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The winged pegasi are proud and fiercely independent, descended from a long legacy of warriors and a militaristic society. Their mastery of the Ars Aerae give them flight and command of the sky. They possess the ability to control weather, direct lightning, and walk on clouds. Many pegasi work in positions that favor their speed and maneuverability; couriers and messengers are popular choices.   Within Equestria, the management of the weather falls under the purview of the pegasi and they are entrusted to ensure that crops receive the proper growing conditions and that hostile weather doesn't cause damage. Pegasi also feature prominently in the Equestrian military as many young pegasi strive to live up to their history of honor and service.
The Pre-Unification Banner of the Pegasus Tribe
Scientific Name
Equus sapiens aerae
Related Organizations
Clear Skies, a pegasus


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