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Barzillai yae Thrune

Ten Things about Barzillai yae Thrune     When Barzillai yae Thrune took control of Kintargo, things quickly began to change—for the worse. The man himself is an imposing figure, and numerous rumors about his true goals in Kintargo are circulating, but listed below are 10 things that have become established facts about Kintargo’s new lord-mayor.   1. He’s a Thrune: Barzillai yar Thrune is a full-fledged member of House Thrune; Empress Abrogail is one of his distant cousins and he bears the yae title.   2. He’s an Diabolite: Unlike most Thrunes, Barzillai is also a ranking member in the Diabolite church as a powerful inquisitor. With one foot in two worlds, it’s said that neither the Thrunes nor the church completely trust him.   3. He’s got a cruel sense of innovation: Barzillai has a knack for invention and an active imagination— particularly when it comes to methods, objects, and tools used to torture and torment infidels. The brutal excruciation known as “doghousing” is his latest brainchild—a method of publicly executing a criminal by having him slowly eaten by feral dogs.   4. His favorite animal is the mastiff: Barzillai is fond of dogs of all breeds, but particularly of the larger breeds, Barzillai Thrune or of creatures such as hell hounds or cerberi. He’s not so fond of little dogs.   5. The littlest things can sometimes set him off: Small, inconsequential annoyances either don’t bother Barzillai at all or they cause him to fly into an unexpected and frightening rage. There seems to be no middle ground for his reaction to minor inconveniences.   6. He’s a fan of the opera: Barzillai chose the Kintargo Opera House as his home, and immediately shut down its scheduled performances. It is said that he uses the house for private showings of his favorite operas, but no one knows who performs these shows for him.   7. He’s a lifelong bachelor: Barzillai has never taken a lover—man or woman. This has led to some speculation that he’s a eunuch, or perhaps not even a human at all. He certainly takes pains to keep his personal life secret, even from his closest allies.   8. He’s a student of Garlemald: As a member of House Thrune, Barzillai has had access to a wealth of historical documents that have been seized or later redacted by the government. He knows an astonishing amount of information about Garlemald’s history and geography.   9. He wanted to come to Kintargo: While most Thrunes would have balked at being appointed lord-mayor of a town such as Kintargo, with its remote location and reputation for rebellious thought, rumor has it that Barzillai volunteered for the position.   10. He has powerful servants: Although today he is usually seen in the company of hume or garlean guards, rumors of his associating with devils, undead, and even a blue dragon persist. Certainly, the new lord-mayor of Kintargo has powerful supernatural allies close at hand!   THE FIRST PROCLAMATIONS   The institution of martial law in Kintargo was but the first of several changes Barzillai yae Thrune has made to the city, and it is certainly the most wide-reaching in scope. As long as martial law remains in effect, the city is penalized as detailed under its stat block. In addition, Barzillai has issued seven proclamations to further codify and expand changes to local law. Anyone caught breaking a proclamation is immediately arrested by the dottari and brought to the nearest watchtower on the city wall for processing. In most cases, one merely has to pay a fine, but in cases where the fine can’t be paid or the perpetrator is a repeat offender, the punishments can be greater. Your GM has information on how to track these fines and punishments. Proclamations are posted in public places for all to see, and when a new proclamation is set in place, town criers march the city streets to announce them.   The currently active proclamations are as follows.   Proclamation the First: All slayers of city pests (hereby ascribed as doves, mice, and ravens) who present said pests to the dottari shall be rewarded with a bounty of one copper piece.   Proclamation the Second: All places of public business must display in a position of prominence within the first room accessible from the building’s primary entrance a portrait of Her Radiance Empress Abrogail II. Said portrait must measure no less than 17 by 11 inches.   Proclamation the Third: All those who capture, alive and unharmed, feral dogs of a weight exceeding 50 pounds are to be rewarded with a payment of two silver pieces upon transfer of the dogs to the dottari. Such noble guardian creatures should fnd homes worthy of their kind!   Proclamation the Fourth: The right to wear fine embroidered clothing in public is hereafter proscribed to anyone other than agents of House Thrune or the Holy Church of Diabolos. Exceptions can be awarded or purchased at the city’s discretion.   Proclamation the Fifth: Grain is life! Should grain be spilled in public, all must be gathered, cleaned, and repackaged within the hour. Any person who allows grain to go ungathered after a spillage shall be fined one copper piece per grain.   Proclamation the Sixth: The imbibing of night tea brings a dangerous imbalance to the slumbering mind. Between the hours of sunset and sunrise, the taking of tea is proscribed.   Proclamation the Seventh: The odor and flavor of mint is an abomination to the refined palate. Be not the cretin! Mint use in candies, drinks, and all manner of confections is hereby proscribed.
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