Fay Empire

Written by graiffe

Table of contents

Section 1 overview
  Subsections:   Subsection: Basic   Subsection: Typical facts  
Section 2: Geopolitical
  Subsections   Subsection: Capitol   Subsection: System of government  



The fay are a naturalist and advancement-based society, they work to make things (such as scientific theories) that will further the fay. All of their society is built around two ideals:  
Protecting the sacred lands
  They will fight to keep outsiders (any non-fay) away from their lands, these are also the only point of access into the feywild (coming not soon).  
Advancing the Fay
  At any cost the fay tries to scientifically advance their society, they base everything off of this.  

Typical facts


Alternative names

A derogatory insult commonly used by non-fay, implies that they spend all day partying.  
Another insult used to indicate the supposed "superior nature" of elves.  
Elven kingdoms
An uninformed name used by middle class elves.   Note that elves are a source of many fay problems.  


  The fay empire was founded in 1904 with the Mindfayer, Farie, and Elf pact of unification after the mindflayers were nearly wiped out after a famine. The first leaders were Sir Benjamin I and Lady Familia I an elf and a Tiefling elf.  


They live for science, all essential professions are filled sparingly with the lowest IQ citizens, if you are smart enough, they give you a good job and good space to live, the less intelligent people have worse living conditions.   The fay believe that everyone deserves a home, so everyone is provided with food, water, and shelter. Anything else they pay for with their job.   They fay are also warry of non-fay, the Mindflayers going so far as to eat them, which has led to disputes. Being non-fay in Fayland is punishable by death.  

Public agenda

  Empress Familia is your typical fay ruler, Venusian often rise to positions of power, she's promised to continue to serve her people, she doesn't need to make any agendas though, because she is in her office for life. She's well liked, and deservingly so, she has won wars and is a skillful leader, the security of her extended lifespan is a bonus too.  


Medium (making scale system)  



The capitol of the fay frequently changes, but it will always rest on the highest concentration of fay magic. Currently the queen and her advisors reside in a remote part of Wigtondalia.

System of government

As seen on the sidebar the sidebar the fay is an elective monarchy.

Selection process

Their elections are quick and effective, leading to a very powerful and steadfast ruler. They start with the top 100 of the best IQs then, by order of signing the treaty they select their top half.
The fairies halve the candite's by popular consensus, there's a simple ballot with a yes or a no beside each candite, the bottom 50 of Nos will be eliminated from the race. They created the treaty and were the first to sign it.
Elven peoples
It took a few more years for the elves to sign the treaty, mostly because they had over 200-300 separate governing bodies at the time. The elves have a simple system of pick your favorite. The candidates with the least votes will be eliminated. Then there will be 25.
The mindflayer had to go through a famine and population crisis before signing the treaty. Their system is a rigorous test of mind body and soul to eliminate their 13 candidates.
Mercurian descendants
It was hotly contested weather or not the Mercurians should be allowed to sign the treaty. However, after Ziies sent a message to the fay they agreed to allow them into the treaty. The Mercurians test the best skill (chosen by the contestants) as they believe skill was the quality most lacking in the trials up to them. This brings it down to 6 candidates.
The Venusians are the most recent addition to the treaty, it is widely suspected their powers of emotional manipulation helped them win favor. The Venusians are highly secretive, but we do know that they test compassion in a series of simulations.
Final test
The final test is simply whoever has the highest IQ.  

Individual systems of government

  Each of the Fay races has a unique system of government, each incorporating the empire leader at the top.  
Elven system: Empire > Kingdom > Duchy > town > manor
Empire: The entirety of the fay lands, ruled by the current empress or emperor.   Kingdom: A country, ruled by a king or queen   Duchy: A county or major city, ruled by a duke or duchess   town: ruled by a mayor.   manor: If someone owns enough land to house other people, the government will give them controlled amounts of power over their citizens, they are awarded the title of lord or lady.   The elves system may seem basic, but it's held true since before the empire, they used to use this system to govern the separate elven kingdoms. It's also the most stable system.  
Faries system: Popular consensus
  The Faries still have an extremely diverse government, they have over six hundred separate circles of Faries.   A circle of fairy is a place where Faries of similar interests work together. Over six hundred circle leaders come to a tribunal, which doesn't stop until they all reach an agreement. Of note is that this system isn't perfect, the long waits lead to problems getting worse, and some tribes have more pull than others.   Another problem is that though it masquerades as a perfect system, the leaders are not required to listen to the citizens they have control over. This leads to corruption and dishonest politics.   The fay emperor/ess's job is to be a voice of the people. They are the only one who can eject someone from their seat of power, and they also can veto any decision made in the tribunal.   Decisions that can be made include but are not limited to: Calling in the emperor/ess. Making a new law. Sentencing someone who broke a law. And military actions or enforcing the law.   Due to their abilities, Venusians are banned from setting foot withing 20 miles of the tribunal.  
Mindflayers system: Gladiator fights
  The mindflayers have a system of competing absolute monarchies. They have many small communities housed underground which are led by a healer and strategist. The reason for the highest ranking official being a master tactician and healer, is the was the settle disputes: Gladiator duels (more to come in Mindflayers article.)  
mercurian descendants system: Voting
  As the Mercurian descendants are a fairness and justice loving people, the came to the final conclusion that the simplest system would be the fairest.   Thus the they have a fair direct democratic system.   At birth each of the Mercurians is assigned one of three roles: Judge, Lawmaker, or Executive. Whenever a decision is made, it's decided by every person in these categories. There are a few obvious problems, such as people who don't want to vote, and slow decision making.   However, the main flaw is in fact the Emperor/ess. The system pre empire wasn't very adjustable. Unfortunately this led to the empire being given ultimate veto power, which has been heavily abused in the past.  

Additional government notes

  The current empress is Empress Familia who will rule until death.   Of note is that they do not believe in inheritance of power or marrying into it, a king and a queen can be married, but their power doesn't come from marriage. Ex: the current Empress Familia is not a decedent of Sir Benjamin I and Lady Familia I.  

Foreign Relations

Neighboring organizations


Earthian alliance.

  The Empire has a tense but so far mainly neutral relationship with the EA, despite their missions frequently having opposing goals. The EA has often tried to "deport" Venusians, mindflayers and Mercurian descendants, but are often thwarted by their lack of training and magical knowledge.   In total the EA and FE are in a sort of cold war, with the fay not wanting a war, and the EA being too inexperienced to fight one.  

Small Scale Alliance

  The fay empire has frequently supported the organization and has made multiple fair trade deals, the fay empire exchange funds, for the SSA's rare resources. Or the other way around.   In total, the SSA has one of the best relationships with the FE.

Other relationships

Atlantis Compound

Like everyone in the world, the FE is unaware of the compounds existence. The Fay wouldn't care to much about them if they did know they exist.   In total, the fay empire doesn't care.  

Orc Invasion and oppresion

The elves and orcs have an ancient rivalry, and so do the organizations, there have been multiple wars and many smaller fights. They hate each other more than most.   In total, the only reason there isn't a massive war is that they're not neighbors.  

Included countries



  Wigtondalia is the biggest country in the empire. It has the highest concentration of magic and feywild entrances.   Wigtodalia is sparsely populated and is the religious capitol of the fay. They believe this was the area where their races were first created.  


  Rombefordia is the main military country of the fay. It's the most densely populated and is the smallest country in the empire.   This is also where many major cities are. They're often repurposed forts from a past war. Their cities are known for having secret passages and winding roads, easy to get lost in.  


  Cong is the industrial side of the fay. It's the most populated but more spread out than Rombefordia.   Many middle class fay work here and it has the highest poverty rate. Most fay resources are produced here.  


  Kinu is the governmental capitol of the fay. It's very mid-populated.   Most ambasadors, politicians, gladiators (in the case of the mindflayers), and other things of the sort live here. It's the richest country and it's wealth is spread oppulently in shining cities.  


  The fay have three methods of currency  

Gold > Silver > Copper coins

  Offical global currency, works almost anywhere. Used by elves, mercurians, venusians, and mindflayers  


  The faries have a very simplistic lifestyle, and have not felt the need to move beyond the basic trade of services and materials

Mythology & Lore

Their religion is mostly acurate with some shine from their goddes and spirit. It is as follows: The goddess Ziies who blesses the fay with great sience was gifted her power by the spirit Xymean the spirit, who loved the Fay, and giffted them their goddess.

Divine Origins

In reallity: The spirit Xymean was vying for dominice in a bet with their sibling Cabnvazm, on who would be more successful the orcs or the elves, their bet is still going. In an attempt to push the elves in the right direction she blessed the elf Sirence with the ability to use magic to figure out the laws of the universe, imortality, and the ablity to gift others some of that ability. This had a positive effect as they considers themself in the lead, of course their sibling has a diffrent opinion.

Cosmological Views

They belive (correctly) that on the first minute of the first hour of the first day of the first year a spirit created time and that began the world.

Tenets of Faith

1. keep the fay lands pure. 2. do not let those who are not fay into the fay lands. 3. pray to the spirit for clarity and and the goddess for intelligence. 4. NEVER pray to Cabnvazm for any reason.


They bellive that there are 3 sins: 1. To associate (in freindship or romanticly) with non-fay. 2. To pray to Cabnvazm for any reason. 3. To kill a fay.


They belive in worship through advancement and sacrifice and will offer their creations to their god.

Through ziies and science we prevail.

Articles under Fay Empire


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Mar 19, 2024 00:48

I have a few questions friend, What do you mean by typical fay ruler? Are there any other examples of Fay leaders and their common policies regarding public policy? Are they a militant and xenophobic society? You hint at it, but don't go into depth for it. I would love to hear more about the eccentricities of your fay rulers.   I love the whole Technocracy theme you have for them! You say they are naturalists, so does that mean they blend nature and the faywyld with their technology? I'd love to hear more about that aspect of them!   Would you be open to adding a section expounding on why elves add to many of the problems of the empire? Looking through a few other articles, it seems you don't go into as much detail as you do about the faries and their position in the empire. Overall, it's well structured, easy to read, and quite enjoyable!

May you find the truth as it billows through the branches...
Mar 19, 2024 02:02

Thanks! The "common fay leader" is vague and I definitely need to elaborate on it, tech and magic are definitely blending so I'll elaborate on assets. I'll elaborate on the "elven problems in the Elven peoples article. The reason for the low detail is simply my current focus on this article, so expect an expansion on offshoot articles as soon as I finish this one. Thanks for your critiques!

Your freind, The Graiffe Chronicler of worlds and novel writer
Mar 19, 2024 01:37 by Marc Zipper

I enjoyed how you went with Science and Logic over mythicism and other fey Traditions. Mixing technology with Nature is a unique outlook.

Let's have fun creating the impossible, building new worlds, and all types of possibilities. Valcin
Mar 19, 2024 01:55

Thanks! They definitely still have a strong mythology, but that really affects the elves more than the organization.

Your freind, The Graiffe Chronicler of worlds and novel writer