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Western Confederation

The Western Confederation was born out of necessity and in response to the creation of the Tarsian Ecclesiarchy to the south east. Clan Violacea as the dominate power in the region set to work forming the Confederation to protect their economic interests in the area and to ensure their continued security. Each former dragon clan has became a Territory within the Confederation, they are allowed to select their own Governors who essentially rule each territory as Monarchs. Each Territory has a seat upon the Confederate Assembly to decide matters of trade disputes, foreign affairs, and general concerns that impact the entirety of the Confederation. Clan Violacea cunningly in this creation divested their power into two distinct entites, the Territory of Violacea and the Heliotrope Trading and Security Company. The Heliotrope Company took ownership of the road ways, way stations, mail system, and security of the roads that connect the Western Confederation. Company men, identified by the small bunches of purple flowers they frequently wear, or have emblazoned upon their equipment are a private company charged with maintaining and safeguarding the massive road network within the Confederation. The confederation is also marked by massive swaths of unsettled land. As refugees have poured out of the lands invaded by the Ecclesiarchy, the Confederation has granted a very generous homesteading incentive to fill the hinterlands of their rolling plains and fields. This has also emptied much of their cities, making the Confederations population incredibly de centralized compared to other realms(20 to 1 instead of the usual 9 to 1). This has also lead to wide spread lawlessness, decentralized communities and other frontier problems. The Company men of the Heliotrope Company often fill this void, providing resources, protection, and a variety of other services for those who can pay.


The Confederation thrives upon its highly decentralized government allowing its member states to govern as they wish. For matters where each Territory must find common ground, resolve disputes, and deal with outsiders they turn to the Confederate Council where each member has a single seat, and The Heliotrope Company has an advisory seat.


The culture of the Confederation is fiercly independant, self determinist, respecting strength, hardwork, and generosity. Every citizens home is their castle and they very much believe it. There is a great sense of taming the frontier as citizens coming from the east fleeing the war and looking for the hope of a new future. With plenty of opportunity to find ones own piece of land and make it their own this only compounds the sense of independance. While the Confederation does not allow slavery they do allow a system of indentured servitude.

Public Agenda

The Confederation was formed as a bulwark against the expansion of the Tarsian Ecclesiarchy. To this end they have built a strong military which patrols and guards the frontier with a series of forts. The Confederation has little interest in attempting to liberate territories conquered by the Ecclesiarchy or openly fight beyond their borders. The Confederation thru the Heliotrope Company have incentivized refugees to expand out into the vast expanses of Ioban they control to settle and make their lands prosperous. This incredibly generous homesteading has drawn peoples from across Ioban, fleeing oppressive governments or just seeking a new life that they can make their own.


The Confederation has an incredible road and river network to move goods across their large domain. The land itself is rich for crops or herd animals, stretching out for as far as the eye can see. With many sea side settlements they also boast a robust navy, foreign trade networks, and harvesting of the sea. With large forests in the north they have a strong timber industry but raw minerals are less common. Having once had robust trade with the now warring factions of central Ioban, the Confederations foundries grow somewhat dim with little ore to process and forge, pushing many former artisans out to the frontier with hopes of their own farmsteads.


Members of the Confederation had frequently worked together over the Millenia forging strong trade bonds despite varied differences. Now with no dragons to command them the enterprising vassals sought to defend their homes and way of life against aggressors by once again forming together in common goal.

Demography and Population

The Confederation has a wide range of mortal humanoids as its citizens and is only becoming more diverse due to their homsteading policies.

  • Halflings-19%

  • Gnomes-16%

  • Elves-14%

  • Orcs-12%

  • Humans-11%

  • Dwarves-10%

  • Drakania-8%

  • Kobolds-7%

  • Goblins-3%


Currently the Confederation has a Marshal whose primary job is the raising of a strong central army and fortifying the border. This military is formed primarily from volunteers however each territory is assigned a minimum quota that are required to enlist. Each territory also keeps a sizeable private military force loyal to their governors. The Confederation as a whole favors light and swift moving cavalry to cross their vast territory. The road networks are patrolled and kept safe by the Company men of the Heliotrope Company. Naval power is left to individual territories and private companies.


The Confederation has no state religion and allows the practice of most faiths providing that they do not disrupt the peace or break other laws. Currently the followers of Tarsus and his pantheon are not well received.

Foreign Relations

The Confederation prefers commerce and peace to war and aggression. Seeking to mitigate their aggressive neighbors and expand their own economic influence they employ a variety of tariffs and commercial strategies to remain at peace and in a position of power.

Agriculture & Industry

The Confederation has vast fields and ranches across their planes growing all manner of crops, producing all manner of pelts, wools, meats and other animal products. The coastlines of the Confederation are fished while the lakes and riverways are also harvested and used to quickly move products between the Territories.

Trade & Transport

The Massive road network operated by the Heliotrope Company makes travel around the confederation some of the easiest within Ioban. This road network interfaces with several rivers, lakes, and waterways creating a highly sophisticated travel system within the domains of the Confederation.


The Confederation has many private institutions dedicated to learning and the arts. One of the first priorities of any frontier settlements are to create a school house. For those on independent homesteads, they teach their children, as the ability to read, barter, negotiate, and express ones ideas and principles are the cornerstone of the society.

Boundless and Bold


  • Western Confederation
    A detailed map of the Western Confederation
Kingdom Level - 18

Population - 8 million

Size - 3600+
Founding Date
1787 SA
Political, Confederation
Predecessor Organization
Ruling Organization
Government System
Power Structure
Economic System
Market economy

The Confederation uses both Golden Lions and prints its own currency, using a paper note backed by Golden Lions for ease of commerce.

Major Exports

The Confederation exports agriculture products, textiles, lumber, and finished goods. While they have few minerals, they have skilled artisans that produce many refined products.

Major Imports

The Confederation imports mostly raw ores and stone as they have few natural resources in the way of mining and minerals. Their western bluff has some of the only mines in the region.

Legislative Body

The Confederate Council is convened at Violacea and has representatives from each Territory, that are generally always on hand to assemble and deal with matters of state. While the Heliotrope Company has an advisory role and no official vote it is respected and looked to by the council to break any ties. Many a drunken converstaion at local taverns will comment that the will of the Company rarely loses in council votes.

Judicial Body

Regional judges are appointed by locals to deal with matters of lawlessness. If there is an issue between regions the Confederate Council can act as a judical body. The Heliotrope Company also runs its own court system which holds jurisdiction over road ways, water ways, and trade disputes.

Executive Body

The Confederate Council acts as an Executive entity within its small purview. In times of Crisis they may appoint a single leader to act in the interest of the whole. The Confederate Marshal when appointed is given a set term to serve and granted vast executive authority to deal with the specific matter to which they were appointed. Currently a Grand Marshal is appointed to deal with the aggression of their Neighbors, this term is set to end in 5 years.

Parent Organization
Controlled Territories


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