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Prologue - Looking for Work

Week 1

General Summary


> Caden
> Cole
> Drew
> Lexi



> Establish the foundation of a new world to play D&D in.
> Make fun and interesting characters that you're excited to play with.
> Introduce your characters.
> Engage in some initial character development and world-building.


Essential Information

> We're here to have fun!

  • If anything doesn't work (rules, systems, language, content, anything) we'll change it and adapt.
  • X-Card Safety Tool
  • Is there any content that we want to mark as definitely off-limits?
  • For myself, I'm just going to veto sexual violence and graphic gore

  • > This world is dangerous

  • As DM, I won't be fudging any rolls. The dice shall decide.

  • > We are building this world together

  • Be prepared to describe the parts of the world your character interacts with and the ways they interact with them.
  • This is all improvisation, though, so it's fine if it's silly or weird or doesn't make much sense!
  • Yes, and... & Rule of Cool
  • Step Up/Step Back
  • Making Characters

    Welcome to Riverwood

    You find yourself in the township of Riverwood, east of the Wood River and southwest of The River Woods.   Perhaps you've arrived only recently. Maybe you've lived here for years. You might even have been born and raised here.   Whatever your familiarity with the locale, you are responding to an open call for adventurers by Artifact Securement Services, the new start up adventuring company. They are promising loot-sharing, and survival rates of at least 50%!

    Character Creation Questions

    ***you don't have to write down answers to these questions, just consider them as you make your characters.***
      > Why is your character in Riverwood?   > Why are they applying to be an adventurer for Artifact Securement Services?   > Does your character know any of the other characters already? How?   > What is your character really good at?   > What are they really bad at?   > What motivates your character to take risks and be brave?  

    Group Job Interview

    EVERYONE - Initiative rolls
    Determines order of arrival &:
    You arrive at the tavern listed on the job poster. The The Tipsy Dragon. Not unlike any other small town tavern you might have seen. A couple folks sip beer at the bar, some laugh at a table in the corner. As you take in the place, the swarthy, bearded bartender gives you a once over then nods towards an open door at the far end of the room.   Do you each head back there?
    You're late to the interview. Describe what kept you.

    Describe what your character looks like as they walk in, and what do they do?

    Drew(Orel Dotsk - he/him)

  • Human male
  • slender, average height
  • dark clothed, hooded with face obscured
  • glint of blue eyes below hood
  • self-contained
  • went straight to back room
  • Cole(Clara Cloudfellow - she/her)

  • Halfling female
  • unarmored
  • big, blonde, curly locks, very long
  • wearing a flowy dress with some rigidness
  • ripped off sleeves because she's very muscular
  • baggy leggings
  • great axe, two hand axes
  • short and hefty for a halfling
  • curvy, shapely
  • cheery and friendly
  • eager to try out the bar
  • orders a ginger-ale, downs it and heads to the back room
  • Lexi(Taygunther "Tay" Tallstag - he/him)

  • Human male
  • Pretty young (23yrs)
  • Very tall (6'9") and strongly slender
  • Common clothes with Explorer's pack
  • fitted cotton/wool tunic
  • pale top, dark bottoms
  • necklace of stone
  • Carries himself seriously
  • When you look in his green eyes you can see he gets what's going on with you
  • Tawny skin
  • Golden hair, short but not buzzed
  • Hide armor bundled on Explorer's pack, with wolf head helm atop
  • Femur Bone Mace stowed accessibly on pack
  • Asks bartender about a young girl who rode into town 15 years ago atop a panicked pack mule loaded with instruments
  • Bartender does recall that, and recalls that young girl then rode upriver (North) when someone approached her.
  • Orders a dark ale, gets a Dwarven Brown and takes it and heads to the backroom
  • Caden(Reverence - *they*/he)

  • Tiefling
  • 5'8"
  • Longer legs than torso
  • Black hair down to shoulders
  • Horns transition from yellow to pink
  • Black/gold eyes
  • leather clothing
  • daggers at hips, swords in crossed scabbards on back
  • Approached the table of people jovial folks who tell a joke the punchline of which is "A kobold ain't got no tale to tell."
  • Found this amusing and decided not to pickpocket them
  • Headed to back room

  • As you each enter the back room, you are greeted by a jolly fellow.   "Hello! Hello! Sit anywhere."   He gestures to the large table in the middle of the room. It seems to be made of a single cross-section of a giant tree, with the bark still on the outside ring. There are cushy chairs positioned at intervals around it.   The person who greeted you is small of stature, but rotund. A long, whispy white beard and whispy white hair sway and bounce as he pours different colored liquids into a tall cup.   "We're still waiting for a few folks to arrive."
      > Once every has arrived:
    The white-haired man stirs the concoction in his cup and points one of the many rings he wears at it. A small cone of frost shoots from the ring, engulfing the cup. He approaches the table and takes a sip. His eyes close and he smiles.   As his eyes open, he looks at each of you.   "I'm Mallo Ree and I am starting the finest adventuring company this side of the The Scar. If you've got the right stuff, then I want you as Artifact Recovery Service's founding adventuring party."   He sits and kicks his hooved feet up onto the table. A gnome you hadn't noticed before steps up beside his chair, quill raised and notebook in hand.   "So, tell me about yourselves."   He takes another sip of his drink.

    "Tell me about yourself."


  • Was initially flustered by the question
  • If the price is right, the work is right
  • Haven't really left home town much
  • Gambling debt
  • From "past the river, off a ways, down a long stretch of road"
  • Clara

  • Calls Riverwood "quaint"
  • Can't go home
  • Current ruler is out to see her dead
  • Looking to get experience
  • "Beef up my skills"
  • Take back my homeland
  • Excited to be on a team
  • Tay

  • Born to a couple minstrels who used to travel the area
  • Had a twin sister
  • When young, got separated from family in the woods
  • Adopted by a family of druids in the River Woods
  • Wants to find sister
  • Here to make some money to prepare for that quest
  • Reverence

  • Amateur historian
  • Attracted to finding artifacts
  • Here to find what we find
  • Do some good in the world
  • Not a fan of the authorities
  • A delivery is a delivery at the end of the day
  • Interested in the history of artifacts
  • The people the culture
  • But are also usually worth a fair bit of money
  • What's your coolest story? <Performance>

    Clara (dirty 20)

  • war for independence
  • neighboring nation trying to take lush farmland
  • battle underground in a lava river
  • won the battle to escape, lost the war
  • Orel (17)

  • couple year's back, I was on a job:
  • startin' to go sour, hadn't heard back from contact
  • time was short
  • do what I always do, hit up the tavern, played a few hands
  • I was up so much
  • Player got riled up, starting makin' a mess of the place
  • Ended up killin' the guy in the alley
  • Heard from my contact
  • Convenient, turns out the guy was killed the night before in the alley
  • "Problem with bein' too lucky, is sometimes too much brings the wrong kind of attention."

    What's your most embarrassing story? <Performance>

    Reverence (10)

  • I get a lot of different delivieres
  • This one time, I had a small package to deliver
  • There were a couple of guys with me on the run
  • One of the guys lost the package on the way, didn't tell us until we got there
  • I take pride in my ability to find these objects
  • Takes a lot of work and dedication
  • We got there and it did not go well
  • Don't do that
  • We got out of there, after a bit of fight
  • It wasn't until later, we're lyin' low
  • Dude who "lost" the package, found it in his pocket
  • We got our asses handed to us for nothing
  • ::tale flicks angrily::
  • Mallo Ree: "What'd you do with it?"
  • We found something else to do with it
  • Always a buyer out there
  • Tay (2)

  • All my life as a druid, I've studied animal handling
  • For some reason I just can't get rabbits to listen to me
  • "Rabbits?"
  • Yeah, rabbits, bunnies
  • I think they just don't care
  • We use the rabbits as an alarm system
  • Dangerous creatures
  • Change in rabbits
  • Train them to come back after they are out in the woods and tell us of any danger
  • It was my job to train a new clutch of rabbits
  • I failed
  • I just can't train rabbits
  • They just wouldn't really listen to me at all
  • The elders say the rabbits don't respond to hostility
  • They said there is some sort of hostility in me

    We come to it: What would you bring to Artifact Securement Services <Charisma>

    Clara (22 - persuasion)

  • ::lifts up her axe and smile::
  • You see, I have experience with leadership and I'm quite skilled and strong with this great axe.
  • Tay (15 - deception)

  • I don't know if it'll come in handy much
  • Have focused on animal handling with the druids
  • I know a lot about medicine
  • I'm very perceptive, attention to detail
  • I also have this
  • --::pulls out bone mace::  

    Reverence (13 - persuasion)

  • Prior experience moving artifacts - independent contractor
  • Lot of my work previously was similar work
  • I can get into places pretty easily
  • talent with sleight of hand
  • Developed a lot of contacts
  • Orel (13 -deception)

  • Arcana can help pay off debts
  • I'm quite familiar with recognizing the arcane in otherwise mundane artifacts
  • I have no qualms about convincing competition as to our claim of any artifact
  • Additional Session Notes

    Bartender - Dekgrik   Orel
  • From a town east of the Softsleet River
  • Tay
  • Familiar with Softsleet River
  • Engaging with Clara
  • T: "You're from the north? How long ago was your home usurped."
  • C: "20 years ago. Been living in the River Woods."
  • T: "15 years ago, did you see a young girl riding a pack-mule with instruments riding North through the woods?"
  • C: "I'm sorry dear, no."
  • Clara
  • "Isn't Riverwood just darling?"
  • Wrap Up

    > Link to this World Anvil is in Discord > Session 1: Saturday, July 23 at 2:00pm.
    Epoch 9 Campaign
    Report Date
    16 Jul 2022
    Primary Location
    Related Characters

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