
Brashur are huemeoid, sometimes golem-like creations that can either be created using an ancient spell or birthed/sired by another Brashur. On Eon, some Brashur live in a country devoted to them called Ni'Avan. Brashurs are very well known for having a flanging voice - that is, their voices sound like they have a constant echo. They also are known for their piercing white pupils (which can be any shape), sometimes nicknamed Sun Windows.   Originally, Brashur were made by Opeitos to be proectors for Eon for all other species, made with the proper endurance to go head to head with a Voidseed. Its speculated that Ancient Brashur were extremely resilient, to the point that only the Divines could actually kill them, but over time their breeding with other species "weakened" the resilience. Despite this, Brashur are still nigh indestructible and are terrifying to fight. Because of Ope's hand in creating the Brashur, a lot of them think of him as the Allfather, and many worship him by leaving offerings.

Basic Information


Brashur are very humeoid in appearance - they all look like huemes. Historians speculate Brashur look closer to huemes to look less threatening and blending in with society better, as well as making people feel more comfortable being around them.
Despite having full anatomical likeness to huemes, Brashurs have no skeletons. Instead, their bodies are very dense, and the spacial magic that Brashurs have keeps their bodies from collasping in on one another. They do not have organs like Huemes, but interestingly can spill star dust, which takes on a red-like color like blood. As the name suggests, their blood sparkles when spilled, and takes on a far deeper red color than hueme blood.
Brashur commonly have white, blonde, brown or black hair, but other colors recognized are pink, blue, white, green, red, brown and green, ordered common to most rare after the aforementioned ones.
All Brashur have shaped (star, square, triangle, etc), white pupils, with a multitude of eye colors. The most common pupil shape for a Brashur to have is rounded squares. They also can have any body shape, however it's common for women to be muscular or curvy, and men to be pretty muscular.
Though its not common due to their insanely strong properties, Brashurs can have scars that will not heal due to intense damage they sustained. Usually, this is from a powerful magic attack that was near fatal to them.

Biological Traits

Brashurs are not inherently immortal. While it's difficult to kill them, the spacial magic running through their bodies will run out and they will begin to show signs of aging. Brashur can live for a very long time though, with some of them living well into 600-700 years old in some cases. A Brashur being 98 years old for example, is the equivalent of a 20-25 year old adult, but the age laws of where that Brashur is still applies to them (for example, adult age is 18 years old in Magnesia - Jacksonis was classified as an adult when he became 18.)
The average height of the species can very much be from 6'6 to 7'2 - making them much taller than other species on Eon. The mass of Brashur is usually a larger number due to being dense - some Brashur can weigh up to 400 lbs, whether they are male or female. Smaller Brahsur are designated as anything 6'3 and under, and some of them may look down upont heir members not being as well.

Genetics and Reproduction

Brashurs are the one species that has two specific ways of being created, unlike other species on Eon that requires sexual reproduction. They also have titles to them from it as well - a female who gives birth to Brashurs are called Brashur Mothers while males who make Brashur children with others are Brashur Sires.
The first way, which is very ancient and rarely is it used nowadays, is a specific ritual which calls for using Cloudstone . The person then has to have access to an extremely cold, body of water, which may be found in Helholtt, Skaalsborg or Ni'Avan.
After painstakingly carving an appearance in mind, with an enchantment that may be placed somewhere in a book or some sort of reference with other details they may have, the sculpture of cloustone is forced into the cold body of water and is to sink at the bottom with the creator in question chanting a special hymn while deriving from the ice magic around them. Due to the properties ice magic has being in close relation to the space art through reality magic from Coraxol, the cloudstone is brought to life. Signs of the spell working is usually strong snowfall occurring in the area, the body of water bubbling and glowing, to even a small earthquake in that specific area.
Usually the Brashur will come crawling out of the lake, naked, and fully knowing the task its existence is needed for. The creator can then take them home and clothe them, where they're able to use the Brashur for whatever purpose.
This version of creating them was very common in the ancient years of worshipping the Divines at their maximum influence.
The second way is the most common way of creating new life - sexual intercourse. Opeitos allowed it that Brashur can have normal breeding, with no stipulation with it as well. 
After a Brashur is successful in creating a child to enter the gestation period, the child only takes six months to fully form before being birthed. Interestingly enough, Brashur born or sired children will always come out Brashur - the child will always take on the high resistance, high regenerative properties and the physical appearance of the Brashur parent.
For example, if a white haired, purple eyed Brashur sire impregnated a Hueme woman, the children will come out with his white hair, and purple eyes - though the skin tone and body build is depedent of the other parent. This always occurs, without fail, with the Brashur parent, though some outliers have been seen with the kids taking on some of the other parent's appearances more.
Even if the child is only half-Brashur, they will gain the full genetics of a Brashur and be one like their parent. This does not afflict the species they may be half of - and they may still even show parts of the other parent's species (for example, having horns of a Taurvros, or having a gem on their chest if part Goblin or Bilgefohr.)
However, if two Brashurs have children, it follows the basic Punnett square that a normal child would have.
Brashur children go through a period between 2-5 years old where they begin to get very prideful about their abilities. Parents are supposed to pull them away from having those thoughts and have them experience humility - but Ni'Avan Brashurs have their children embrace this ideology, which is why a lot of thema re very prideful, boastful and even arrogant over other species on Eon.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Brashur don't require food - they can go their entire life without needing to eat any nutrients or vitamins, as the space magic naturally in their bodies fuel them enough. This doesn't stop Brashur from still enjoying food, however. Many of them still indulge in meals to feel normal - in fact, it's pretty common place for Brashur to have feasts, especially the ones out of Ni'Avan.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Though Brashur are everywhere, it's very common to find them in the Northenmost State of  Helholtt , Skaalsborg , and especially Ni'Avan .
Ni'Avan is recognized as being the main country that Brashurs have established as their own. Most, if not all, inhabitants of Ni'Avan are pureblooded Brashur and take pride in being directly descended from Ni'Avan. These Brashur are extremely infamous for being pretentious, haughty and judgemental to other species - sometimes in some cases, very racist as well.
Brashur that do not come from Ni'Avan, or at least were raised somewhere else, are looked at as more positive and socially acceptable. They're used to other species and know not to be too rough with other children, or being able to have a proper conversation as an adult. Brashur can take on the culture of any environment that they're raised in, and even if they come from a humble home, it's common for the children to take in pride from their race or nation that they come from. 
Brashur can live pretty much any where where huemes can live, and can tolerate extreme temperatures.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

What famously makes a Brashur is their obscene amount of resistance and durability to damage, ontop of taking the damage in and their physiology making them even more resistant to the same damage done.
For example, a killing blow to the back of a head for a Hueme would only leave a Brashur dazed, and not only would the person have an angry tank after them, but the same attack wouldn't do nearly a fraction of the damage as it did before.This physiology alone makes Brashur useful in anything rated to combat, and for not having to worry about them healing. Their regenerative abilities are outstanding as well, with Brashur being able to heal back from a deep cut in mere seconds or minutes depending on the amount of damage. 
However, with enough force or power to overwhelm this trait, this can fully kill one. This usually takes quite a bit of power, such as casting summa twice in session to fully kill one, and having a high enough aether potency.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Brashurs typically have Ni'Avanian based last names - for example Jackson 's full last name is Demosthenes. His full, Ni'Avan name is Jackson Demosthenes the First. Jackson's father, Plato, is from Ni'Avan and decided to keep the tradition with his son as he had with his previous children, despite Jackson being born in Magnesia. 
Brashur names are usually of the earth equivalent to Greek, Roman or German, depending on where the Brashur originated from in parts of Ni'Avan, or the territories that Ni'Avan has claimed as well.
Some Brashur who decide to rebel against the idea of a last name drop their last names in favor of having titles, which can be recognized legally. This comes from the common and popular choice of Brashurs wanting to have a more trendy name.
Because of this, its very common for Brashurs to drop the last name altogether or retain it and have a legal title associated with them - Jackson is one who has both, His title is officially recognized as Jackson the Slick, from his penchant of having being good at haggling for prices at Anael's shop, and being a really good salesman.
Depending on which Brashur is being talked to, both naming conventions are fine and recognized by either one, or only the Ni'Avanian name is recognized.

Major Organizations

    The Mendius Kingdom, recognized as the capital of Ni'Avan. Currently it is ruled by King Thoriin, and his bratty daughter Vanessa.

Beauty Ideals

Ni'Avanians believe beauty lies in the strength of the individual - not just through brute force, but strength in mental, physical and emotional fortitude. Many Ni'Avanians will refuse another if the Brashur in question doesn't have that strength in either of the categories.   Brashurs as a whole believe strong musculature is a sign of immense beauty, in both female and males. Being courteous and knowing when to hold one's tongue is seen as very attractive, unless something or someone is being unfair or very quaint about a situation. Being able to call someone out on their bluff, or their weakness is something Brashurs hold close to their own culture, even ones born outside of Ni'Avan. While some other species view this as very rude, and impartial to other's, Brashurs find pride in being "honest" and never straying from their own path.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

  • Abilonian (From Helholtt)
  • Knossesan (From Ni'Avan)
  • Hiberish (From Hiberia
  • Nimescian (From Nimescia )

Common Dress Code

Ni'Avanian Brashurs are always shown wearing some sort of armour on their body - this is to prove their own strength or resolution in simply existing, and being prepared to always fight for that existence as well. Men and women both look very noble, wearing frilled shirts, armoured boots or heels, long dresses with the most expensive and silkiest linens, or shiniest precious metals and snow diamonds. Their dressing is very extra and is based entirely on their wealth and the family that they come from.   However, Brashurs born elsewhere or moving away from Ni'Avan usually dress to the culture that they are living amongst. This can be very casual, southwestern dressing in Sur'Dahl, to the jackets and shorts of Magnesia. They're known for being very flexible in their dress and the only reason one can tell them from a Hueme is their flanging voice and white pupils.


Brashurs derive directly from Opeitos. The history of the species has been unfortunately lost to some history, with only historians from Ni'Avan having any extensive knowledge of the formation of them. Other historians can only piece together the bits and pieces of what they know of Brashur based entirely on the surrounding countries, such as Hiberia in Helholtt.   What they do know, however, is that they have a deep connection with Ope, and thus look at him as their Allfather, as mentioned previously. Many Brashur have worship set up in their homes and love to participate in Noelle's Light - even Ni'Avan does. Many of the specifics with Brashurs and their origins come from being up north, with the oldest civilizations of pureblooded Brahsur dating back thousands and thousands of years, and starting from the very most center of Skaalsborg and small parts of Helholtt  before spanning out across the entirety of the continent and even going into the other nations. A key note is that Brashurs that have spread themselves further south, going as far south to even Sur'Dahl. Some Ni'Avan Brashurs find this to be insulting to the great Allfather and believe that all Brashurs should be worshipping him, as without Ope's guidance and creation, they wouldn't exist.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Depending on where the Brashur comes from, the ideals that they hold between interspecies relation massively differs.
If the Brashur is from Ni'Avan, they will most likely look down onto interspecies relationships, and be utterly disgusted with the individuals involved. Ni'Avanians take immense pride in being pureblooded, and seeing it be "diluted" with other blood fills them with distaste - sometimes maybe even rage. Though they are willing to hold their tongue, and limbs, back from doing harm to the individuals, they will not treat them with kindness, especially if they are in their home.
However, other Brashur that may be from Magnesia, Sur'Dahl, other countries... They are very kind and open minded. In fact, it's very common for other Brashur to end up with a species outside of their own due to their tendency to have very conflicting ideals with relationships, goals, children, marriage, etc. Half-Brashurs are common to come out of these type of relationships.
Eurydice, a Brashur hailing from Ni'Avan and one of the Second Lieutenants of The VANGUARD.
Scientific Name
Homo Basilicus
Many, can live for millennium.
Average Height
Men: 2.08 - 2.41 (6'10 - 7'11) Women: 1.96 - 2.20 (6'6 - 7'4)
Average Weight
158.76 - 204 kg (350 - 450 lbs)
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