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History of Eos

The Age of Creation

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The era in which the Old Ones were given free reign of the Lattice by Aon and Noa, the creator spirits, to populate the planes, during which the inner planes, including the Prime Material Plane, the Elemental Planes, the Ethereal Plane, The Feywild, and the The Shadowfell were created, along with their inhabitants.

  • 0 AC

    Creation of the Manaflow and the Old Ones
    Era beginning/end

    The Lattice of Creation, or the Cosmological Wheel, as some call it, structured and oriented the astral plane and the outer planes of existence. For ten thousand times ten thousand years the creator spirits Aon and Noa danced across the cosmos, weaving their essence across the deep, and when they were finished, what was once chaos had become an ordered system hung amid the firmament. They looked upon their creation and saw that it was ordered, but though it moved and flowed in meticulous harmony, it was empty and devoid of purpose.   So Aon and Noa split from themselves sixteen Aspects composed of differing elements of their being, one for each realm that hung upon the lattice, and when they had done so, they melded their remaining essence, creating the Manaflow, an invisible life force underlying the lattice that connects and empowers all living creatures.

  • 1 AC

    70000 AC

    Population of the Outer Planes
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The sixteen Aspects, now known as the Old Ones, were connected to the Manaflow, which imbued them with life, consciousness, and the power to create. In the early days of the Age, the Old Ones created denizens and guardians of their respective planes to give them purpose and meaning, and attend to their upkeep. Some of these creations are the elder, greater, and lesser gods we know today; some are the celestial and demonic races. Others have died out or have been lost to the annals of history.

  • 70000 AC

    75000 AC

    The Creation of the Material Plane
    Celestial / Cosmic

    At some point during the Age of Creation, the Old Ones agreed that traversing the Astral Plane was too troublesome, and resolved to create a neutral ground on which to convene and easily travel between their respective domains.   However, because they did not posses the power to create or realign planes within Aon and Noa's Lattice, they were forced to create their grand nexus within the physical confines of pre-existing cosmic space, a chaotic expanse known as the Phlogiston.   To do so, they gathered together the prime elemental forces of earth, fire, air, and water to create a crystalline sphere amid the chaos of the Phlogiston, and within them, they created the lifegiving orb of fire and light, known as Fyr, and the inhabitable orb of earth, air, and water, known as Eos. All of this comprises what we now refer to as the Prime Material Plane.   At the time of its creation, the surface of Eos was composed of a large, solid central landmass surrounded by water, throughout which were situated planar gates, allowing for travel to and from the outer planes. Underneath the world's surface, the dark Aspects built a vast network of caverns and tunnels, allowing their representatives to travel the plane in darkness, away from the light of Fyr.

  • 78000 AC

    80000 AC

    The Creation of the Ethereal Plane
    Celestial / Cosmic

    A small group of Aspects conspiring together wished to create new, secret avenues of travel between planes so their subjects could spy on their counterparts. Each using a share of their life essence, they created the The Ethereal Plane in the dimensional space between the Material plane and the rest of the inner planes.

  • 80000 AC

    85000 AC

    The Creation of the Feywild and Shadowfell
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Having discovered the existence of the Ethereal Plane, several other Old Ones decided to create similar planes overlapping the material plane, both as methods of travel and homes for their creations.   The Feywild and The Shadowfell, both of which overlap and correspond to physical locations in the Material Plane, were created during this period of the Age of Creation.

  • 85000 AC

    95000 AC

    The Creation of the Sentient Races
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Prior to this period, the Old Ones had focused primarily on populating the outer planes, but their very purpose was creation, and, like their own creators, when they saw that the planes they had created were empty, they were compelled to populate them.   Because they were not gifted to create life out of nothing, each creation required the Old Ones to donate a bit of their own essence, and so the beings that they created now were smaller, less powerful, with limited lifespans. The flora and fauna of the Material Plane were created around this time to sustain the sentient races.   It is believed that elves were created first, and orcs and goblins shortly thereafter.

The Dawn Wars

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The period of time during which the Old Ones and their creations warred over the inner planes. The era came to a close when the Exalted Host formed the Divine Pact, expelling themselves and their counterparts back into the Manaflow, and creating a barrier between the inner and outer planes.

  • 1 DW

    The First Conflict
    Military action

    The Old One Khazil, incensed by the secret machinations of the servants of the Old One Nearu, commands his forces to prohibit Nearu's from approaching his realm. A battle ensues, in which Khazil's forces are nearly routed.   Khazil calls upon several other Old Ones to ally with him in a show of force against Nearu. Armies begin to gather.

  • 18000 DW

    The Shattering
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Old Ones Daoloth and Ulthar engage in open battle with the Old Ones Oztalun and Azatoth in their exalted forms near the center the material plane's singular landmass. A resulting cataclysmic explosion shatters the land, separating it into multiple landmasses and forever altering the face of the world.

  • 20000 DW

    The Great Separation
    Era beginning/end

    The Exalted Host, a group of good-aligned Old Ones, seeing the eternal stalemate of their wars and the suffering and destruction wrought on the denizens of the inner planes, make a pact to remove themselves and their counterparts from the planes.   Using ancient magics, the Host banishes themselves and the rest of the Old Ones back into the Manastream and erects a barrier (known now as the Separation) between the inner and outer planes, making it all but impossible for powerful beings to cross between them.

The Age of Ancients

120000 124132

The era between The Great Separation and the ascendance of the Maenar Imperium. Little is know about this age, as most of its historical documents were collected and destroyed by the Imperium, or lost in the Spellplague.

  • 2200 AA

    2600 AA

    The Dragon Wars
    Military action

    Though little is known about this period, oral histories and folklore tell of centuries of war between armies of dragons, giants, early elves, and a mythical race known as Olorans (or Goliaths) for dominion over large areas of land in the central and northern parts of Eos.   Many dragons and giants are slain in battle, and their numbers ultimately dwindle, paving the way for the spread of smaller humanoid civilizations.

  • 3000 AA

    The Night of Falling Stars
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Legends speak of a great evil that arose in Eos around this time heralded by a night of falling stars in the northern sky. Details of the legend differ from region to region: some refer to strange serpentine horrors that ravaged the land; some to a dark, invisible force that invaded the minds of men; some to unspeakable hordes of pale races invading the surface world from deep underground.   All versions of the myth, however, culminate with a triumphant group of mighty heroes (often known as the Saviors of Eos) rising up to defeat the ancient evil at great personal sacrifice, though the origin and characteristics of the heroes often change to fit the narrative of the community recounting it.

  • 3919 AA

    The Founding of the Maenar Imperium

    Several high elven city-states in what is now northwestern Mythra form a unified government with the express purpose of defending, exalting, and advancing high elven culture and new magical theory. Led by a tribunal of powerful manaborn, they quickly begin a campaign of expansion and discovery.

The Age of Dominion

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The era during which the high elven Maenar Imperium conquered and subjugated much of the known world by cultivating the powers of the Manaborn to create magical and technological wonders. The era and the ascendancy of the Maenar were ended abruptly by a cataclysmic event of unknown origin called the Spellplague, in which magic (and many magic users) became extremely volatile and caused widespread destruction. Ultimately, the Maenar Imperium, once sustained by its advanced magic and technology, descended into madness and ruin, its secrets lost to the sands of time.

  • 1 AD

    The Discovery of Feystone
    Discovery, Scientific

    Several hundred years after the founding of the Maenar Imperium, a court mage and explorer named Hallanwe Olessiendyn discovers a fey portal in the upper reaches of the Underdark. Over the next several years, he makes two trips into the Feywild, returning each time with a handful of feystone specimens, which he delivers to the Maenan court.   The court, realizing the nature and potential application of the stones, quickly begins financing expeditions into the portal and research into Feywild gating magic. Because of the elusive nature of Feywild portals and the difficulties posed by time dilation when passing between the material plane and the Feywild, progress is initially slow.   A royal office is soon established with the express purpose of discovering, obtaining, and researching feystone, and within a decade, the Imperium is overseeing the development of new technologies and weapons that will spark their ascendance to global domination.

  • 301 AD

    The Founding of Borea

    The Stone Dwarf clans of the far north, lead by the Broadstones, Silverfists, Ironmauls, and Deeprocks, assemble a council at Red Iron Hall to address the ascendency of the Maenar Imperium. Recognizing the power and threat posed by the Imperium, the clans forge a reluctant alliance to protect their holds, and are shortly thereafter joined by the remaining major families. Thus, the Dwarven Alliance of Borea is born.

  • 3129 AD

    The Spellplague
    Disaster / Destruction

    For a period of four years, magic and technology ceases to work or, in many cases, becomes violently corrupted. Many Manaborn, especially magic users, go insane and are unable to control their powers. Maenan technology ceases to function or is destroyed.   Maenan cities collapse, and many become engulfed by a corrosive mist, known now as the Greymist. Within the Greymist, magic becomes unstable and amplified. Most Greymist anomalies still exist centuries after the Spellplague.   As the Maenan empire collapsed, libraries and stores of knowledge were destroyed or lost to the Greymists. Subjugated races rebelled and overthrew their oppressors, and most high elves were killed or fled to remote corners of the world.

The Free Age

127262 and beyond

The current era - a 500 year span of time to the present, beginning with the end of the Spellplague and the fall of the Maenar Dominion. The loss of the magical and technological advancements and unifying rule of the Maenar has led to fragmentation and increased isolation between the continents of Eos, with much of the known world having been overtaken by the wilds.

  • 62 FR

    67 FR

    The Deep Wars
    Military action

    The major subterranean cities of Borea are assaulted by several unified Pale Elven armies from deeper within the Underdark. The dwarves ultimately repel the invaders, but the ancient city of Glimmerdeep is left in ruins. Several Stone Dwarf clans are almost entirely eliminated, most of which never regain prominence.   It is extremely rare for pale elf families to band together, and Dwarven lorekeepers speculate that the elves may have been fleeing some greater threat from below, though this is never confirmed.

  • 65 FR

    The Founding of Mythra

    In central Eos, under the threat of an advancing, unified orc force from the southwest, the free folk of Kalad's Vale and the half-orc communities of the Shieldwood sign the United Concord of Mythra, founding a new kingdom under a dynasty of Mythrain monarchs .

  • 109 FR

    The Founding of Talantyr

    The mage prince Sett Aurius forms an alliance with the Eburneus family to conquer a large portion of the Talant Vale in east central Eos. The two families create a dual monarchy known as Talantyr.

  • 291 FR

    305 FR

    The War of the Hand
    Military action

    Mykiel, High Cleric of The Hand of Light, claims a vision from Pholtus tasking The Hand with bringing light, law, and civilization to Eos to "raise it out of its dark age."   The Hand of Light, based largely out of Veritrium at this point, begins a campaign of rapid expansion and conquest, intent on uniting its neighboring city-states under the banner of The Hand.   Over the next decade, they conquer or annex the lands and townships around the city, but encounter staunch resistance from the city-state of Davica, who lead an allied counteroffensive along with several other nearby holds.   The Hand, however, eventually lead a triumphant campaign, culminating in a bloody battle for the city of Davica, which is burned and left in ruins after a contingent of manaborn priests summon flame strikes in its midst.   The rest of the countryside is annexed within months, and the Hand dub their newly formed theocracy Celosia.

  • 303 FR

    The Founding of the Muster

    During the War of the Hand in Celosia, a half-elf lieutenant of the Davican Ranged Guard named Jakoreth Heavyhammer is, according to legend, besieged with his contingent in a country meadery by a raiding band of orcs. Having run out of rations and water, the contingent drinks up the remaining mead, and, free of fear and inhibition, rages forth into the night, routing their attackers.   Jakoreth, being indebted to the owner of the meadery, a human female named Brigid, agrees to stake her business so long as he can also use it as a base of operations for his mercenary work. Both businesses flourish and merge, becoming the first Muster Hall.   Over time, the organization grows into a global adventurer's guild, with locations on every continent.

  • 305 FR

    The Founding of Celosia

    The Hand of Light defeats the Davican army, burning Davica to the ground and ending the 14-year War of the Hand. The surrounding countryside quickly surrenders and is annexed, and The Hand dub their newly formed theocracy Celosia.

  • 361 FR

    The Founding of the Free Temple

    The first Free Temple is founded in Cenestra by a female wood elf cleric of Belenus named Felyrian Nettlewain.

  • 371 FR

    380 FR

    The Broken Tusk War
    Military action

    The orog warlord Stygga Bloodclaw unites a handful of major orc tribes in Balatok and leads them on a blood crusade in Gruumsh's name, moving his hordes south into present day Avlar, Talantyr, and Amarynthe. He makes significant advances until the elves of Avlar and the city-states of Amarynthe coordinate united fronts to drive him back.   Stygga is slain in Avlar by an elven Manaborn named Carric Silverfrond in 380, and his armies quickly retreat.

  • 378 FR

    The Founding of Amarynthe

    A group of previously independent city-states northwest of the Great Mist Sea, including the dragonborn hold of Drakkenwold and the trading center Kellen Tor, agree to an alliance to drive out the invading Broken Tusk orc hordes, who have pushed deep into their lands under the orc lieutenant Grimtooth.

  • 419 FR

    The Founding of the Tanner's Guild

    Caius Graccus, a tiefling rogue, splits from a local criminal organization called the Red Skulls in Emmergrim, Amarynthe to found the Tanner's Guild, a crime syndicate that would quickly spread throughout Eos.

  • 440 FR

    The Discovery of Quicksilver
    Discovery, Scientific

    A dwarven foreman named Hallas Silverbeam, employed by a mining outfit of the dwarven Broadstone clan in Ivaryll, accidentally discovers that the formerly worthless mineral known as hacksilver, when melted down into a liquid and combined with an acid, creates an extremely volatile compound that explodes when exposed to oxygen and any amount of force.   Hallas does not survive the discovery, but the potential martial and alchemical applications of quicksilver lead to a period of accelerated global experimentation. Many begin to refer to the period between the discovery of quicksilver and the present the Age of Alchemy.

  • 485 FR

    491 FR

    The Destruction of Mirabor
    Disaster / Destruction

    A group of green dragons, now known as the Bilefang Brood, migrate west from the deep wilds of southern Borea and destroy the city-state Pale Rock. Over the next six years, they proceed to destroy dozens of surrounding city-states and villages, killing or driving most of the inhabitants of into neighboring regions. The Bilefangs take up residence in the ruins of population centers, allowing nature to reclaim the land.

  • 526 FR

    The Dragonfire Wars
    Military action

    Cenestra, claiming dominion over the waters and trade routes of the Cenestran Sea, begins setting up blockades and impounding Celosian trade ships. After several skirmishes, a mostly naval war begins in earnest.   Talantyr, nominally allied to Cenestra and having a long history of minor conflicts stemming from Celosian expansionism and encroachment on their southern border, takes the opportunity to launch a ground assault against Celosia from the north.   Because they are the first major wars to see the use of quicksilver weapons, they soon become known as the Dragonfire Wars.