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Jars Forest

As you approach the Jars forest you leave behind the open deciduous forests with ferns and grasses that provide the undergrowth and meadowlands. Gone is the woodland where horsemen pass unhindered and all of the approaches to Jars Forest are covered in bracken. The Jars forest is an extreme contrast which is quite dense and only along its edges are there trails that are passable by horsemen. The forest is a mix of deciduous and coniferous trees with initially bracken undergrowth and in the deeper darker portions the undergrowth becomes all but impassable due to the thick brambles with deep beds of humus and fungul growth.. As you progress into the forest the canopy thickens and the mixture of deciduous and coniferous forest at times almost completely blocks out sunlight making daylight the equivalent of a Full Moon and night time visibility all but impossible unless there is a full moon.
  As you travel west into the Jars forest you are climbing towards a broken ridge of nearly 1,000 feet consisting of rolling hills with occasionally a glen or a fast moving stream. Then suddenly the ground shifts and the water basin runs towards the Cadilan Sea.
  In the southwest of this forest is the ancient Tylwyth Teg city of Tan Plasgwyn. There are legends of the great white citadel and the walled city of the Tylwyth with those who have seen it claim its beauty outshines all human architecture with an airy ethereal blend of plants and the sky.
  Jars is not a civilized area, it is wild and untamed. It continually challenges those who pursue it's secrets.


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