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History of Eothea

Divine Era

... 2200

In antiquity, Eothea stood as a realm governed by the divine, a sacred domain where the ethereal presence of 900 gods and goddesses held sway over the destinies of mortals and the course of existence itself. This epoch, aptly termed the Divine Era, bore witness to an unparalleled period of celestial governance, wherein each deity, endowed with unique powers and attributes, contributed to the intricate tapestry of divine order.   Under the aegis of this sprawling pantheon, Eothea flourished, its lands imbued with the blessings and interventions of the divine beings. From the verdant forests to the towering peaks, from the depths of the oceans to the heavens above, the influence of the gods and goddesses was omnipresent, shaping the very fabric of reality.   Yet, amidst the celestial tranquility, seeds of discord took root, sowing the seeds of turmoil within the celestial hierarchy. As aspirations clashed and rivalries ignited, the harmony that once defined the Divine Era began to erode, giving rise to a cataclysmic conflict that would echo throughout the annals of time—the Divine Civil War.   In the crucible of this titanic struggle, alliances fractured and loyalties were tested, as divine beings clashed in a tumultuous battle for supremacy. The heavens themselves trembled with the fury of celestial wrath, as the once-united pantheon descended into chaos and discord.   When the dust settled and the echoes of battle faded, the toll of the conflict became painfully apparent. The ranks of the divine had been decimated, their once-mighty numbers reduced to a mere fraction of their former glory. From the ashes of the conflict emerged a new order, as the pantheon, once comprised of 900 gods and goddesses, now stood diminished, with only eight members remaining to hold dominion over Eothea.   Yet, even in their fall, the gods and goddesses of old left behind a legacy that would shape the fate of the realm for millennia to come. As their divine essences dispersed throughout Eothea, the very fabric of reality was imbued with the latent energies of the celestial beings, ushering forth an age of magic unparalleled in its scope and potential.   Thus dawned the Age of Magic, a new epoch in the annals of Eothea's history, where the remnants of divine power lingered amidst the mortal realm, waiting to be harnessed by those with the skill and the will to wield it. In the wake of the Divine Era's demise, the stage was set for a new chapter in the realm's storied history, where mortals and magic would rise to prominence amidst the echoes of a bygone age.

  • 0

    Creation of Eothea
    Celestial / Cosmic
  • 1

    Genesis of the Eladrin

    The Eladrin, also known as High Elves, were the first race created by the gods of Eothea. Fashioned from the essence of the Feywild but not native to it, they embody celestial beauty, grace, and wisdom. Their tall, lithe frames, pointed ears, luminous skin, and bright eyes reflect their connection to the mystical realm. While not born in the Feywild, they are deeply attuned to its energies, serving as conduits between mortal realms and the ethereal wonders of their ancestral homeland. Throughout history, the Eladrin have remained guardians of nature, keepers of arcane knowledge, and symbols of cosmic balance, enduring as immortal embodiments of celestial grace and beauty.

  • 56

    Birth of Elindorien the Sage
    Life, Birth
  • 100

    Genesis of the Dwarves

    In the annals of Eothea's history, the genesis of the Dwarves stands as a testament to divine craftsmanship and divine favor. According to ancient lore, in the year 100, three gods—namely, the god of the mountain, the god of the forge, and the god of beards—came together to create a new race destined to dwell in the depths of the earth. Drawing upon the raw materials of the earth itself, the god of the mountain shaped the rugged landscape of the dwarven homeland, while the god of the forge imbued it with the fiery heat and strength of the earth's core. Meanwhile, the god of beards bestowed upon the dwarves his wisdom and craftsmanship, teaching them the secrets of metalworking and stonemasonry. Through their combined efforts, the Dwarves emerged as a hardy and resilient race, skilled in the arts of mining, crafting, and warfare. From their mountain strongholds, they forged an empire that would endure for millennia, their mastery of the earth and its treasures earning them a place of honor and respect among the peoples of Eothea. Thus, the genesis of the Dwarves stands as a testament to the divine providence and enduring legacy of their illustrious race.

  • 101

    Birth of Durin Stoneheart
    Life, Birth
  • 150

    Founding of Khazad-dûm
  • 249

    Death of Durin Stoneheart
    Life, Death
  • 400

    The Arrival of the Goblins from the Primordial Chaos
    Population Migration / Travel
  • 450

    Genesis of the Orcs
  • 500

    Founding of Eldoria

  • 987

    Death of Elindorien the Sage
    Life, Death
  • 2150

    Genesis of Humans
  • 2150


    The Divine Civil War
    Celestial / Cosmic

    In the ancient history of Eothea, the emergence of magic is intertwined with a devastating event—the divine civil war, which shattered celestial harmony and flooded the mortal realm with potent energies. This conflict among powerful deities resulted in the death of many divine beings, their essence saturating the world with celestial power.   In the aftermath, magic became intrinsic to reality, with divine casters like clerics and paladins rising to prominence as conduits of this newfound power. However, practitioners of non-divine arcane magic, such as wizards, druids, sorcerers, and warlocks, faced scrutiny due to the unpredictable nature of their abilities. While wizards were admired for their pursuit of knowledge, druids were respected for their connection to nature, and sorcerers' innate abilities were both admired and feared, warlocks, who formed pacts with extraplanar entities, were viewed with suspicion.   Society carefully monitored non-divine arcanists, acknowledging their talents while remaining wary of their potential ties to the celestial discord of the past. The interplay between divine and arcane magic in Eothea reflects a society grappling with the legacy of ancient upheaval, always mindful of the delicate balance between these two forces.

Age of Magic

2201 4000

The Age of Magic stands as a pivotal epoch in the annals of Eothea's history, a time of profound upheaval and transformation that followed in the wake of the cataclysmic Divine Civil War. As the celestial pantheon clashed in titanic conflict, the very fabric of reality was rent asunder, giving rise to a surge of mystical energy that would forever alter the course of the world.   At the heart of this transformative era lay the introduction of magic—a potent force of arcane power that had hitherto remained dormant within the confines of the celestial realm. With the demise of the gods and goddesses, their divine essence dispersed throughout Eothea, suffusing the mortal realm with latent energies of immense potential.   As these residual energies permeated the world, they gave rise to a resurgence of mystical phenomena, awakening latent magical talents within mortal beings and infusing the very land itself with arcane power. From the towering spires of ancient citadels to the secluded groves of hidden forests, the echoes of divine essence resonated throughout the world, manifesting in myriad forms of sorcery and enchantment.   Yet, perhaps the most profound manifestation of this newfound magic lay in the thinning of the veil between the material plane and the Feywild—a realm of untamed wilderness and primal magic that existed in parallel to Eothea. With the weakening of the celestial boundaries that separated these two realms, the Feywild began to bleed into the mortal world, its influence seeping through the cracks in reality like sunlight filtering through the branches of a dense forest.   In the wake of this convergence, the boundaries between mortal and fey grew ever more fluid, giving rise to a host of wondrous and perilous phenomena. Fey creatures, once confined to the wilds of their own realm, began to wander into the mortal world, their otherworldly presence leaving an indelible mark upon the landscape. Likewise, mortals who dared to venture into the Feywild found themselves subject to its capricious whims and enchantments, their fates intertwined with the primal forces that governed the realm.   Yet, amidst the wonder and danger that accompanied this convergence of worlds, one truth remained immutable—the Age of Magic had dawned upon Eothea, ushering in an era of unparalleled wonder and possibility. From the humblest village mage to the most venerable archmagus, mortals across the realm sought to harness the power of magic, wielding it to shape their destinies and unravel the mysteries of the cosmos.   In the centuries that followed, the echoes of the Divine Civil War would fade into legend, yet the legacy of that titanic conflict would endure, woven into the very fabric of the world itself. As magic flourished and the veil between worlds grew ever thinner, Eothea stood poised upon the threshold of a new age, where mortals and fey, gods and monsters, would shape the destiny of the world with their own hands.

  • 2205

    Arrival of the Sylvan (Wood Elves) from the Feywild
    Population Migration / Travel
  • 2205

    The Arrival of the Halflings from the Feywild
    Population Migration / Travel
  • 2205

    The Arrival of the Gnomes from the Feywild
    Population Migration / Travel
  • 2258

    Birth of Alathar the Archmage
    Life, Birth
  • 2973

    Birth of Selenea the Enchantress
    Life, Birth
  • 3522

    Death of Alathar the Archmage
    Life, Death
  • 3998

    Discovery of Æther
    Discovery, Scientific

Age of Discovery

4001 5999

In the grand tapestry of Eothea's history, the Age of Discovery stands as a beacon of innovation and exploration, a time when the mortal races embarked upon a bold journey of discovery that would forever reshape the course of their world. Set against the backdrop of a realm suffused with magic and mystery, this epoch unfolded some two millennia after the emergence of arcane power, marking a new chapter in the annals of mortal civilization.   At the heart of this transformative era lay the burgeoning spirit of exploration—a collective yearning among mortals to chart the uncharted, to unravel the secrets of distant lands and untamed wildernesses. Fueled by the wondrous possibilities afforded by magic, adventurers and explorers from all walks of life set forth upon daring expeditions, braving the perils of the unknown in search of fame, fortune, and knowledge.   Central to the Age of Discovery was the advent of groundbreaking technologies that would revolutionize travel and transportation across Eothea. Foremost among these innovations was the harnessing of Æther—a potent form of magical energy that pervaded the very fabric of reality. Through ingenious experimentation and alchemical ingenuity, mortals discovered the means to tap into this mystical power source, unleashing its boundless potential to drive a host of marvels previously thought impossible.   Chief among these technological marvels were the airships—majestic vessels of airborne wonder that soared through the skies with grace and elegance, propelled by the raw power of Æther. With their billowing sails and gleaming hulls, these aerial behemoths became the vanguard of exploration, carrying intrepid adventurers to the furthest reaches of the world and beyond.   Yet, the wonders of Æther were not confined solely to the heavens above, for mortals also discovered ways to harness its power for terrestrial travel. Lightning rails—swift and efficient conduits of transportation—crisscrossed the landscape, their gleaming tracks pulsating with the energy of Æther, propelling travelers and cargo alike with breathtaking speed and efficiency.   As the mortal races embraced these newfound technologies, the realm of Eothea was transformed into a vast and interconnected web of trade routes, communication networks, and cultural exchange. Cities flourished, their bustling streets teeming with merchants, artisans, and adventurers from every corner of the world. Borders blurred, as nations forged alliances and rivalries amidst the shifting tides of commerce and diplomacy.   Yet, amidst the marvels of progress and innovation, the Age of Discovery was also a time of peril and conflict. As mortals expanded their reach and ventured into the unknown, they encountered new lands and civilizations, each with their own customs, traditions, and aspirations. Struggles for dominance and resources erupted, as empires vied for supremacy amidst the tumult of a changing world.   In the centuries that followed, the legacy of the Age of Discovery would endure, its impact reverberating throughout the ages to come. Yet, amidst the wonders of airship travel and lightning rail networks, one truth remained immutable—the spirit of exploration that drove mortals to seek out new horizons, to push the boundaries of knowledge and possibility, would forever define the destiny of Eothea and its people.

  • 4005

    The Origins of the Tieflings
  • 4005

    Death of Selenea the Enchantress
    Life, Death
  • 4156

    Birth of Lorandil the Pathfinder
    Life, Birth
  • 4985

    The Birth of Thalindra the Diplomat
    Life, Birth
  • 5089

    Death of Lorandil the Pathfinder
    Life, Death
  • 5506

    Founding of the Arcane Innovations Workshop

Age of Dragons

6000 9000

The Age of Dragons stands as a dark and tumultuous chapter in the annals of Eothea's history, a time when the realm was gripped by the tyranny of draconic overlords and the shadow of war loomed large over the land. Born from the convergence of Ætheric energies and the insatiable hunger of ancient wyrmkind, this era witnessed the arrival of dragons from the distant plane of Dracon—a realm suffused with primal power and untamed fury.   It is said that the dragons were drawn to Eothea by the pulsating beacon of Æther—a potent source of magical energy that permeated the very fabric of the mortal realm. From the depths of the cosmos, they descended upon the world like avatars of destruction, their gleaming scales and blazing eyes heralding an era of terror and chaos.   As the dragons made landfall upon Eothea's shores, they brought with them an era of unrelenting strife and suffering. With their indomitable strength and insatiable greed, they laid waste to cities and kingdoms, enslaving mortal races and bending them to their will with ruthless efficiency. The skies themselves became their domain, as they soared overhead on wings of fire and shadow, casting a long and ominous shadow over the land below.   For over three millennia, the dragons reigned supreme, their dominion unchallenged as they carved out vast territories and amassed untold riches. Yet, amidst the devastation and despair, a flicker of hope remained—the emergence of the Dragon Hunters, a band of fearless mercenaries and warriors who dedicated their lives to the eradication of draconic tyranny.   Born from the crucible of war and suffering, the Dragon Hunters were forged in the fires of adversity, their resolve unyielding in the face of overwhelming odds. Armed with courage and conviction, they waged a relentless campaign against their draconic oppressors, striking from the shadows with cunning and guile.   Through years of hardship and sacrifice, the Dragon Hunters honed their skills and tactics, mastering the arts of war and sorcery in their quest to reclaim their homeland from draconic tyranny. They fought not only for the freedom of their own people but for the very soul of Eothea itself, standing as a bulwark against the encroaching darkness that threatened to engulf the world.   In the crucible of battle, alliances were forged and bonds were tested, as mortal races united beneath the banner of the Dragon Hunters, setting aside old rivalries and grievances in the face of a common foe. Together, they stood against the might of the dragons, confronting them in epic battles that shook the very foundations of the world.   Yet, even as the Dragon Hunters waged their valiant struggle, the legacy of the dragons would endure, their influence leaving an indelible mark upon the land and its people. Though the era of draconic dominance would eventually come to an end, the scars of their reign would linger for generations to come, a grim reminder of the perils of unchecked power and the enduring resilience of the mortal spirit.

  • 6001

    Genesis of the Dragonborn

    The Dragonborn, a race forged by the ancient dragons for warfare and conquest, emerged as sentient beings imbued with the essence of their draconic creators. Crafted with precision and endowed with formidable strength and magical abilities, they matured rapidly, joining their masters in battle. However, discontent grew among them, leading many to rebel against their draconic overlords and fight for freedom alongside the Dragon Hunters. With the fall of the dragons, the Dragonborn found themselves liberated, embracing their newfound autonomy and integrating into Eothean society as stalwart allies in the rebuilding efforts. Thus, the Dragonborn were not mere weapons but a proud and noble race destined to shape their own destiny beyond the conflicts of the past.

  • 6104

    Fall of Eldoria
    Disaster / Destruction

  • 6203

    Death of Thalindra the Diplomat
    Life, Death
  • 7180

    Birth of Galadriel the Dragonbane
    Life, Birth
  • 7209

    Galadriel the Dragonbane defeats Morvym, Champion of the Black
    Life, Achievement/ Win
  • 7325

    The Battle of Srax
    Military: Battle
  • 7450

    Galadriel the Dragonbane defeats Srax, The Dark One
    Life, Achievement/ Win
  • 8350

    Birth of Thronin Ironhand
    Life, Birth
  • 8503

    Death of Galadriel the Dragonbane
    Life, Death
  • 8520

    Drakar the Bold Defeats Qathar, Lord Of The Red
    Life, Achievement/ Win
  • 8535

    Death of Thronin Ironhand
    Life, Death
  • 8535

    the Fall of Khazad-dûm
    Disaster / Destruction
  • 8995

    Birth of Hildr Shieldmaiden
    Life, Birth

Age of Restoration

9000 10000

The Age of Restoration stands as a pivotal period in the annals of Eothea's history—a time of renewal, rebuilding, and the gradual emergence of a new world order in the wake of the tumultuous era that preceded it. Following the decline of draconic tyranny and the defeat of the ancient wyrmkind, mortal civilization began to reclaim its foothold upon the world, embarking upon a journey of reconstruction and reconciliation that would shape the destiny of the realm for millennia to come.   At the heart of this transformative era lay the spirit of restoration—a collective endeavor among the mortal races to rebuild their shattered societies and forge a brighter future from the ashes of the past. With the dragons driven back to their plane of Dracon and their grip upon the world loosened, mortal civilizations seized the opportunity to reclaim lost territories, rebuild ravaged cities, and lay the foundations for a new era of prosperity and stability.   Yet, amidst the promise of renewal, the Age of Restoration was also a time of turmoil and upheaval, as nascent nations vied for dominance and supremacy amidst the shifting tides of geopolitics. Borders were redrawn, alliances were forged and broken, and conflicts erupted with alarming frequency as competing powers sought to assert their influence over the land and its resources.   Over the course of two millennia, the political landscape of Eothea underwent profound transformation, as ancient kingdoms gave way to modern nation-states and empires rose and fell like waves upon the shores of time. Through diplomacy and warfare, conquest and cooperation, mortals forged the bonds of nationhood, uniting disparate peoples under a common banner and laying the groundwork for a more cohesive and interconnected world.   Yet, even as the nations of Eothea grew and prospered, the legacy of the Age of Dragons loomed large over the land, casting a long shadow upon the collective consciousness of its inhabitants. The scars of centuries of conflict and oppression remained fresh in the memories of those who had lived through them, serving as a solemn reminder of the fragility of peace and the ever-present threat of chaos and destruction.   In the midst of this turbulent era, however, there emerged glimmers of hope and progress—beacons of light amidst the darkness that had shrouded the realm for so long. Scholars and sages delved into the mysteries of magic and lore, uncovering lost knowledge and ancient wisdom that had lain dormant for centuries. Artisans and craftsmen honed their skills and talents, crafting works of beauty and ingenuity that reflected the resilience and creativity of the mortal spirit.   Through perseverance and determination, the mortal races of Eothea began to rebuild their world, laying the groundwork for a future that held the promise of peace, prosperity, and progress. Though the road ahead would be fraught with challenges and obstacles, the flame of hope burned bright within the hearts of those who dared to dream of a better tomorrow, guiding them ever forward towards a destiny that was theirs to shape and define.

  • 9005

    Birth of Thranduil the Wise
    Life, Birth
  • 9011

    Birth of Aelinor the Rebuilder
    Life, Birth
  • 9018

    The Battle of Kerns Reach
    Military: Battle
  • 9047

    The Reclamation of Eldoria

    Aelinor spearheaded the efforts to reclaim the ancient Elven city of Eldoria, which had been left in ruins after centuries of neglect and conflict. Through her leadership and determination, Eldoria was restored to its former glory, its towering spires and majestic gardens once again standing as a testament to the resilience of the Elven people.

  • 9073

    Birth of Queen Valeria Sunscale
    Life, Birth
  • 9085

    The Restoration of Galhalon

    Galhalon, a once-thriving forest city that had fallen victim to the ravages of war, was rebuilt under Aelinor's guidance. Through careful stewardship and sustainable practices, the forests surrounding Galhalon were revitalized, serving as a sanctuary for both Elves and the myriad creatures that called the woods home.

  • 9093

    The Founding the Dragonborn Kingdom of Deorogon
  • 9100

    The Treaty of Eldros
    Diplomatic action

    In a landmark diplomatic achievement, Queen Valeria negotiated the Treaty of Eldros, a historic peace agreement that brought an end to decades of conflict with neighboring kingdoms. Through her skillful diplomacy and unwavering resolve, she secured lasting peace and prosperity for her people, paving the way for an era of unprecedented growth and prosperity.

  • 9110

    The Founding of the Order of the Platinum Knights

    As a devout follower of Bahamut, Queen Valeria established the Order of the Platinum Knights, a chivalric order dedicated to upholding the ideals of justice, honor, and righteousness. Comprised of valiant warriors and noble knights, the order served as the vanguard of her kingdom, defending the innocent and championing the cause of righteousness throughout the realm.

  • 9115

    The Battle of Firefang Pass
    Military: Battle

    Queen Valeria's valor and leadership were put to the test during the Battle of Firefang Pass, a pivotal conflict that threatened to engulf her kingdom in war. Leading her forces with courage and determination, she successfully repelled the invading orc hordes, securing her kingdom's borders and safeguarding her people from harm.

  • 9125

    The Founding of the Academy of Arcane Arts
  • 9130

    the marriage of Aelinor the Rebuilder and Thranduil the Wise
    Life, Relationship change
  • 9225

    Death of Hildr Shieldmaiden
    Life, Death

Second Age of Discovery

10000 and beyond

The Second Age of Discovery heralds a new dawn of exploration and innovation in the annals of Eothea's history, a time when the mortal races have once again turned their gaze towards the uncharted horizons of the world. Born from the ashes of conflict and strife, this era represents a bold resurgence of curiosity and ambition, as mortals harness the power of Æther with caution and foresight, mindful of the lessons learned from the trials of ages past.   Central to the Second Age of Discovery is the utilization of Æther—a potent source of magical energy that pervades the very fabric of reality. Unlike in previous eras, where the unchecked manipulation of Æther attracted the attention of malevolent forces from beyond, mortals now approach its use with a newfound sense of caution and reverence. Safeguards and wards are implemented to shield their endeavors from prying eyes, ensuring that the delicate balance of power within the cosmos remains undisturbed.   Armed with the knowledge and wisdom gleaned from centuries of study and experimentation, mortals embark upon daring expeditions to chart the uncharted, to uncover the mysteries that lie hidden beneath the surface of the world. From the towering peaks of distant mountains to the depths of unexplored caverns and abyssal depths, adventurers and explorers set forth into the unknown, driven by a thirst for knowledge and a hunger for discovery.   Yet, the Second Age of Discovery is not without its perils and challenges. As mortals venture into uncharted territories, they encounter untamed wildernesses teeming with dangers both natural and supernatural. Creatures of myth and legend lurk in the shadows, their presence a testament to the enduring mysteries of the world. Yet, even amidst the dangers that lurk beyond the borders of civilization, mortals press onward, driven by the belief that the pursuit of knowledge is worth any risk.   In the realms of science and technology, the mortal races make strides unparalleled in their history, harnessing the power of Æther to fuel a new wave of innovation and progress. Airships once again take to the skies, their sleek hulls propelled by the boundless energy of Æther, carrying explorers to the furthest reaches of the world in search of new lands and untold riches. Lightning rails crisscross the landscape, their gleaming tracks a testament to mortal ingenuity and ambition, connecting distant cities and civilizations in a web of trade and communication.   As the Second Age of Discovery unfolds, the mortal races of Eothea stand poised upon the brink of a new era of possibility and potential. Though challenges and obstacles lie ahead, the flame of hope burns bright within the hearts of those who dare to dream of a future where the boundaries of knowledge and imagination are boundless. In the crucible of exploration and discovery, mortals forge their destiny, shaping the course of history with every step they take into the unknown.

  • 10045

    Death of Thranduil the Wise
    Life, Death
  • 10057

    Death of Aelinor the Rebuilder
    Life, Death
  • 10300

    Birth of Sundar Pidgeblin
    Life, Birth
  • 10350

    Creation of the Gnomish Googlebox
    Scientific achievement
  • 10711

    Death of Sundar Pidgeblin
    Life, Death
  • 11011

    Birth of Bromli Stonebeard
    Life, Birth
  • 11256

    Death of Bromli Stonebeard
    Life, Death
  • 12050

    Current Year