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Equestria is territorially one of the largest nations in the world as well as one of the most populated.   Absolute power was historically vested in the Crown, which for centuries was split equally between the Lunar Throne and Solar Thrones. Following the Equestrian Civil War and the subsequent Deification of Celestia Invictus, the Convocation of Lords assumed to itself the responsibility of ruling Equestria until such time as a suitable ruler should be crowned. According to the Decree of the Empty Throne, only an alicorn may be crowned as the head of state.   To protect the rights and freedoms of the nation following the Equestrian Civil War in 189 TC, the Convocation of Lords ratified a Constitution which outlines and defines the authority of the Crown and establishes legislative power with both the landed nobility as well as elected citizens; judicial power is held by elected and independent magistrates.   The law of Equestria guarantees egalitarian treatment and equal protection under the law to all sapient beings and grants broad and sweeping freedoms.   The government consists of appointed civil servants who serve at the Crown's pleasure, who labor in various ministries, bureaus, and departments in order to tend to the daily affairs of the nation. The Convocation of Lords maintains authority over the affairs of state, establishes foreign policy, and works in conjunction with all aspects of government to ensure its operation.


The Empty Throne is symbolically invested with the powers and prerogatives of the head of state, which is exercised by the Convocation of Lords.   The Convocation selects one member from amongst its ranks to be designated as the First Lord and to function as the single representative of government where such is necessary or beneficial. The First Lord and his peers exercise executive authority.   The hereditary Convocation of Lords and the elected members of the Assembly of Commons jointly comprise the Parliament and are responsible for legislative functions.   Judicial functions are performed by independent magistrates and judges elected by the individual municipalities, townships, counties, etc.

Demography and Population

The total population is 24 million sapient beings, mostly ponies. However, other sapient races also reside within Equestrian borders, including griffins and zebras.


The Kingdom of Equestria encompasses 309,140 square miles. 53% is arable land and 47% is wilderness.   It is divided into 63 subdivions, including counties, baronies, and duchies, each of which may contain various municipalities and townships.


The Equestrian Military consists of 120,000 volunteers who are professional soldiers and members of a standing army. Approximately 60,000 are active duty while another 60,000 are in reserve.   Local authorities may choose to employ peacekeeping or law enforcement organizations.


Equestria's official state religion is the Cult Solar, centered on the worship of Celestia Invictus.   The majority of ponies follow the teachings of the Cult Solar to some extent, though levels of sincerity and piety vary. There is no legal obligation to believe in the teachings or participate in the worship of the Cult Solar, however.   A number of smaller religions and sects also exist legally within Equestria, often practiced by expatriates from other lands.

Foreign Relations

Equestria pursues friendly relations with its neighbors and prefers diplomatic solutions. However, Equestria has a long-standing policy of interference in world affairs when it deems it warranted.

Agriculture & Industry

The labor of earth pony farmers working in conjunction with pegasi weather managers ensures a steady and reliable crop of the staple foods required by the population. The excess is typically traded with foreign nations, stockpiled for emergencies, and/or distributed to regions experiencing famine or drought.

Mythology & Lore

The former ruler of Equestria, Princess Celestia, is believed to have left the mortal world to become deified as Celestia Invictus after defeating the Nightmare at the end of the Equestrian Civil War. Having risen above the day-to-day concerns of the living, she now watches

Cosmological Views

The cosmos is defined by the interplay between Chaos and Harmony. Harmony is understood to be the cosmic principle that tends towards order, stability, peace, goodwill, and growth. It is in opposition to Chaos, the cosmic principle that tends towards violence, destruction, disorder, unruliness, and decay.   Harmony is understood to be the proper and natural order of things, which is opposed and threatened by the force of Chaos which originate from dark realms utterly inimical to sane or healthy life. Chaos, by its nature, seeks to corrupt and twist everything into a reflection of itself.

Tenets of Faith

The primary articles of faith are these:   1.) There is one goddess: Celestia Invictus, deified and perfected; 2.) There is one law: that all the works of darkness and chaos must be purged by fire; 3.) There is one truth: in all things, Harmony prevails.  
  • Excerpt from the Solar Creed of Salvation
  • Ethics

    As guidelines to the active pursuit of harmony, ponies are taught to shun the ways of Chaos and to embrace Loyalty, Kindness, Generosity, Laughter, and Honesty.

    Harmony Prevails

    Founding Date
    -107 BF
    Geopolitical, Kingdom
    Formation Type
    Training Level
    Veterancy Level
    Government System
    Monarchy, Constitutional
    Power Structure
    Feudal state
    Economic System
    Market economy
    The official currency of Equestria is the bit, commonly exchanged in the form of coins of various denominations. Paper currency exists but is fairly rare, being used to conveniently exchange large sums of money during business transactions. Bits may be subdivided into fractional amounts, such as the tenth-, twentieth-, and half-bit.
    Major Exports
    Equestria's major exports are food, steel, precious minerals, and enchanted objects.
    Major Imports
    Equestria is a major importer of crystal, especially from the Crystal Empire.
    Legislative Body
    Laws are created by Parliament, which consists of the Convocation of Lords and the Assembly of the Commons. The Convocation of Lords are the hereditary, landed nobility of Equestria while the Assembly of Commons are private citizens elected to represent their neighbors.
    Judicial Body
    Local authorities appoint magistrates to appoint and interpret the law in criminal and civil matters. The decisions of local magistrates may be appealed to the High Court in Canterlot.
    Executive Body
    Executive authority is exercised by the Convocation of Lords, chaired by the First Lord, in the name of the Empty Throne.
    Related Species


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