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Ebenezer One Eye

Ebenezer Stonewall (a.k.a. One Eyed)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born the second son of the minor noble Stonewall family, Ebenezer lived a life rife with competition. He was consistently compared to his elder brother and look down upon. Knowing that when he came of age he was to be sent off to join the The Golden Dawn he put into motion a plan which was to have a disastrous effect on his dynasty. He challenged his brother to a duel and in the process lost his eye. When he won he disgraced his family name by slaying his brother. when he found out the the other nobility would not accept him he stole what he could from his family's estate, killed his father, and fled. He gathered around himself skilled fighters and rogues and formed the Southern Ghosts .


Ebenezer was taught at home by a private tutor. He was tutored in the classics, mathematics, the sword, and firearms. His weaponsmaster said that Ebenezer's skill with the blade was the best he had seen among any of his students.

Accomplishments & Achievements

The Southern Ghosts have made a name for themselves as cutthroat band of brigands. Though they are known to be excellent fighters they have relied more on their reputation.
Current Location
Year of Birth
1415 25 Years old
Long blonde
Known Languages
Common, Elvish, Dwarvish

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