
Wigtondallia is the religous capitol of the Fay Empire. It currently holds the ever shifting capitol at the current nexus of feywild magic. It was orgianlly several elven kingdoms before the empire was formed.


A tundra with many icy rivers, a coast on both sides and the arctic to the north. It has many waterfalls and forest topped in trees.


It's usally chilly enough for a sweater and it frequently snows.

Natural Resources

Wood is farmed and exsported along with some detailed religous artifacts.


Made capitol 1903 Took side of Mindflayers in civil war 1938-39 Orcs were foiled by religous magic in an atack on the capitol. 1967 Second country to make approve the womens right act of 1994. 1996 Took the side of No in the non-fay rights civil war. 2028 Provided paladins in war with orcs. 2085


Mainly gets religous tourists looking to visit temples of the spirit and the goddess, of course no non-fay and not many at all.
Alternative Name(s)
The Grand Land, The great land, The first land, The field of the lady.
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Characters in Location