Queen Laeral Silverhand Character in Eraphim | World Anvil
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Queen Laeral Silverhand

By the year 1789 Laeral Silverhand is the regent of Evangil, and has been for the last 30 years after the last regent, Learals father King Trist III, passed away. Her reign has been a peaceful one and she has used it to expand and improve trade relations with Evangils neighbors, as well as hone her own magical prowess. Queen Learal bears the honorific "Silverhand", meaning she was born with her ancient bloodlines extraordinary magical prowess, a rare gift indeed.   Known for being a expert diplomat and highly talented Arcanist has garnered her quite the reputation, and a fair amount of suitors, although she has not yet married. Something that has the Council of Lords increasingly worried every year that passes by.   She has recently made fewer public appearances and cut down her travels, something many see with hope that the Queen has finally started looking for a suitor, and that an heir to the Kingdom might be on the horizon.


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