Taurvros (TAUR-vrohs)

Taurvros are large, bipedal creatures, with cattle properties. They originate from Leslave and are rumored to be the patron, and child-species from the goddess Coraxol and Taurus, a Minotaur Voidseed who Coraxol fell in love with. Taurus is also currently king of Leslave.
Though the Taurvros are depicted with cattle heads, horns, fur all over, tails and hooves, this is only one side of them, as there are two types of the species. The aformentioned details are the descriptors for the Hooved Taurvros, which essentially take on the appearance of Minotaurs. The second race of Taurvros are hueme-like, with horns, and sometimes having accompanied ears and tails, and even rarer hooves. These ones are called Flatfoots, and they can be made in various ways unlike a Hooved Taurvros.   Despite the species being very docile and not wanting any trouble, unfortunately some people stereotype them as aggressive beasts that steal and violently beat people to death. Daevahs are even scared of them, preferring to stay their distance from them. Taurvros are the only other species that can probably go to head to head with a Brashur and actually destroy one, which adds even more stigma to their already bad reputation. However, Taurvros are still prized in society and have made a name for themselves.

Basic Information


Hooved Taurvros heads are fully cattle shaped, with thick horns, usually milk-ivory white to a deep, lush obsidian. Their builds are very sturdy - both genders are pretty muscular and have a thick skeletal system that can endure a lot of beating. Their thick bodies are usually coated with a layer of fur, which under that, is leather-like, thick skin. Though some race variants do have shaggier hair or very thin hair. Some hooved may have 3 fingers while others have the full 5 - this is speculated that they may have Centaur in their ancestry. Whatever numbers of fingers they have, their hands are very large and are fully capable of wrapping around a hueme's waist, even if the Taurvros is on the smaller side. Their nails are also naturally black. They then have long tails covered in fur, with longer fur at the tip of it and it being a deeper color of their fur. Lastly, they have thick, powerful legs ending in hooves.   Flatfoot Taurvros are far different, due to their circumstances of their birth. But they all follow the norm: they are hueme looking for the most part, sans their horns, and possibly having cattle ears, and tails. Though some of them may have hooves, this is more on the rarer side of the genes becoming more dominant and giving them more of a beastial look. But more Flatfoots have standard hueme legs and feet, hence their names. Like their Hooved counterparts, their skeletal and muscular system are far denser, with both genders being very muscular and well adapted for rigorous activity. Flatfoots also tend to hirsute, having more hair on their body than a hueme - men may grow patches of arm hair, leg hair and lots of pubic hair, and this can extend to women as well.   Both races of Taurvros can produce pretty curvy men and women - the former especially is looked at as eye candy.   Some Taurvros that are a percentage can actually look almost full blooded, and this is primarily from strong genes - Catastrophe is a primary example of this, as he's 1/4 Taurvros but quite literally looks like his father in having the full horns, ears and tail, and often gets mistakened for being full blooded Taur for it.

Biological Traits

Taurvros females and males are known for their large assets, and lusted after quite often if the other species isn’t terrified of them first. Their heights are massive, with men towering over other species easily at a max of 9-10 feet, while the women can just be above 9 feet themselves. Their weights are usually heavy, close to half of a ton, though this can very for Flatfoots as they take on their more hueme shape.
Women have wide, strong hips, and heightened fertility, making it quite easy to impregnate one. Though they aren't as muscular as their male counterparts, their arms and legs are large enough to make a person think twice with causing trouble around them. Their tails are usually longer, and their horns shorter. Their fur may also be more long and described as having a "feminine appeal".
Men can go into rut twice a year, and may have multiple sexual partners or wives/husbands, though this may be more common on Leslave rather than in other territories. The men are massive, having large horns used for goring or fighting, and their tails tend to be very short compared to females. Their hooves are also thicker and larger, as well as their hands.
Their lifespan is about 200 years, though some have been recognized to be even longer. 
One famous Taurvros lived for over 800 years. She had been identified as the progenitor of the Flatfoots, which weren't really known as a race until much later, had extremely long, black hair and a fondness for gold.

Genetics and Reproduction

Taurvros sexually reproduce through the normal means, via a female and male having sexual intercourse. Taurvros can breed with any other race unless the race itself doesn't allow for it. A Taur breeding with another Taur will end up with the same sub-race. However, if a Taur breeds outside of their race, the child will have a blend of their parents attributes.   An exception of this is Hueme and Taurs creating Flatfoots, no matter the circumstance. Usually the pregnancy on the non-Taur mother is very difficult and it makes it really difficult for her to carry more children after having the hybrid.   Taurvros women having children have a gestation period of 11 months, and get much bigger even than before. Most Taurs end up having 2 children at a time, though there have been circumstances of having either only 1 more multiple in a bunch. Mothers and fathers display aggression over their children and protect them as best as they can, until they're able to fight.   The children born out of Taurvros, whether full bred or a hybrid, are super chubby and chunky, and usually have super wild hair, usually in the form of massive curls or an afro. As they get older, their hair can either straighten out, straighten out into more uniformed curls or stay as an afro.

Growth Rate & Stages

Taurvros are the only species on Eon that actually has 2 puberties - the first stage of puberty takes place between the ages of 20-35 for full bloodied Hooved Taurvros, while Flatfoots has it during the period of 12-16 years old. This is standard puberty that one could see in a hueme or huemeoid race - growing taller, voices deepening, maturing bodies, and increase in hormones.   However, most Taurvros go through a second puberty, which causes their hormones to kick up again. This is seen as the "true" puberty, with their heights growing up to their actual height they should be, musculature being much thicker, and voices plunging to a very deep baritone, even for the women in some cases. Studies are being done as to why Taurvros go through this but its hypothesized that, as they used to be prey animals, this was a evolution that just hasn't stopped.

Ecology and Habitats

Originally from Leslave , Taurvros, specifically the hoofed ones, are looked upon for protection from many hostile species that live deep in the forests or plains, and are also feared for being so dominant. Some are scattered throughout the country and live in their own tribes, with leaders selected to make important decisions among the group and throughout the tribe. However, ones that choose not to live in tribes can go to the large city that's situated in Leslave, The Grunlaux Kingdom. The Kingdom is run by a Taur king as its monarchy, complete with a parliament with the other races.    Taurvros that hold no interest in staying on Leslave usually take boats across the massive oceans and land either in Danzor or the countries of Sur'Dahl. Many of them have made their marks in those territories, with some even staying and marrying into interspecies relationships. Examples of their work are doing bounty work, bouncer/protection work, and heavily involved labour or construction. Some Taurvros are even used for being soldiers in the front line to protect others from heavy magic damage.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Though Taur are able to consume anything (even meat), its common for them to eat vegetables and fruit, with a heavy emphasis on fish for their protein. It's knowledge to some of them - and even other species - that Sur'Dahlians had taken some of their recipes and foods that they brought over from their voyage to the countries to live there.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Though Taurvros come from Leslave (along with "pure" Flatfoots), they're scattered very much so throughout Terrandt. Its noted that there aren't many on Easia besides Leslave, and its thought that the opportunities for work and social status seems to be better for them on Terrandt.   Some Taurvros that have moved permanently to Terrandt have even caused for different races to pop up - for example, some that live in Helholtt may be called Highlander Taurvros, whether they are Hooved or Flatfoots.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Unfortunately, Taurvros tend to have the worst eyesight of all the races on Eon. Though they're able to see around them for a massive degree, their vision can be quite blurry - and if it passes down to a descendant, this could atually lead to dyslexia for them. However, they make up this eyesight for their amazing sense of smell. They can smell something from up to a mile away and can track the scent for a very long time. This could be another Taur of their species or race, or just anything with even the most slight scent - if they catch a hold of it and have interest, that scent can remain for a while in their senses.   Their fur is also very dense, and because of how tough their skin is, they tend to be very resistant against magic, even if they're weak to it. Their natural defense is very strong and it even takes a dense, thick sword or blade to cut through their defenses. Their strength is also ridiculously high, which can make them just as ridiculously dangerous. The only set back that a Taur may have is not being as fast or agile - but that doesn't seem to matter from a very tank like race.   If Taurvros do inherit the ability to properly use magic, then they'll most likely have reality magic due to being descendants of Coraxol. This means they can inherit the ability to teleport, create schisms (holes in space that can allow for travel), or bend gravity.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Their names are of typical fantasy names like “Starla Hornfoot” or “Gregor Swiftsong”, due to being translated directly from Vocem to Abilonian. Its typical for Flatfoots that are made from interspecies breeding to not have these names (Such as Catastrophe having a fairly Sur'Dahlian, hueme name because of his parents.)

Beauty Ideals

Piercings, tattoos and body paints are thought to be highly exotic and sexually attractive due to it being fairly expensive to get the two former. The latter is more of seen in tribal or clan-based Taurvros, but regardless is seen as a significant social status thats quite higher up. Thus, its common to see matured Taurvros men to have a lot of lip and nose piercings. Tattoos are usually very tribal shapes or simple geometrical patterns that are associated with whichever tribe/clan that the individual comes from.   Being especially physically strong is very attractive, and heavily sought after due to passing those genes down to their children.

Courtship Ideals

Taurvros are extremely loving creatures and usually mate for life. If they are feeling very serious with their companion they've met, then they may go through the ritual of engagement to marriage.   Its very common for Taurvros to get a septum piercing with their wedding ring to show that they are married, and its seen as taboo for single Taur to pierce their noses in that way. If their significant other dies before them, then they may remove the septum - but this is usually not the case, as its common for them to still be in love with the person and to hold the honor of their marriage, wear the piercing until they themselves pass away.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Taur can inherit any language from where they live - though its common for ones that are from Leslave to know Vocem.

Common Dress Code

The Taurvros dress in many ways, with the Hooved preferring the traditional garbs of wearing sashes and tabards. Men and women can both wear flowing skirts for comfot and ease, or loin clothes. Men tend to not cover up their chest, and women in some cases do not but this is observed mostly on Leslave. Though not all Hooved Taur wear this kind of fashion, they can adjust perfectly to the fashion where they may live.   Flatfoots don't have a specific fashion unlike their Hooved counterparts, only adjusting to wherever they may live and whatever the culture may as for. For example, they may cover their heads with a headscarf in Sur'Dahl, regardless if they're from the east or the west.   Taurvros also tend to favor a lot of jewelry. Decorating one's tail and/or horns is seen as social status and is very common especially among young Taurvros. This trait has seemed to pass over even to Flatfoots, who will dress very nicely with lots of jewelry, in the form of piercings, or decorative bangles, armlets, chokers and other jewelry pieces. Arm bangles are very common for men of either race to wear, while armlets are common for women to wear, along with leg bangles.


Taurvros come from the contracted bond between Coraxol and Taurus - most Taur are well aware they come from a Voidseed and do their best to keep quiet about it to prevent problems from arising.   Many Taurvros settled in Leslave and made their home, and later on the primary kingdom, there. They stayed where they were and built their own reputation (and perhaps infamy) by their strong strength. It's noted in some scattered notes of history that Taurvros were "much more savage" in ancient times, though whether this writing is meant to create stigma against Taurvros or proven fact is yet to be seen by historians.   As Leslave became more and more inhabited by other species, Taurvros rubbed elbows to elbows against them and some became more curious on what else was out there in the world. Making their own boats, or creating a pack to explore south, Taurros left for Leslave and discovered other civilization outside of their own, encountering Huemes, Anisu and Bilgefohr. Some were welcomes, with the other species curious of this newer species joining the fray while others hunted them for sport or to chase them out of their territories. Ones that survived came back to tell horrifying stories, which caused some of them to refuse to leave and slowly develop an isolationist view of their own species and condone others.   However nowadays, seeing a Taurvros in public is very common - even if that one may not look the full part of Taurvros. They've adjusted to society very well, even if the stigma is still strong and others believe they do not belong. They've added a rich culture of food, entertainment and especially protection for huemes.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Taurvros may not mind or care too much for interspecies relationships normally, but it is extremely common for ones born on or moved to Terrandt to end up in a relationship with a spouse or significant other that isn't Taurvros. Flatfoot Taurvros tend to populate Sur'Dahl much more than other places on Terrandt due to the Hooved wanting to stay on that continent rather than travel.   They don't hold racist or speciest views of other races unless they came from a hostile tribe/clan that didn't accept other's views.
(Hesdane Levahn. A hooved Taurvros from East Sur'Dahl)
Scientific Name
Bos Taurvren
Pureblood: 200-300 years, Hybrid: 150-220 years
Average Height
Pureblood: 2.74 - 3.05m (9 - 10 feet), Hybrids: 1.8 - 2.13m (6'5 - 7'4 feet)
Average Weight
453.592 kg (1000lbs)
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Taurs can have many different colors, which are recognized as having brown, blonde, white, orange/red or black coats, and some variations or combinations of the aformentioned colors. Depending on the type of sub-race, more colors may be common for a Taur to have - for example, Flatfoots usually have darker hair colors, like black or dark brown.   Its also common in Flatfoot culture to have tattoos throughout their bodies, usually the form of tribal tattoos on their chest, arms and legs. Body paint is common in place of tattoos for Hooved.
Geographic Distribution
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