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West Brier

West Breir is a city near the Wilds, that is the capital of The Ardent


The wall that surrounds the city proper, is made of stone and stands 30ft tall.

Industry & Trade

Weapons, armaments, and horse shoes (Heavy Black Smith)


The buildings are heavily Human influenced, but have a hit of Elvish construction about them.

Guilds and Factions

Mercenaries guild
Mages Guild
Thieves Guild (in process)


Prologue: West Brier is a stunning city, that has histories that reach far longer than that of the Empire. This book is a condensed version of that history and it serves a purpose of giving testament to the great things that have been accomplished.   Chapter 1: Humble beginnings   West Brier's settlement year is largely contested, but most agree that it started around 300 years before the Human-Elf War. It was started by people fleeing the sacking of x, by elves. Survivors moved West to the river, and what started as a camp, it quickly became a settlement. The first building were made of the trees nearby, served as structure, and tools. By the time the first winter hit they had already sourced food, warmth, and a governmental structure. Over the next decades they became a village, thrived on the land and expanded. Word soon spread of the new fertile lands, and farmers took the long trek to the village in the wilds. The forests were pushed back to make room for farms, and the village became a shining star for the nation of x. Archaeological digs have proven that Humans were already advanced in ironwork, and knew basic glyphs for enchantments. The village was placed adjacent to the river for easy access to fish, cleaning, travel , and for the villages main export, horseshoes that the many blacksmiths made. It was from the blacksmiths that money flowed into the village, and soon traders were coming from all around to purchase iron fittings, weapons, armor and horseshoes. The villages original name has been lost to the ages, but what we do know is that it had some of the finest ironcraft of it's tiny nation. It was at this time that first wooden bridge was built, it connected the village to another thoroughfare, and increased the trade between the neighboring nation of x. The village was in such a pivotal location for the two nations that it became the negotiating location for the kings of the two small nations. At this point it was dubbed the Iron Loams   Chapter 2: The Golden Century   With the village in a point of power, it quickly began gaining money, and became a seat of power for the nation of x, but it was never officially given a lord or official title. Historians are unsure why, but they was speculation that it was to be regarded as a bargaining chip, if things went sour with the neighboring nation. With the population growing, and money flowing through it, the elders decided to change with the times.

Natural Resources

The mines nearby are the main source of iron. Discovered nearly 100 years after it's founding, West Brier is the main source of the Kingdoms tools, armor, weapons, and horseshoes. The near by river also gives ample access to fish, and the lands are fertile.
Large city
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