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Drakesmouth is the Capital of the former Clan Rockclaw, a copper dragon clan. The clan took its name from the many rocky outcroppings that dot the Bay of Brass. While this can make low tide arrivals to Drakesmouth challenging, it remains a prominent trade hub and port of call on the south western portion of Ioban. Drakesmouth like most major cities of the Western Confederation is a hub of goods and commerce. While the bulk of the populase lives far afield the city serves as a great market and a place of refining the resources produced from the Hinterlands.


Drakesmouth houses a Large Gnomeish and Halfling populations with elves being the next most likely culture to encounter. The elven population tends to favor summer or spring elves in their ancestry, but few here hold to these ancient distinctions. Due to the cities tidal paths it is also frequented by humans from the Faenir Islands, the Empire, and the Free cities.


Drakesmouth is ruled by aristocratic families that have long held sway over parts of the city. This leadership exists because of the expectation of patronage to lower economic strata. Those who are more fortunate are expected to better their regions with their wealth, promote the local economy, and general raise others up with them. The Governor after the formation of the Wester Confederation is selected every decade in an election of the current families.


The City keeps a modest guard that considers itself a professional military which are loyal to the Governor and his family. The City also relies on private Navies of various families and companies to defend its maritime interest contracting this vs maintaining their own direct naval presence.

Industry & Trade

The Cities primary production is harvesting the abundant ocean beyond the rocky Bay of Brass. It also has capable and productive shipwrights, though over the millennia of their production, much of the surrounding area has been stripped of its forests. They now import much of the lumber necessary to build their famous vessels. Drakesmouth now finds itself supplying and supporting many of the Western Fortifications along the border with the Ecclesiarchy.


The City rests on the rocky coast of the Brass Bay and built up around its docks. It has many well ordered streets and connects to the larger road network that spans the entirety of the Confederation.


  • Coppergate Market is the city's main commercial hub, close to both the harbor and the gate towards its closest overland trade partner within the confederation. As a result the market offers a wide array of goods ranging from everyday necessities to rare items from across the seas. Colorful stalls and shops line the streets, with vendors loudly hawking their wares. The market is always crowded with locals and visitors looking for the best deals in. Most settlers also pass through the Coppergate market looking for the necessary items and materials to begin their homesteads. The occasional gunfight is not unheard of near the Saloons of the market district as cattlemen, traders, settlers, and city folk all mingle with loud and strong opinions.

  • Scalebane Citadel is the military district of Drakesmouth, where the city's garrison and training grounds are located. Named for the robust anti dragon defense towers that dominate the tall towers of the Castle here in. Barracks, armories, and drill fields fill this area, and it is heavily patrolled by guards. The district also hosts the headquarters of the city's defense forces and the home of the Territory Governor within the citadel.

  • Clawstone Wharf is the bustling heart of Drakesmouth's maritime trade. This district is filled with docks, shipyards, and warehouses. Sailors and merchants from across the realms converge here, bringing exotic goods and vibrant tales of far-off lands. The air is thick with the scent of salt and fish, and the sounds of creaking wood and shouting traders are ever-present. The Wharf also houses many of the shipwrights that build fine vessels of both commerce and war.

  • Dragon's Roost is vast open air park, powered by many magical runes to keep the area cool, watered and greener then the surrounding countryside. It is home to many ampitheaters and other places of entertainment and cultural significance. It was made large enough that many Dragons could gather here and enjoy the oasis within the arid planes and summer heat of southern Ioban.

  • Copper Way is known for its impressive forges and artisan workshops, it is here where the finest weapons, armor, and jewelry in Drakesmouth are crafted. The district's streets are lined with smithies, metalworkers, and gem cutters. The constant ringing of hammers on anvils and the glow of molten metal characterize this industrious area. The surrounding area is various working class neighborhoods where apprentices, journeymen, and other trades folk live.

  • Drakestone Commons is a residential district and rural district, home to the majority of Drakesmouth's agrarian population. Responsible for the majority of the farming and ranching that feeds the city, this small village rests just beyond the walls of the city. On the road that leads to Violacea, the Commons also houses a large Heliotrope Company Complex.

  • Shimmershade Hollow is a mysterious and enchanting district, filled with winding alleyways and hidden nooks. This area is known for its magical shops, alchemical laboratories, and the educational heart of Drakesmouth, home to the city's most prestigious schools and libraries. Outside of the commercial and education parts of this district are affluent homes and where the wealthier members of the city choose to make their home.

  • Tidewatch Quay is a lively entertainment district located along the waterfront. The quay is famous for its taverns, theaters, and gambling dens. Street performers and bards add to the district's vibrant atmosphere, making it a popular destination for both locals and visitors seeking leisure and excitement. It can be a bit rough and tumble as drunken sailors mix with the hard people of the City and visitors of the surrounding Confederation.

  • Scrapshale Quarter is an area characterized by its makeshift structures and eclectic mix of inhabitants. Many residents here make a living through salvage, repair, and repurposing that which has been dashed upon the rocks of the Bay of Brass. The district is a maze of shanties and workshops, with narrow alleyways and bustling open-air markets. It is also the closest part of the City to the nearby defensive forts made to watch the boarder of the Confederation. As a result many refugees begin their journey as homesteaders here. The district may appear chaotic, but it is a thriving hub of activity.

  • Brassbottom Flats is a sprawling district that extends just beyond the city walls, known for its humble abodes and industrious residents. The district is populated by laborers, dock workers, and those who support the city's bustling trade. Makeshift homes and crowded tenements line the muddy streets, and the air is often filled with the sounds of haggling and the clatter of carts.

Guilds and Factions

The City has few organized guilds, most factions break down into rival companies seeking to edge out their competition or have the lead on the next big economic shift. The commercial nature of the City also gives a significant adherence to the faiths of Evaris, who hold a fair bit of sway in the city. As with all Confederate Territories, the Heliotrope Company is a formidable influence that is given much deference.


Founded around the great Lair of Clan Rockclaws founder, it is rumored that her true lair has never been found, deep underground with a hidden submerged entrance. The city grew up around Lady Rockclaw, the harbor naturally protected by the rocks, the proximity to aggressive Red Dragons was of little concern.

Points of interest

  • Rockclaw Beacon - An iconic lighthouse that stands at the entrance of Drakesmouth Harbor. Built from a great stone outcropping and platted in copper that is adorned with dragon motifs, it serves as both a navigational aid for ships and a symbol of the city's strength and resilience. The beacon's light can be seen for miles, guiding vessels safely to port. Visitors can tour the lighthouse, learning about its history and enjoying stunning views of the ocean and city. It also rumored to have great detection magics which can be activated in times of war to prevent invisibility and disrupt teleportation.

  • Tidewatch Amphitheater - An open-air performance venue located along the scenic waterfront of Tidewatch Quay. Built into the natural contours of the coastline, the amphitheater hosts a variety of events, from theatrical performances and concerts to public speeches and festivals. The backdrop of the ocean and the sound of waves add a unique ambiance to every event. The amphitheater is a beloved cultural site where citizens and visitors come to enjoy entertainment and community gatherings in a picturesque setting.

  • Copper Breaths Draught - A massive Saloon, Casino, and Dancing hall is a legendary establishment located in the heart of Coppergate Market, on the main street connecting the road north and the path up from the wharf.. Known for its rustic charm and lively atmosphere, this saloon is a favorite haunt for sailors, merchants, drovers, homesteader and adventurers alike. The interior is adorned with dragon-themed décor, including copper scales, dragon-shaped chandeliers, and paintings depicting heroic dragon battles of the clan. The saloon serves a wide array of drinks, from the finest of local brews and spirits to exotic concoctions brought in by traders. Patrons gather here to swap tales of daring voyages, strike deals, and enjoy live music played by talented bards as well as enjoy the renowned dancers.


The Arid nature of the region and proximity to Iobans desert biome makes Drakesmouth a very hot region for most of the year. Winters storms are often smashed against the many rocks in the Bay of Brass protecting the city from the worst of winter maelstroms.

Founding Date
294 AW
Owning Organization
Settlement Level: 18

Size: 3 hexes   Items:
  • Common: Level 18
  • Uncommon: Level 16
  • Rare: Level 13

No Questions Asked: This city and its people care little for peoples pasts, or their motives, minding their own business and respecting peoples privacy. Gain a +1 circumstance bonus to any deception or stealth checks made within the city but take a -2 circumstance penalty to any gather information checks.


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