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Genesis of the Orcs


In the annals of Eothea's history, amidst the tumultuous era of the Divine Age, there exists a tale shrouded in the mists of time – the creation of the Orcs by the Old God Hemdros, the deity of battle and conflict.   In the primordial epochs when the world was still young and the gods walked among mortals, Hemdros, with his mighty hammer in hand and the fervor of war burning in his heart, looked upon the fledgling races of Eothea with a gaze both fierce and contemplative. Moved by a desire to forge a race in his own image, one embodying the virtues of strength, resilience, and unwavering determination, Hemdros set out to mold clay from the very earth itself into beings worthy of his patronage.   With each strike of his hammer and each whispered incantation, the clay took shape, imbued with the essence of battle and imbued with the indomitable spirit of its creator. Thus, the Orcs were born – a race of warriors forged in the crucible of conflict, their sinewy muscles and iron wills honed for the relentless struggle that lay ahead.   From the moment of their creation, the Orcs were instilled with a fierce sense of loyalty and camaraderie, their bonds forged in the crucible of battle and tempered by the fires of adversity. As they marched forth into the world, their banners held high and their weapons gleaming in the sunlight, they knew no fear, for they were the chosen children of Hemdros, destined to carve their names into the annals of history with the blood of their enemies.   In the millennia that followed, the Orcs would become a force to be reckoned with – their tribes and clans spreading far and wide across the face of Eothea, their conquests legendary and their prowess on the battlefield unmatched. From the frozen wastes of the north to the scorching deserts of the south, they marched, their war cries echoing across the land like thunder on the wind.   Yet, amidst the chaos and carnage of battle, the Orcs remained steadfast in their devotion to their patron deity, their faith unwavering even in the darkest of times. For they knew that Hemdros watched over them from on high, his gaze ever vigilant and his blessings showered upon those who proved themselves worthy in the crucible of combat.   And so, the tale of the creation of the Orcs by the Old God Hemdros endures as a testament to the enduring power of war and the indomitable spirit of those who wage it. For as long as there are battles to be fought and foes to be vanquished, the Orcs will stand as steadfast guardians of the realm, their hammers raised high and their spirits unbroken in the face of adversity.

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