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Fat’of’san Fas’hat

Fat’of’san Fas’hat, nestled within the icy expanse of the frozen north in Keskiodan, stands as a testament to the resilience, resourcefulness, and surprising civilization of the White Orcs who call it home. Translating to "Frozen Village" in the common tongue, the name aptly reflects the harsh environment in which this settlement thrives. Despite the challenges posed by the unforgiving climate, Fat’of’san Fas’hat has flourished, showcasing the ingenuity and adaptability of its inhabitants.   The architecture of Fat’of’san Fas’hat is characterized by sturdy igloos and snow-capped longhouses, meticulously crafted to withstand the biting cold and fierce winds of the north. These structures, built from locally sourced materials such as ice, snow, and timber, blend seamlessly into the snowy landscape, creating a harmonious relationship between the village and its surroundings. The igloos provide cozy shelters for individual families, while the longhouses serve as communal gathering spaces where the community comes together for meals, celebrations, and other social activities.   The culture of Fat’of’san Fas’hat is deeply rooted in tradition and community. White Orcs place great value on kinship and mutual support, with families working together to ensure the survival and prosperity of the tribe as a whole. Respect for elders and reverence for ancestral spirits are integral aspects of daily life, guiding the actions and decisions of the villagers. Despite their fearsome reputation on the battlefield, the White Orcs are a peaceful people at heart, preferring diplomacy and cooperation over conflict and aggression.   Economically, Fat’of’san Fas’hat relies primarily on hunting, fishing, and gathering to sustain its population. The White Orcs are skilled hunters and fishermen, adept at tracking elusive prey across the snow-covered tundra and navigating the treacherous waters of icy rivers and fjords. They also engage in limited trade with neighboring tribes and settlements, exchanging furs, ivory, and other resources for goods that are not readily available in their own village.   The population of Fat’of’san Fas’hat is relatively small but tightly knit, with close-knit family units forming the backbone of the community. Despite their isolation in the frozen north, the White Orcs of Fat’of’san Fas’hat are not entirely cut off from the outside world. Traders and travelers occasionally visit the village, bringing news from distant lands and offering goods that are not available in the icy wilderness. These interactions serve to enrich the cultural tapestry of the village, introducing new ideas and perspectives that help to broaden the horizons of its inhabitants.   Overall, Fat’of’san Fas’hat stands as a testament to the resilience and adaptability of the White Orcs, who have carved out a peaceful existence in one of the harshest environments on Eothea. Despite the challenges they face, the villagers remain steadfast in their commitment to each other and to the traditions that have sustained them for generations, ensuring that their legacy will endure long into the future.


Fat’of’san Fas’hat, the home of the White Orcs in the frozen north of Keskiodan, boasts a unique demographic makeup shaped by its harsh environment and tribal culture. The population primarily consists of White Orcs, a more civilized tribe of orcs known for their resilience and adaptability to the frigid conditions of their homeland. While White Orcs form the majority of the population, there are also smaller communities of humans and other humanoid races who have integrated into orcish society or reside in the region for various reasons.   Within Fat’of’san Fas’hat, the demographics further reflect the tribal structure and social dynamics of the White Orcs. Families are the cornerstone of orcish society, with clans playing a central role in shaping community life. Each clan has its own customs, traditions, and leaders, contributing to the rich cultural tapestry of the settlement. Despite occasional tensions and rivalries between clans, a sense of unity and solidarity binds the inhabitants of Fat’of’san Fas’hat together, fostering a strong sense of identity and belonging among its residents.   While the majority of the population is engaged in traditional orcish activities such as hunting, fishing, and crafting, there are also individuals who serve as shamans, warriors, or spiritual leaders within the community. These individuals hold significant influence and contribute to the social cohesion and spiritual well-being of Fat’of’san Fas’hat.   Overall, Fat’of’san Fas’hat is a vibrant and diverse community shaped by the unique blend of cultures, traditions, and lifestyles of its inhabitants. Despite the challenges posed by its harsh environment, the settlement thrives as a testament to the resilience and unity of the White Orcs and their allies.


The governance of Fat’of’san Fas’hat, nestled in the frigid north of Keskiodan and inhabited by the White Orcs, is characterized by a decentralized and communal approach. At its core lies a council of clan elders, representing prominent members from each of the orcish clans within the settlement.   This council convenes regularly to deliberate on matters concerning the welfare and administration of Fat’of’san Fas’hat. These discussions may encompass resource management, community development, conflict resolution, and the preservation of cultural heritage. Decisions are made through consensus-building and democratic principles, with each elder having an equal voice in the decision-making process.   While the council of elders holds significant authority in guiding the affairs of the settlement, leadership roles are not restricted solely to orcish clans. Individuals with specialized knowledge or skills, such as shamans, warriors, or artisans, may also wield influence and contribute to decision-making processes based on their expertise and standing within the community.   Moreover, Fat’of’san Fas’hat emphasizes inclusivity and the participation of all residents in governance. Community meetings, gatherings, and rituals serve as platforms for open dialogue and collective decision-making, allowing individuals from diverse backgrounds to voice their concerns, share ideas, and contribute to shaping communal policies and initiatives.   Overall, the governance structure of Fat’of’san Fas’hat reflects the values of cooperation, mutual respect, and communal solidarity that are central to orcish culture. Through collaborative leadership and grassroots engagement, the settlement endeavors to maintain harmony, stability, and prosperity amidst the challenges of its rugged northern environment.


In the icy wilderness of the frozen north where Fat’of’san Fas’hat stands, the village employs a combination of natural barriers, traditional fortifications, and strategic planning to protect itself from external threats. Despite its small size and remote location, the community recognizes the importance of defense in ensuring its survival and security amidst the harsh and unforgiving environment. Here are the defenses that safeguard Fat’of’san Fas’hat:   1. **Natural Terrain**: The rugged and inhospitable terrain surrounding Fat’of’san Fas’hat serves as a natural defense against potential invaders. The village is nestled amidst snow-capped mountains, icy rivers, and dense forests, making it difficult for hostile forces to approach undetected. The treacherous landscape acts as a deterrent, dissuading would-be attackers from attempting to penetrate the village’s defenses.   2. **Watchtowers and Lookouts**: Strategically positioned watchtowers and lookout posts provide early warning of approaching threats, allowing the villagers to mobilize their defenses and prepare for potential attacks. These elevated vantage points offer sweeping views of the surrounding wilderness, enabling sentries to monitor the movements of wildlife, weather patterns, and potential adversaries.   3. **Palisade Walls**: Fat’of’san Fas’hat is encircled by sturdy palisade walls made from thick timber logs, providing a physical barrier against intruders and predators. The walls are reinforced with earthworks and snowdrifts, enhancing their strength and stability in the face of harsh weather conditions. Guard towers spaced along the perimeter allow defenders to maintain a constant vigil and respond swiftly to any breaches or incursions.   4. **Ice Moat**: In addition to the palisade walls, Fat’of’san Fas’hat is surrounded by an ice moat formed by redirecting nearby rivers and streams. The frozen waterway acts as a natural barrier, further impeding the progress of would-be attackers and creating an additional layer of defense around the village. During the winter months, the ice moat becomes even more formidable, freezing solid and creating a virtually impassable barrier.   5. **Community Militia**: The villagers of Fat’of’san Fas’hat maintain a well-trained and disciplined militia composed of able-bodied individuals from the community. These defenders undergo regular drills and exercises to hone their combat skills and coordination, ensuring they are prepared to repel any threats to the village. In times of crisis, the militia can be mobilized quickly to reinforce the village’s defenses and engage enemy forces in battle.   6. **Strategic Positioning**: Fat’of’san Fas’hat is strategically situated at the crossroads of key trade routes and migration paths, allowing it to control access to valuable resources and exert influence over neighboring settlements. The village’s strategic position gives it a significant advantage in terms of defense, as it can leverage its location to monitor and regulate movement in the surrounding wilderness.   Overall, the defenses of Fat’of’san Fas’hat are carefully designed to withstand the challenges posed by its harsh environment and protect the village from external threats. Through a combination of natural barriers, fortified structures, and skilled defenders, the community maintains a strong and resilient defense posture that ensures its safety and security in the frozen north.

Industry & Trade

Notable Busnisses   Frostbloom Apothecary Nestled in Fat’of’san Fas’hat, the Frostbloom Apothecary is renowned for its rare botanical remedies and potent enchantments. Within its halls, skilled herbalists and alchemists craft healing salves, magical elixirs, and arcane charms from the treasures of the frozen north. From soothing balms to ward off the chill of winter to mystical potions that protect against malevolent forces, the apothecary offers aid to travelers and locals alike. With a deep understanding of mystical energies, its practitioners also provide enchanted amulets and divination potions, serving as a beacon of hope in a world shrouded in darkness.   Frostforge Smithy Frostforge Smithy, nestled in Fat’of’san Fas’hat, epitomizes craftsmanship and industry in the northern mountains. Master blacksmiths and artisans forge exceptional weapons, armor, and tools from the finest iron and steel. Their products, renowned for durability and craftsmanship, range from finely crafted swords and shields to sturdy sledges and ice picks, sought after throughout the region. But beyond mere utility, the smithy fosters a spirit of camaraderie and tradition, where apprentices learn alongside seasoned masters, and visitors marvel at the age-old techniques on display. In Frostforge Smithy, the ancient art of blacksmithing thrives, a testament to the enduring spirit of innovation in the frozen north.   Snowfall Traders Snowfall Traders, nestled in Fat’of’san Fas’hat, is a bustling marketplace where merchants from distant lands converge to trade goods and wares. From furs and pelts harvested from northern beasts to exotic spices and rare artifacts procured from distant realms, the market offers a tantalizing array of treasures for adventurers and collectors alike. Amidst the flurry of activity, friendships are forged, alliances are made, and the spirit of adventure thrives, making Snowfall Traders not just a marketplace, but a vibrant tapestry of culture and community in the frozen north.


The infrastructure of Fat’of’san Fas’hat, situated in the icy north of Keskiodan and inhabited by the White Orcs, is tailored to withstand the harsh conditions of its environment while supporting the needs of its residents. Here is an overview of its key features:   1. **Shelter:** The settlement features sturdy igloos and snow-capped longhouses crafted from local materials. These structures are designed to withstand the biting cold and fierce winds of the north, providing warmth and protection for the inhabitants.   2. **Transportation:** In the absence of conventional roads, transportation in Fat’of’san Fas’hat relies heavily on sleds, snowshoes, and other winter gear suited for traversing the snowy terrain. Paths may be marked out by landmarks or natural features to aid navigation.   3. **Utilities:** Basic utilities such as water and heat are essential for survival in the icy north. Residents may utilize ice fishing for water sources, while fires and hearths inside dwellings provide warmth and cooking facilities.   4. **Storage:** Given the scarcity of resources in the north, storage facilities are crucial for preserving food and supplies. Ice cellars or underground storage pits may be used to keep perishable items cool and safe from predators.   5. **Community Spaces:** Common areas for gatherings, rituals, and communal activities foster a sense of unity and belonging among the residents. These spaces may include central meeting halls or outdoor plazas cleared of snow for social gatherings.   6. **Defensive Structures:** As a precaution against external threats, Fat’of’san Fas’hat may feature defensive fortifications such as watchtowers or palisades to protect against wild animals or rival tribes.   7. **Cultural Sites:** Places of cultural significance, such as shrines, totems, or ancestral burial grounds, serve as reminders of the community's heritage and spiritual beliefs.   8. **Trade Facilities:** Despite its isolation, Fat’of’san Fas’hat may have designated areas for trade or barter with neighboring settlements. These locations may host periodic markets or trading posts where goods and resources can be exchanged.   Overall, the infrastructure of Fat’of’san Fas’hat is adapted to the unique challenges of its environment, prioritizing resilience, functionality, and community cohesion in the face of the icy wilderness.


In Fat’of’san Fas’hat, a village nestled within the icy expanse of the frozen north in Keskiodan, the settlement's small size belies its rich diversity and intricate social fabric. Despite its modest population of only 200 inhabitants, Fat’of’san Fas’hat is divided into several distinct districts, each serving a unique purpose and contributing to the overall cohesion and functionality of the community.   1. **Residential District**: The residential district forms the heart of Fat’of’san Fas’hat, encompassing the majority of the village's dwellings and homes. Here, sturdy igloos and snow-capped longhouses dot the landscape, providing shelter and warmth for the inhabitants against the harsh elements of the northern climate. Families reside in close proximity to one another, fostering a strong sense of kinship and mutual support within the community.   2. **Market District**: Despite its small size, Fat’of’san Fas’hat boasts a bustling market district where residents gather to trade goods, share news, and socialize with one another. Stalls and makeshift shops line the snow-covered streets, offering a variety of essential supplies, artisanal crafts, and locally sourced goods. The market district serves as a vital hub of economic activity and cultural exchange, bringing together individuals from different walks of life and fostering connections between members of the community.   3. **Gathering Square**: At the center of Fat’of’san Fas’hat lies the gathering square, a communal space where villagers congregate for meetings, celebrations, and important ceremonies. Bordered by ancient standing stones and adorned with intricate carvings, the square serves as a symbol of unity and solidarity within the community, providing a focal point for social interaction and collective decision-making.   4. **Spiritual Grove**: Nestled on the outskirts of the village is the spiritual grove, a sacred space where residents gather to honor their ancestors, commune with nature, and seek guidance from the spirits of the land. Tall evergreen trees and ancient oaks cast dappled shadows over the clearing, while moss-covered stones and totems mark the boundary between the mortal realm and the realm of the divine. Here, shamans and spiritual leaders perform rituals and ceremonies to ensure the well-being and prosperity of the community, drawing upon the ancient traditions and wisdom of their ancestors.   5. **Hunting Grounds**: Surrounding Fat’of’san Fas’hat are the vast hunting grounds, where residents venture forth to forage for food, gather resources, and engage in traditional orcish activities. The hunting grounds teem with wildlife, from majestic caribou and elusive snow hares to cunning foxes and mighty bears, providing sustenance and sustenance for the villagers throughout the long winter months. In addition to hunting, the hunting grounds also serve as a training ground for young warriors and a place of reflection and solitude for those seeking communion with nature.   Despite its small size and remote location, Fat’of’san Fas’hat is a vibrant and thriving community, where each district plays a vital role in sustaining the livelihoods and well-being of its inhabitants. Through collaboration, cooperation, and a deep reverence for the land, the villagers of Fat’of’san Fas’hat have built a settlement that is as resilient as it is harmonious, a testament to the enduring spirit of the orcish people.


In the icy embrace of the frozen north in Keskiodan, Fat’of’san Fas’hat holds several assets that are essential for the survival and prosperity of its small but resilient community. Despite its remote location and harsh environment, the village possesses valuable resources and unique qualities that contribute to its strength and resilience:   1. **Natural Resources**: Fat’of’san Fas’hat is rich in natural resources that sustain the livelihoods of its inhabitants. The surrounding wilderness teems with wildlife, providing a bountiful supply of game for hunting and gathering. From caribou and snow hares to fish and fowl, the diverse ecosystem of the northern tundra offers an abundant source of food and materials for the villagers. Additionally, the region is home to valuable resources such as timber, stone, and minerals, which are harvested and utilized by the community for construction, crafting, and trade.   2. **Cultural Heritage**: The village of Fat’of’san Fas’hat boasts a rich cultural heritage that is deeply rooted in tradition and community. The White Orcs, the primary inhabitants of the settlement, possess a strong sense of identity and pride in their ancestral customs and rituals. These cultural assets serve as a source of resilience and cohesion for the community, providing a framework for social organization, spiritual guidance, and collective action.   3. **Skilled Labor**: Despite its small size, Fat’of’san Fas’hat is home to a population of skilled laborers and artisans who possess valuable expertise in various trades and crafts. From blacksmithing and woodworking to herbalism and animal husbandry, the villagers of Fat’of’san Fas’hat possess a diverse array of skills that enable them to meet their basic needs and contribute to the economic and social well-being of the community.   4. **Strategic Location**: Situated in the frozen north of Keskiodan, Fat’of’san Fas’hat occupies a strategic location that offers both challenges and opportunities for its inhabitants. While the harsh climate and rugged terrain pose significant obstacles to survival, they also provide a natural barrier against external threats and encroachment. The village's isolation allows it to maintain a degree of autonomy and self-sufficiency, enabling residents to govern themselves according to their own customs and traditions.   5. **Community Cohesion**: One of the most valuable assets of Fat’of’san Fas’hat is its strong sense of community cohesion and mutual support. Despite the challenges they face, the villagers of Fat’of’san Fas’hat are bound together by ties of kinship, friendship, and shared experience. In times of hardship, they come together to support one another, pooling their resources and collective wisdom to overcome adversity and thrive in the harsh northern wilderness.   Overall, Fat’of’san Fas’hat possesses a unique combination of natural resources, cultural heritage, skilled labor, strategic location, and community cohesion that enables it to endure and prosper in the face of the challenges posed by its remote and unforgiving environment. These assets form the foundation of the village's resilience and provide a solid framework for its continued growth and development.

Guilds and Factions

In the village of Fat’of’san Fas’hat, nestled within the icy embrace of the frozen north in Keskiodan, guilds play a crucial role in fostering cooperation, promoting economic development, and preserving cultural traditions. Despite its small size and remote location, the village boasts a diverse array of guilds that cater to the needs and interests of its inhabitants. Here are some of the guilds that can be found in Fat’of’san Fas’hat:   1. **Hunters’ Guild**: The Hunters’ Guild is composed of skilled trackers, marksmen, and trappers who specialize in hunting game across the snow-covered tundra and icy forests surrounding Fat’of’san Fas’hat. Members of the guild are responsible for providing food and resources for the village, as well as protecting it from wildlife threats. They employ traditional hunting techniques passed down through generations, as well as modern tools and techniques to ensure a successful hunt.   2. **Fishermen’s Guild**: The Fishermen’s Guild consists of experienced anglers and sailors who ply the icy rivers and fjords near Fat’of’san Fas’hat in search of bountiful catches. Members of the guild use nets, traps, and fishing lines to harvest fish and other aquatic creatures from the frigid waters, providing a vital source of sustenance and income for the village. They also maintain and repair fishing equipment, share knowledge of fishing techniques, and ensure sustainable fishing practices to preserve the local ecosystem.   3. **Craftsmen’s Guild**: The Craftsmen’s Guild comprises artisans, craftsmen, and tradespeople skilled in a variety of traditional crafts and trades. Members of the guild specialize in crafting tools, weapons, clothing, and other essential items needed for daily life in Fat’of’san Fas’hat. They utilize locally sourced materials such as wood, bone, and stone to create high-quality goods that reflect the village’s unique cultural heritage. The Craftsmen’s Guild also promotes apprenticeship programs and provides training opportunities for aspiring artisans.   4. **Shamans’ Circle**: The Shamans’ Circle is a spiritual organization consisting of wise elders, mystics, and healers who possess knowledge of ancient rituals, herbal remedies, and divine magic. Members of the circle serve as spiritual guides and advisors to the villagers, performing sacred ceremonies, conducting divinations, and offering blessings to ensure the well-being of the community. They also provide healing services, treating ailments and injuries using traditional herbal medicines and magical incantations.   5. **Traders’ Alliance**: The Traders’ Alliance is a coalition of merchants, traders, and caravan masters who facilitate commerce and trade between Fat’of’san Fas’hat and neighboring settlements. Members of the alliance oversee the exchange of goods and resources, negotiate trade agreements, and ensure the fair pricing and distribution of commodities. They organize trade caravans, manage trade routes, and establish marketplaces where goods can be bought and sold. The Traders’ Alliance plays a vital role in promoting economic growth and prosperity in the village.


Fat’of’san Fas’hat, nestled in the frigid embrace of the northern reaches of Keskiodan, has a storied history marked by resilience and adaptation. Founded centuries ago by a tribe of White Orcs, known for their endurance and resourcefulness, the settlement began as a humble outpost in the frozen wilderness. Over time, through ingenuity and perseverance, the White Orcs transformed their icy domain into a thriving community, mastering the harsh environment and forging a unique culture shaped by their surroundings.   Initially established as a refuge from the conflicts and turmoil of the south, Fat’of’san Fas’hat grew into a bastion of stability and prosperity amidst the unforgiving landscape of the north. The White Orcs honed their skills as hunters, fishermen, and craftsmen, utilizing the resources of the land to sustain their way of life. Through trade and diplomacy, they established connections with neighboring tribes and settlements, fostering alliances and mutual cooperation in the face of shared challenges.   Despite occasional clashes with rival tribes and the ever-present dangers of the wilderness, Fat’of’san Fas’hat persevered, guided by the wisdom of its elders and the strength of its community. Tales of heroism and survival passed down through generations, weaving a rich tapestry of tradition and folklore that bound the inhabitants together in a common bond of heritage and kinship.   As the centuries passed, Fat’of’san Fas’hat evolved into a beacon of resilience and unity in the frozen north, its legacy enduring as a testament to the indomitable spirit of its people. Today, the settlement stands as a testament to the enduring resilience and communal strength of the White Orcs, a testament to their ability to thrive in even the most inhospitable of environments.

Points of interest

Ziggurat of Frostfell Rise   Perched atop a frost-kissed plateau, the legendary ziggurat of Frostfell Rise looms over Fat’of’san Fas’hat, its weathered stone walls bearing the weight of centuries-old secrets and prophecies. Named for the icy winds that sweep across its towering spires, Frostfell Rise serves as a beacon of mystery and wonder in the frozen north. Crowds of pilgrims and curious travelers flock to the city, drawn by tales of the ziggurat’s enigmatic allure.   As they approach, the travelers are greeted by a sight that stirs the imagination—a structure of ancient stone rising majestically against the stark backdrop of the northern sky. Its walls, weathered by time and the elements, bear the scars of countless years, yet they stand resolute, a testament to the enduring craftsmanship of those who built them. Each block of stone, carefully hewn and expertly laid, tells a story of a bygone era, when the world was young and the mysteries of the cosmos lay waiting to be discovered.   As the travelers draw closer, they are met with the sight of intricate carvings adorning the ziggurat’s facade—symbols and glyphs that seem to dance in the shifting light, their meanings elusive and enigmatic. Some depict scenes of celestial phenomena, while others seem to hint at events yet to come. Scholars and sages have long debated the significance of these ancient prophecies, but their true meaning remains shrouded in mystery.   Despite the uncertainty that surrounds it, Frostfell Rise holds a magnetic allure for those who seek knowledge and enlightenment. For generations, scholars, mystics, and seekers of truth have journeyed to the ziggurat in search of answers to life’s most profound questions. Some believe that within its labyrinthine corridors lies the key to unlocking the secrets of the universe, while others seek solace and guidance in the face of an uncertain future.   As the sun sets and the chill of evening descends upon the city, the ziggurat casts a long shadow over Fat’of’san Fas’hat, its ancient stones infused with the whispers of ages past. And though the mysteries of Frostfell Rise may remain unsolved for generations to come, its presence serves as a reminder of the boundless potential of the human spirit, forever reaching out to touch the stars.


Tourists who visit Fat’of’san Fas’hat are typically drawn to the settlement by its unique blend of natural beauty, cultural heritage, and adventurous spirit. They come seeking an authentic experience of life in the frozen north, eager to immerse themselves in the traditions, landscapes, and folklore of the White Orcs.   Many tourists are fascinated by the resilience and resourcefulness of the White Orcs, who have adapted to thrive in one of the harshest environments on Eothea. They are eager to learn about traditional hunting and fishing techniques, explore the intricacies of orcish craftsmanship, and witness firsthand the close-knit community that sustains the village.   The natural beauty of the surrounding landscape also attracts visitors to Fat’of’san Fas’hat. The frozen tundra, icy rivers, and snow-capped mountains provide a stunning backdrop for outdoor activities such as hiking, ice fishing, and wildlife spotting. Adventurous travelers may also be drawn to the challenge of traversing the treacherous terrain on dogsleds or snowshoes, experiencing the thrill of exploring untamed wilderness.   Additionally, tourists are often intrigued by the rich cultural heritage of Fat’of’san Fas’hat, which is steeped in tradition and mythology. They may attend storytelling sessions around roaring fires, participate in traditional ceremonies and rituals, or visit historical sites such as the Ziggurat of Frostfell Rise to learn about the settlement’s ancient past and uncover the secrets of its enigmatic landmarks.   Overall, tourists who visit Fat’of’san Fas’hat are seeking an immersive and authentic experience that allows them to connect with nature, culture, and adventure in a truly unique setting. Whether they come to explore the wilderness, learn about orcish traditions, or simply soak in the beauty of the northern landscape, they leave with memories and experiences that will stay with them for a lifetime.


The architecture of Fat’of’san Fas’hat, nestled within the icy embrace of the frozen north in Keskiodan, reflects the pragmatic ingenuity and cultural heritage of its inhabitants, the White Orcs. The predominant style of architecture in the settlement is characterized by sturdy, weather-resistant structures designed to withstand the harsh conditions of the northern climate.   One notable architectural feature of Fat’of’san Fas’hat is the use of igloos and snow-capped longhouses, which are constructed from locally sourced materials such as ice, snow, and packed earth. These dwellings are ingeniously designed to provide insulation against the biting cold and fierce winds, with thick walls and low, rounded shapes that minimize heat loss and maximize stability in the face of winter storms.   The igloos, in particular, are emblematic of the White Orcs’ mastery of their environment, offering cozy and comfortable living spaces that blend seamlessly with the snowy landscape. Inside, simple furnishings and traditional decorations reflect the practicality and resourcefulness of orcish culture, with fur-lined beds, woven rugs, and decorative carvings adding warmth and character to the interiors.   In addition to igloos, Fat’of’san Fas’hat also features snow-capped longhouses, communal buildings where multiple families gather to share meals, stories, and celebrations. These structures are constructed from timber, stone, and ice, with pitched roofs and sturdy foundations that provide ample space for social gatherings and community events.   Overall, the architecture of Fat’of’san Fas’hat embodies the resilience, adaptability, and communal spirit of the White Orcs, serving as a tangible expression of their connection to the land and their commitment to thriving in even the most challenging of environments. Through their innovative use of natural materials and time-honored building techniques, the inhabitants of Fat’of’san Fas’hat have created a settlement that is as functional as it is beautiful, a testament to the enduring spirit of the orcish people.


The village of Fat’of’san Fas’hat is situated within the icy expanse of the frozen north in Keskiodan, surrounded by a rugged and inhospitable landscape characterized by snow-capped mountains, icy rivers, and dense coniferous forests. Its geographical location presents both challenges and opportunities for its inhabitants, shaping the way of life and cultural practices of the village.   The village is nestled in a sheltered valley carved out by ancient glaciers, providing a natural barrier against the harsh winds and blizzards that sweep across the surrounding wilderness. Tall cliffs and rocky outcroppings flank the valley, offering protection and seclusion from external threats while also serving as vantage points for scouting and defense.   To the north, towering peaks rise majestically into the sky, their snow-capped summits obscured by swirling clouds and mist. These mountains form a natural boundary between Fat’of’san Fas’hat and the frozen wastelands beyond, acting as a formidable barrier against incursions from hostile creatures and rival tribes.   To the south, the valley opens up into a vast expanse of frozen tundra and taiga, dotted with icy rivers, crystalline lakes, and sprawling pine forests. This untamed wilderness teems with wildlife, including caribou, elk, wolves, and bears, providing abundant opportunities for hunting, fishing, and gathering.   In the center of the village, a frozen river winds its way through the valley, its icy waters reflecting the shimmering light of the northern sky. During the long winter months, the river freezes over, forming a solid sheet of ice that serves as a thoroughfare for travel and transportation.   Despite its harsh climate and rugged terrain, the geography of Fat’of’san Fas’hat is also imbued with a sense of beauty and majesty, with snow-capped peaks, pristine forests, and sparkling glaciers creating a breathtaking backdrop for daily life in the village. The villagers have learned to coexist with the natural world, drawing strength and inspiration from the land that sustains them.   Overall, the geography of Fat’of’san Fas’hat shapes the identity and character of the village, providing a home for its inhabitants amidst the frozen wilderness of the north. From its sheltered valley to its towering mountains and icy rivers, the village is a testament to the resilience and adaptability of those who call it home.


The village of Fat’of’san Fas’hat experiences an extreme subarctic climate characterized by long, bitterly cold winters and short, cool summers. Situated in the frozen north of Keskiodan, the village is subjected to the full force of the Arctic weather systems, which bring frigid temperatures, heavy snowfall, and icy winds to the region.   Winter in Fat’of’san Fas’hat is harsh and unforgiving, with temperatures plunging well below freezing for much of the season. Blizzards sweep across the landscape, blanketing the village in deep drifts of snow and reducing visibility to near-zero levels. Strong winds howl through the valley, whipping up snowdrifts and creating treacherous conditions for travel and outdoor activities.   Despite the cold, the villagers of Fat’of’san Fas’hat have adapted to their harsh environment, using a combination of traditional knowledge and modern technology to survive the winter months. Thick fur clothing, insulated shelters, and roaring fires help to ward off the chill, while snowshoes, sleds, and skis provide essential means of transportation across the snow-covered landscape.   Summer in Fat’of’san Fas’hat is brief but relatively mild compared to the bitter cold of winter. Temperatures rise gradually as the sun climbs higher in the sky, melting the snow and ice that covers the ground and thawing the frozen rivers and lakes. Days are long and sunny, with nearly continuous daylight during the peak of the season, allowing for ample time for outdoor activities and community gatherings.   Despite the challenges posed by its harsh climate, the village of Fat’of’san Fas’hat is a place of resilience and endurance, where the inhabitants have learned to thrive amidst the icy wilderness of the north. From the depths of winter to the warmth of summer, the village remains a beacon of hope and solidarity in the face of nature’s fiercest elements.

Natural Resources

The village of Fat’of’san Fas’hat, nestled in the frozen north of Keskiodan, is rich in natural resources that sustain its inhabitants and support their way of life despite the harsh environment. Some of the primary natural resources available to the village include:   1. Wildlife: The surrounding wilderness teems with a diverse array of wildlife, providing the villagers with a vital source of food, fur, and other materials. White Orcs are skilled hunters and fishermen, adept at tracking and trapping animals such as reindeer, seals, polar bears, and various species of fish that inhabit the icy waters of the region. These resources not only provide sustenance for the villagers but also yield valuable materials for crafting clothing, tools, and other essentials.   2. Timber: While sparse compared to more temperate regions, Fat’of’san Fas’hat is surrounded by forests of hardy evergreen trees such as spruce, fir, and pine. Timber harvested from these forests provides essential building materials for constructing shelters, crafting tools, and fueling fires during the long winter months. The villagers carefully manage their forest resources, practicing sustainable harvesting techniques to ensure the continued availability of timber for future generations.   3. Ice and Snow: The pervasive presence of ice and snow in the northern landscape is both a challenge and a valuable resource for the villagers of Fat’of’san Fas’hat. During the winter months, snow and ice are abundant, providing a readily available source of water for drinking, cooking, and washing. Ice blocks harvested from frozen lakes and rivers are stored in insulated icehouses and used to preserve food and keep perishables cold during the warmer months. Additionally, snowmelt feeds the village's freshwater sources, ensuring a constant supply of water year-round.   4. Minerals and Ores: While not as plentiful as in other regions, the frozen north of Keskiodan is known to contain deposits of valuable minerals and ores. Metals such as iron, copper, and tin can be found in the rocky outcroppings and mountainous terrain surrounding the village. While mining operations are limited due to the harsh conditions and remote location, these resources are occasionally tapped by the villagers for crafting tools, weapons, and other metalwork.   5. Herbs and Medicinal Plants: Despite the cold climate, Fat’of’san Fas’hat is home to a variety of hardy herbs and medicinal plants that have adapted to survive in the harsh conditions of the north. These plants possess potent healing properties and are used by the villagers to treat a wide range of ailments and injuries. Herbalists and shamans gather these plants from the surrounding wilderness, carefully preserving and cultivating them for use in traditional medicine and healing rituals.   Overall, the natural resources available to the village of Fat’of’san Fas’hat play a crucial role in sustaining the livelihoods of its inhabitants and supporting their way of life in one of the most challenging environments on Eothea. Through careful stewardship and resource management, the villagers have learned to thrive amidst the icy wilderness of the north, forging a deep connection to the land and its bountiful offerings.
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