
Time in the The Kingdom of Aéredon is marked in 24 hour days. There are 9 days of the week: Munden, Vorgas, Wessi, Thurden, Freden, Sorta, Sunden, Dolden, and Solden.   There are 10 months in the year. Frostfall, the first month, is the coldest of the year. Deepsnow is next, when temperatures gradually get warmer. By Snowmelt, the ground begins to thaw out and the last of the snow is gone. Tempestflow is the wet season, with rains very often. Luckily this means that by Blossomtide, the lush forests and grasslands of Aéredon spring forth with new life. Highsun is the middle of the summer and the Festival of Lights is held at the end of the month. Goldleaf marks the beginning of the harvest and autumn weather when the country starts to cool off a bit. During Redfall, many of the giant trees in the south lose their leaves. Harvestfire is the month for farmers to bring in the last of their harvest and is a time to spend with family and gather food and supplies for the winter ahead. Finally by Lastlight, the winter creeps in and the days shorten.

World Codex

Moons of Eradalis

There are 2 moons orbiting the planet, a large purple one called Dol and a smaller orange one called Sol.


At this time, only the continent of Aéredon is known to exist. The legends goes The Eternal Spires were once a floating continental island-chain floating above the planet. Scholars have long debated worlds far to east and west