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A lesson in tracking and racism

General Summary

After locating the Dragonborn encampment, and killing one of the Dragonborn, the group learns of the duo's orders. They were sent to keep an eye on the town, and watch for travelling Dragonkin to recruit into their ranks.   While en-route back to Polis, Jerriden woke up, fully recovered from his injuries, thanks to Bodbyn. Jerriden was frantic about his coin purse, and it's contents, missing, possibly stolen by his compatriots. He walked out of the clinic and started walking around town looking for his "friends" and after a few hours of searching, he finally came upon them, as they were returning. At first angry he approached Urso demanding his coin returned, but was surprised to find it suddenly in his pocket.   Now nearly fully reunited, the mercenaries make their way outside of the city walls to the camp that the other 3 members made. After a rough greeting, they sent Ledare, the elf, off to scout the camp, and track the remaining Dragonborn. The group them walked into town to get a few beers for Pahl and Linnmon. Urso attempted to give Jerredin a grand entrance, which worked, just not in the way that they were hoping. The town has disdain for elves, given the history of the town, and scars that never fully healed, and this extended to half-elves. Jerredin, in hopes of winning over the crowd, he started playing a song, condemning elves. Though they were tapping their toes, the fact that they were being sung to by an half-elf enraged them even further. When the bartender got the town guard Jerredin kept on playing, and attempting to dance with him. Mac finally intervened, turning into a Firbolg and physically removing Jerredin from the bar.   Raksis was able to get the beers before he left, and they made their way back to the camp to enjoy the hard earned drinks. Everyone went to sleep for the night, except for Jerredin, who used his disguise kit to make himself look like a human. He walked around town to gather intel about the racism in Polis.   The next day the group waited for the return of Ledare, but there was no sign of her. Pahl stayed behind to watch the horses, and Linnmon followed them out to the Dragonborn camp. They noticed that the body was missing, and were luckily able to find Ledare's tracks and followed it until morning. They came to the scene that found a fight between 2 individuals, one was presumably Ledare, and the other was an unknown assailant. Everyone but Raksis followed the trail of blood south, and found an injured Ledare, who was barely able to move. A quick heal allowed her to stand and move forward. It turns out that Ledare was assaulted by what could've been a Dragonborn, and was able to defend herself, though was mortally wounded. In a delerious state, she attempted to make her way back to Polis, but feinted due to blood loss.   Raksis, focusing on finding the murderous Dragonborn group, moved forward to find the other individual in the fight. He came to a Half-Dragon, tied him up and healed him back into conscientiousness. The Half-Dragon was fooled by Raksis rouse that he was part of their group, and gave him some further information. The Half-Dragon then took flight and took off.   Mac was also able to gain enough knowledge to be able to turn into a half dragon (minus the wings)

Character(s) interacted with

Linnmon, Ledare, Pahl, Bobdyn, West Brier Town Guard, Half-Dragon
Report Date
14 Nov 2019
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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