Unicorn Species in Equestria | World Anvil
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The horned unicorns are the premier casters of magic. Their use of the Ars Aetherae grants them an unrivaled ability to produce magical effects that are externalized from their body; to cast spells, in other words. They possess the ability to reshape the world around them using spells, which cause effects in accordance with their wills.   All unicorns are capable of one basic application of magic, regardless of their power level: telekinesis. The use of telekineses to manipulate objects grants them an unrivaled ability for work requiring fine dexterity.   Many unicorns gravitate towards professions where their magic can be directly applied, working as enchanters, mages, and the like. Many others thrive in positions where their telekinetic abilities allows them to perform highly detailed and exacting work: for example, gem-cutters, surgeons, or engravers. The arts and sciences are also largely dominated by unicorns.
The Pre-Unification Banner of the Unicorn Tribe
Scientific Name
Equus sapiens aetherae
Related Organizations
Lyra Heartstrings, a unicorn


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