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It's the End of the World As We Know It

General Summary

Karsus was more friendly than his beholder form appeared, offering tea and was quite forthcoming with information. Telling the party some of the history of the Netheril and how he tragically came to be in the form he's trapped in. Upon being told the arrival of the Yuan-Ti however, fear gripped the aberration. He warned the group that the Yuan-Ti must be after an ancient tome called the Nidhogg Vakningarbók, a tome taken by the Netheril from the creator race of the Yuan-Ti, the Sarrukh.   He begged the party to go down and retrieve the book as his current form does not allow it due to the "Light of Stasis". While the group does so, he will contact an ally known as Sylvira Savikas and defend the main entrance from the Yuan-Ti Legion coming from outside.   Unfortunately, the Yuan-Ti seemed to be prepared to create alternate pathways into The Lost City of Wiezda, with the use of Calimshite Molten Asps and engaged the group. Making short work of them, the party was able to go to the central hold uneventfully.   Here, they found themselves staring down a colossal Warforged guardian, serving as the second to last line of defense for the evil knowledge held within the light. Etzsa managed to convince the guardian that Karsus was alive and sent them down here for the tome. Claiming that her Red-Dragon sorceress ancestry could possible react negatively to the Light of Stasis, Etzsa requested that Runaway take the tome for her. He became a little suspicious of Etzsa's insistence to take the tome but he acquiesced and gave her the world ending book.   After a brief stint maneuvering around another incursion party, the group moved back to the main foyer and found Karsus near deaths door fighting Praefect Silvanus and his Yuan-Ti followers. Sylvira Savikas had arrived while the party was gone and was defending the beholder, taking arrows fired by archers in the anti-magic cone.   The group quickly formulated a plan to teleport out of the city using Sylvira, and were able to enact on it with only a few slight hiccups. The first being a Nightmare Speaker creating a cloud of darkness that could touch the far realm, and the second being once that was dispelled and the teleportation started, Etzsa chose to stay behind.   When the party arrived at Candlekeep, and found out of the betrayal of one of their own, most the party and the NPCs invested in this began spiraling into a depression. During this time, Bachgen was determined to do what he can and went to return to the Sunset Mountains, and Sylvira teleported him back under the condition that he act as one of the agents of the Harpers during this crisis. Twenty Four hours after the Yuan-Ti got what they needed to begin the reawakening process, Sylvira Savikas, Karsus, and several of the other members present all called a conference to brain storm and figure out their next actions.

Character(s) interacted with

Karsus Sylvira Savikas Etzsa Praefect Silvanus
The Search for the City of Knowledge
Report Date
24 May 2020
Primary Location
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