities

Sorbet's abilities are very peculiar, and make it very clear that she doesn't belong on Eon.   As mentioned previously, it's impossible for Sorbet to die and she's incredibly durable. Her sense of durability is that of a Brashur  on drugs, as each time she's hit or inflicted with damage, her body just ends up healing and becoming even stronger against it. This makes it handy for her to be able to fake her death, as long as she remains still and halts the healing process before bouncing back and getting an upper hand in the fight. Her hair is also an interesting bit, as she can shape it to however she wants, and use it to store items of her choosing.   For elemental capabilities, Sorbet doesn't really show any of that - while the others all have their own designated elemental use, and weakness, Sorbet doesn't have any of that, though that doesn't mean she can't use any elements. Her alchemy concoctions can allow her to create all kinds of items and mixtures that can create effective elemental damage just as useful or even better than the other agents. It does seem like she has a slight bit of psychokinesis, but nobody can verify that as she never uses it (supposedly) around people, nor does she bring it up.

Apparel & Accessories

Sorbet is usually in her VANGUARD uniform, which is cutely designed to look similar to a nurse's outfit. Her signature color is the blue that her hair fades to at the ends, with her outfit having significantly more white compared to the other agents to show that she's support and one of the medical personnel in the agency.   Her casual outfits are very raunchy with her chest out and wearing only a bikini top, and short, tight shorts with a sweater thrown over. She loves wearing thigh high socks and sneakers, and usually she pairs the two together in most, if not all, her outfits she wears.

Specialized Equipment

Sorbet can use a wide range of weapons, and will not be afraid to even use healing equipment as makeshift weapons if she's not able to reach the actual ones. A common example of this is using her syringe gun as something to stab or to inject seriously powerful poisons into something to cause adverse reactions. The syringe gun can be connected to various tubing she carries with her, which is typically filled with healing agents but with quick work, can be converted into strong, damage causing agents instead. She also has knives and scalpels that she can use in place for the gun if she cannot use it or she needs to create actual lacerations for dealing more damage. She also uses a chainsaw as her actual weapon and last resort, but this is usually when she's called out to fight Daevahs instead of healing.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Sorbet's backstory is unknown, as she refuses to go into detail about where she comes from, and what she is. The only information that's really known about her that helps somewhat is that it's impossible for her to get killed. Indeed, Sorbet has a large range of rainbow scars all over her body, from a rather thick, deep colored scar that her choker covers from the amount of beheadings she's gone through, to various limbs of hers that have been chopped off, or being stabbed or impaled on vital organs. The scars are just indications of how fast it took for her to either recover, or for the body part to heal back.   Besides her immortality and non-aging, Sorbet is truly an enigma. Any history she divulges in, she goes into rather ludicrous stories of getting high with her friend Angel, and traveling across planets, star systems and whole dimensions indulging in carnal pleasures with wanton destruction in their path. They even destroyed an entire planet together to kill an ancient lich-wizard.   Sorbet lost connection with Angel years ago from a dimensional hop gone wrong and while she has been trying to make attempts, she's sadly given up on being able to see her friend once again. She misses her dearly but Eon has proven to be a very fun planet to stay on, with interesting stories from the last 20 years giving anybody the entertainment they need on a drinking night with Sorbet.

Gender Identity

Sorbet identifies as a woman, but due to the interesting properties of her body, she can shapeshift her form to change genders.


Sorbet is bisexual, and has no preference to male or female.


While Sorbet was able to go into education on Eon, before she arrived, she had several years of experience under her belt.   Sorbet is an alchemist and knows all kinds of ways to make concoctions of all sorts to either heal or kill a person. She can identify if a plant is poisonous or if water is tainted from doing experimentations or just simply by observation. Her alchemic knowledge has come in handy from making things like tonics that can help with hair growth, to creating deadly venom that could paralyze a grown adult in just 30 seconds. She's also very knowledgeable on drugs and their properties, her favorite experimentations off work being combining them to see the effects... and testing them on herself.   Once she arrived to Eon, she went to Ironfalls Academy and graduated with flying colors. Being interested in doctor work due to the close relationship of alchemy with Eon's magical system, she fell in love with the idea of caring for patients and still being able to do the fun things she always did when she was adventuring with her closest friend. Her work was recognized by the VANGUARD and she was instantly scouted as being a medical professional apart of the organization to assist with battle damage and creating support on the battlefield.


Sorbet's work as a doctor for the VANGUARD is shown by the ways of which she works. Previously, she worked as a float doctor that drifted between clinics and allowed for patients to see her if their primary provide rwas not available, or for acute symptoms that just couldn't wait. It was work she was fine with, and while she loved it, she felt like she needed something else to fill in that spot that her disappearance caused.   The VANGUARD scouting her out was one of the most exciting things she's dealt with with the hundreds of years she's (possibly) been alive. Having worked with the group for over 10 years ontop of the clinical training/work she's had, Sorbet is well versed in handling any kind of wound care, or taking care of nasty status effects that enemies can inflict onto the agents. Her alchemic abilities can allow her to mix her tonics together and make quick work on any kind of negative symptom or issue anybody is having. This made it all the more easier for her to be promoted to head doctor of the VANGUARD, to where the headquarters has its own doctor's office and clinic built in to allow people to be seen even if it isn't an emergency.

Morality & Philosophy

While Sorbet does come off as a chill person with a party affinity (and enjoying getting high), she has a very nihilistic streak to her. Sorbet doesn't have prior memories of her conception and where she comes from, but she's always had this horrible feeling of not being able to really "feel" things - which is why she turns to getting high or causing destruction if she isn't healing and helping people. This kind of destructive thought has caused a lot of issues across the multiverse, and due to her best friend previously enabling it, it only added fuel to the crippling nihilistic feeling.   Currently Sorbet is feeling much better now that she's in a relationship with someone and isn't super destructive, but her tendency to snap sometimes and threaten people over even small issues reflect off of her previous attitude. It can be jarring for someone seeing Sorbet as such a fun jokester, only for her face to darken and turn serious just from hearing something rather triggering for her.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes


  • Getting high by potions/drugs
  • Creating concoctions by alchemy work
  • Taking care of babies in the medical field
  • Being around Kamion 
  • Experimenting on herself for effects based on potions or mixtures
  • Adventuring
  • Writing letters to Angel (but never sends them)


  • Extremely cheerful people
  • Not being able to see Kamion for a while
  • Not being able to do drugs
  • Being denied to do medical care for a patient
  • Egotistical people

Virtues & Personality perks

  • Gets along really well with kids and babies and loves helping them get medical care.
  • Will never deny a patient, even if she's exhausted and running off of only a few hours of sleep.
  • WIll drop everything to be there for anybody, for anything.
  • Loves to spoil her friends and loved ones with food, as she thinks it's a great show of affection.
  • Super intelligent and can figure out the properties something is made out of with quickness.
  • Can think outside of the box rapidly and come up with a solution quick.
Virtue: Humility

Vices & Personality flaws

  • Will sometimes be so strung out on potions that she's completely incapable of having a conversation.
  • Has a burning nihilism that can be deeply depressing for individuals.
  • Will sometimes snap at people, usually if it's something they've said or done.
  • Described as "crazy" by a lot of people, and having a "mad scientist" vibe.
  • Can be difficult to get along with due to her eccentricities.
Vice: Gluttony


Hobbies & Pets

Besides dabbling in medical care and alchemy, Sorbet loves to skateboard in her spare time and will most likely be out doing tricks in one of the large parks Dross has to offer. Skate boarding has always been something she's had fun doing, even long before she met Angel. Being able to modify her skateboard is also really fun, and she'll sometimes tinker with it off work when she has the chance.   She also loves playing on the guitar and will strum away int he main lobby on her breaks when she has nothing to do or has no interest in doing alchemy work for that time being. Some patrons will have the pleasure to listen to her strumming and Cat playing the piano while they await an agent to assist them with a Daevah issue or taking down sightings of criminals they may have seen.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Doctor is one of the most common titles Sorbet is called, sometimes even being called Dr. Bright by the kids who come see her.
Pitch black, with star pupils
Rainbow, fading from pink, to yellow, to green, to blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5'10 (1.778m)