Ijbyeit Settlement in Eorldom of Gar | World Anvil
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Largely a quarry town with docks for shipment of stone to Leon. Held by Bron of Clan Welkan, a stenix Farmer elected as Village Reeve (very large 5 story stone  manor house of 10,000 sq ft), whose current Head of Clan is B’ran Caradoc Welkan of Caer Welkan. The village, surrounded by a wooden palisade, has 44 families of whom 7 are peasant families and 37 are stenix families. The current population is 275 with 179 of adult age with an additional 73 staff in the manor house.    The village has 2 blacksmiths, 2 woodcrafters, a weapon-smith, an armourer, a mason, 6 stockmen, 2 Foresters, a Mason, and 1 miller (there is 1 watermill that falls within the dominion of the Manor) and 22 farming households. The peasant families provide 5 farming households, one cow herder, and one Shepherd, who owe fealty to the clan.    Adjacent to the lands of the village is a Stone quarry used for construction in Leon and the village. The stones are transported by river from Ijbyeit to Leon.    The village can also be called upon to provide 8 Spearmen, 3 Archers and 1 cavalryman.   There are 3 taverns all of which include brothels used primarily by the workers in the adjacent stone quarry.


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