The VANGUARD is an organization that specializes in taking care of Daevahs, malevolent Voidseeds and in some cases, answering to police duties due to becoming a suborganization apart of the Queen's Lance. In extreme cases, they also take care of anatopisms and anachronisms that end up on Eon due to the void schisms from wars in the past with Voidseeds. The - and the Queen's Lance in extension - handle these, and keep them secret from the public in highly classified files.   The organization had a humble beginning to it before it quickly took off into a thriving business deadset on protecting the weak and defending civilians from harm. The Duchess and her identical twin sister Biste formed it a few decades ago when they were young, and moved to Magnesia to properly do their operations.   The ordered listing of the named members for the VANGUARD in canon are:  
  • Commanders: The Duchess & Biste
  • Lieutenant Commanders: Eurydice , Zenith , Terminus and Delta
  • Second Lieutenants: Calamity , Catastrophe , Hearken , Destiny , Salvation , Kamion , Sorbet,
  • The backline agents, who also double as the receptionists, sisters Tera and her twin sister, Arka . However, they hold as much responsbility as a second lieutenant in terms of ranking.
  • Data Analyst Cayenne. He's unable to fight but he's highly intelligent.
While Vaal isn't an agent, he's extremely important to the success of the VANGUARD, as he provides a lot of the funding and ensures the business side of the organization continues to run smoothly even without the Commanders being apart of it.   Any other members are designated as field agents, and may be fancharacters.


The organization is defined by the Commander Leaders, who are The Duchess and Biste. While they are the heads of the entire operation that take place and coordinate accordingly with their employees, they have a few other people underneath her who the agents respond to if they are not available. The Commander Leaders are very important, with handling major meetings with important world leaders, organizing reports, sending out the proper agents to handle battles, and keeping the organization running with the proper funding and resources to keep all of the agents happy.
These are the Lieutenant Commanders, who are Zenith, Terminus, Blaze, and Delta. To become a lieutenant commander, the agent has to show extremely promising results with their data, which is a combination of them finishing jobs with hgih effiency, speed, and measurements in care to ensure no damage is done to civilians or property. It's extremely difficult to become a lieutenant, and the title is almost likened to commander if one or both commanders are not available at the time. Typically, their word is law if they're placed in charge. They also handle extremely difficult missions, usually in pairs or threes, that may be dificult for all of the second lieutenants to handle. They can also do arrests on criminals, and take people in for questioning as they've had the training to do so.   Afterwards follows the Second Lieutenants, which are Calamity, Catastrophe, Hearken, Destiny, and Kamion. While they are lower rank than their superiors, they still hold much more power, and are not to be taken lightly. Second leiutenant is still difficult to get into as a ranking, as it's a manager-like level apart of the organization - this means if one of the commanders are out and the leitunent commanders are not available, one of the second lieutenants can hold as much power as the aformentioned. Like the previous role, they can also do arrests, but usually a lieutenant commander has to be around to accompany in order to go through with proper booking.   Agents are on the lower part of the list, and are the general members of the group sent to handle very mundane jobs. They cannot arrest criminals, and usually take care of low ranking Daevahs.

Public Agenda

The goal of the organization is making sure civilians are protected from the hueme-eating demons that plague Eon, called Daevahs, as well as protecting civilians from the threat of malevolent Voidseed looking to claim the planet as their own. They can even deal with criminals if they have actual law enforcement training if they're high enough in the hierarchy. By stepping in with their weapons and special abilities, they take down Daevahs and even criminals that cross their paths with maliciousness. Recently, they've had to deal with the Cult of the Quasar, a dangerous organization looking to spread chaos and despair among the population of Eon for their master.   The organization as a whole has the goal of protecting the weak and helpless, but many individuals apart of it may have joined for their own reasons. For example, Catastrophe joined in order to find his father who had went missing 10 years ago. His friends followed along to be by his side, like Calamity. Salvation joined for wanting to exact justice on ne'er-do-wells, and to make his ancestors proud of his work.


Vaal handles all of the monetary assets needed by the organization, such as fueling money into special projects or weapons, food for the agents, and accomodations for if the agents decide to live at the headquarters (typically this is the commanders, and lieutenants that do this.) He also makes sure to supply money for upgrades to their weapons and armor. Any money needed to dabble in the affairs of getting them transportation is also taken care of, with the organization making a partnership with Syd and his airship property to get to and from places without needing to go through commercial airships to do so.   Armor and outfit designs are made by Plum, who works as the extravagent clothes designer of the organization. She ensures all of the agents are dressed to their nines for not only fighting dangerous threats, but looking stylish while they do so. Vaal hired her on board after attending an outstanding fashion show she manned herself, with Plum taking on the work easily upon realizing who she was going to have the opportunity to work with.   All agents are required to wear a power band - it could be an armband, legband, or a choker. This is where they store very important resources, like water, extra food, their identification among the organization and most importantly, being able to summon their weapons out at any point. (However, some members like Terminus will actually manually bring out the weapons, such as in his case attaching his wristblades onto his wrists armor)


The VANGUARD began as a small organization with no name headed by the Duchess, with her twin sister Biste and 2 other men - one being the eldest brother named Ren, and his younger brother Aoto. The Duchess was madly in love with Ren, with the feelings returned.   However an operation went wrong and left the Duchess stunned with her lover and his brother dead, and her twin sister deciding to leave from being forever traumatized by the way the mission went southward. After this happened, the Duchess planned the funeral for her lover, and alcohol became a coping mechanism for her. A night of passion with an elf resulted in her son Zenith.   Distraught, the Duchess worked with the government to be on leave to care for her child. She returned home and the original organization now disbanded, she spent some time with her mother Solstrale to raise the young both. At some point, Biste returned home with tears, and holding her own son who was the same age as Zenith - this young boy would grow up to be Terminus.   Out of angry from hiding away from her responsbilities, The Duchess stopped drinking so much and with Biste, put together an organization to go after the Voidseed that caused the previous operation to go wrong. The both hired more members for the organization to be apart of to find their old foe. While it wasn't a suicide mission, she made it clear that some may die, and if it was the risk they weren't willing to take, they could back out. None chose to, and all survived the fight.   Afterwards, the Duchess found reprieve in killing the murderer to her family, and settled with staying as a leader to the organization, with Biste wanting to stay by her side.Many of the members they had hired then dropped out, and turn over rate remained high until Eurydice joined. Once Catastrophe joined, and the others followed suite, the organization remained at a high population count, only growing even more so once the group managed to save the Divines and protect Eon from another attack the Cult of the Quasar attempted just 4 years before the story begins.


The VANGUARD's main headquarters are in Dross, Magnesia. Smaller charters, affiliated with the VANGUARD but not having police authority, may be scattered throughout the Western Kingdom such as in Sur'Dahl, and the original charter of the Headquarters still occupied in Skaalsborg by a Lieutenant Commander of the Duchess' choosing, separate from the main four she has. There are no VANGUARD charters in Easia, but they are in talks with the world leaders over there with promising prospect of bringing charters of Vanguard across places like Kangsu, or Danzor, to better safeguard Eon.   The occupation of each one can be rotated as necessary depending on the circumstances. For example, one leader may want to be closer to home, so he can be moved back to Sur'Dahl while one from Helholtt can rotate into the Ororiian location. Duchess tries to be accommodating to her agents, especially if they're very respectable. Rotations can also completely depend on the season and if agents are being promoted.

Technological Level

Technology is extremely advanced - as the VANGUARD is a government affiliated business, they get access to material that ordinary citizens wouldn't have. Doors can slide automatically for people, instant food they can be made in microwaves if Solstrale , the contracted chef of the organization, isn't available, and many others.   The biggest technological advantage that the VANGUARD has is the weapons they use. Whomever is their armsdealer for the time being can give then state of the art weapons for a steep price, but does the job well and enables for flawless executions of Daevahs. Weapons are shown as but not limited to canes, katanas, greatswords, concussive blast cestuses, magically charged gloves and many more weapons.


The VANGUARD has various rules that need to be followed by acting agents.  
  • The uniform is the standardized protocol for all acting hunting agents - Black with white as a highlight, and a significant color they may use. The difference being that the VANGUARD uses Xs or crosses as their main symbol. Specific areas are dedicated to each tier. Higher acting officers will have it on their chest, while lower ranks may have it on their arms or legs. Officers also have badges on their uniforms, though this is typically not required if they are in uniform. Badges are usually worn with casual clothing.
  • VANGUARD members are required to live near or on headquarter properties, and have a commute time of less than ~40 minutes. Higher ranked agents can live on the properties but lower agents may need to relocate in order to be close enough.
  • All acting agents that have an interest in being promoted must go through extensive training once they've secured their secondary tests, both written and physical. Their data also has to be very secured where they show promising results in growth for promotion.
  • Employment is determined by contracts that may or may not be renewed. Permanent residents are not contracted and stay within the organization with their own volition.
  • Taxes are taken out of the contracted pay once processed.

Trade & Transport

One of the primary assets of transportation is done through Syd's airship business, with weapons, armors or agents themselves being flown across territories and countries. This is the primary mode of transportation for the company, with Vaal taking care of the expenses. If patients are looking to travel on their own, this is also covered under business expenses under the company, or can at least be done through credit so that the agent can get proper reimbursment.   Other method of transportation may be through armored cars, private trains, or even airjets, which are highly specialized airships that can travel fast and efficently. Syd offers these other forms of transportation to the members of the organization and may also be the one flying them if he has the time and is able.


Education is usually through the Duchess, Biste or any of their secondary Commanders that may be present. Some are capable of using magic while others use nothing but physical prowess to overwhelm their enemy. The method of fighting is up to the agents' choice, however the training done is important to the leaders.   Depending on the Skills of Aptitude test that was taken at enrollment facility, the VANGUARD may reach out to an individual to get them enlisted into the organization and begin training. Whether it's hand on or it may be proctor and done within the Headquarter's walls is judged by the leader in question. They usually do not take out trainers until 6 months after proctor training is completed and they score high on various in-facility testing.   Many secondary education opportunities are possible for access after a year of being under the VANGUARD and successfully attending operations or handling missions with little to no mistakes. Sometimes, the VANGUARD will even completely cover any and all expenses for secondary education - many agents may take a year of leave and go to college before resuming work.   Education missions, which are when an individual expresses interest in training and schoolwork in a foreign country, may be offered to especially young agents, like the early field agent Blackcurrant. Her example being that when she stayed for a year, she traveled to Kangsu and not only was training with monks on hand to hand combat, but going to college for her degree of choice. This is all paid by the organization, as long as the individual proves themselves as a valuable asset.


The VANGUARD is well stocked with items necessary to help out with operations and missions.   The Sur'Dahlian charter is equipped with sandcruisers, special mobile devices that are able to travel across long distances of sand dunes with ease. The Ororiian Charter employs a special travel wagon to travel through Dread's Garden to prevent their agents from getting lost.   Members are capable of owning houses and having their own assets which can be used to conduct business for the organization. So as long as the member is able to document the operation by using the sophisticated archival system, it's members are capable of conducting business anywhere, even if they're not located at their specific charter. The advanced technology allows for them to create documentation of their operations, which the Duchess anf Biste would like recorded as for feedback and for data.

Defense is the Mission, Peace is the Goal

All of the members of the organization. Each one is vital.
Founding Date
Alternative Names
VAN, The Guardians
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Ruling Organization

Important Charters of The VANGUARD

  • Helholttian Charter - Taking place in Bella, the headquarters is smaller than the other Charters, but still effective in their job. This charter and the Sur'Dahlian one are the most common ones that the main body tend to deviate to and from.
  • Sur'Dahlian Charter - Keeping itself in the desert geography further south of Pellegno, this charter is in one of the much more bustling cities of East Sur'Dahl, called Segolencia. This charter is the largest, even bigger than the Magnesian one.
  • Magnesia Charter - The main body of the organization, and where the main place of operations happen. This charter is where the main cast find themselves. They also tend to travel quite a lot more in comparison to the other charters, with making sure to take other agent's places if they're unable to.
  • Ororiian Charter - The smallest charter, they take their place on the island closest to Magnesia. They do the most traveling, even in comparison to Magnesia, and are thought to float between charters when assistance is needed. Not a lot of attacks happen on Oro, which is why they operate that way.
  • Skaalsborgian Charter - The charter that's based off of the previous organization the Duchess and Biste were apart of. They're hardened warriors, and even affiliated with the Church due to Skaalsborg being a very religious country as they tend to worship Opeitos quite a bit.
Thr VANGUARD does their business through transactions in the standardized silver dollar, which is what most places apart of the Western Kingdom uses. Clients are able to put in orders for any Daevahs they need taken care of, and the payment is taken through the clients themselves or any insurance company they may have.   As long as they're able to pay with money, business may be conducted. Credit/debit cards, checks, and cash are all possible ways for payment, and electronic payment is also acceptable.
Related Professions
Controlled Territories

Peace, Friendly