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Twelve Generals

The Twelve Generals each rule one of the Imperium's 12 smaller states and lead their respective armies. With their political power, they hold the title of Dukes and Duchesses.  

The Generals

Duke Brarlokk Heart Splitter

Duke Brarlokk Heart Splitter is a male orc that is fair in appearance, with black hair and green eyes. He also known as The Whirlwind Saber. He leads the Basalt Legion, this army speicilizes in using the natural terrain to their advantage. Duke Heart Splitter rules over the state of Woodgate.  

Duke Vonrog Gorebinder

Duke Vonrog Gorebinder is a male Minotaur Fighter. He has long golden hair and large amber eyes. He defended Canyon Point with only a small company of soldiers, that's when people started calling him Bulwark. He leads the Legion of the Caldera, which specializes in fortified battles. Duke Gorebinder rules the state of Hollowpoint.  

Duke Vregavec Rakerg

Duke Vregavec Rakerg is a male Hobgoblin Paladin. Vregavec is said to be oldest of the group. He has gray hair, hazel eyes, and a long moustache. He is a devout believer of Kord, the God of Strength and Storms. Vregavec always rides into battle atop his black warhorse, Itheoss, earning him the title Storm Rider. He leads the Legion of the Mantle, a legion specializing in mounted combat. Duke Raker rules over state The Horn Coast.  

Duke Kazeqxik Staglag

Duke Kazeqxik Staglag is a male Goblin, who is stout, with short, wavy, brown hair and green eyes. He is a devout beliver of Raven Queen, Goddess of Death. He leads the Pumice Legion. It is known for its company of wolf riders, which Duke Staglag leads atop his grey wolf, Hamse. Duke Staglag rules the state Moonshadow.  

Duchess Faenalore Whisperwind

Duchess Faenalore Whisperwind is female Half-elf. She is fair in appearance, with a long, red mohawk and golden eyes. She is the leading researcher in the study of the inner planes. She leads the Fumerole Legion, which is known for its elementalists and summoned elementals. She rules the state Highmark.  

Duke Archibald Slivan

Duke Archibald Slivan is a male Human. He is thin and sickly with straight brown hair and large amber eyes. He is the first human to ever become one of the Twelve Generals, who became a symbol to the humans living in the Imperium. He leads the Lahar Legion, an army always at odds with the Deglia Theocracy. His legion is one of the largest, mainly made up of foot soldiers and mercenary bands. He rules the Dawnfire march.  

Duke Jarnas Lughonath

Duke Jarnas Lughonath is a male Triton. He is muscular with light blue skin, gray hair and amber eyes, and a braided beard. He leads the Geyser Legion, specializing in naval combat. Duke Lughonath also goes by the title Grand Admiral. He rules the islands Crystal Archipelago.  

Duchess Alren Aganzath

Duchess Alren Aganzath is a female Triton. She is lean with smooth aqua skin, is bald, and has brown eyes. She known for breeding guarddrakes, granting her the name Drakewarden. She is always seen with her prized guarddrake, a green guardrake named Nelye. Duchess Aganzath leads the Igneous Legion, which is infamous for Grim Outfit. Grim Outfit is a army company that consist of the misfits and problem soldiers of Ragnaroks leigions. She rules the central state of Flamewatch.  

Duke Faskea Silenthorns

Duke Faskea Silenthorns is a male Minotaur. He is has a athletic build with matted black fur and green eyes. He is the more industrious member of the Twelve, owning 20 different factories across the imperium. Duke Faskea Silenthorns leads the Legion of Ash, known for outfitting its troops with various gear from his factories. He rules the state Blazingtoil.  

Duchess Liphish Qishann

Duchess Liphish Qishann is a female Dragonborn. She has a athletic build with bronze scales and brown eyes. She known as the Machinist, for her love of siege machines and vehicles. Duchess Qishann leads the Obsidian Legion, known for it's infiltration specialists. She rules over the state Jadecoast.  

Duke Starvork Duskstalker

Duke Starvork Duskstalker is a male Human. He has a beefy build with curly red hair and gray eyes. He is normally adorned with a crown of brambles, he believes he is the chosen messiah of the humans living in the Imperium. He leads the Legion of the Pyroclastic, known for it's brutality and enlistment of the wild folk of the Forest of the Abandoned. He rules the wilds of Lostvault.  

Duchess Solta Omen

Duchess Solta Omen is a female Lizardman. She has a massive build with thick brown scales and large blue eyes. She became the newest general, after traitorous Tez Onetusk's death. Duchess Omen leads the Molten Legion, known for it's heavy infantry. She rules the state Middgate.  


Duke Tez Onetusk

Duke Tez Onetus was a male Loxodon. He had a round face with one tusk that was broken and capped with steel. His tangled white hair and large blue eyes was some defining details along with his ceremonial ring mail he would wear to events. He use to lead the Molten Legion and ruled the state of Middgate. After accusations of traitorous deeds circulated, he committed suicide. It was latter investigated by Smog and the deed were found to be true. He was found to have aided a general of the Deglia Theocracy.
Military, Army Command


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