Mannheim Settlement in Erden | World Anvil
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"The wounded party looked upon the endless expanse of dark, towering pines from the heights of Dagren's pass. For an entire week of marching, the only notable settlement ahead was the haunted berg of Grinstead, built around the ruins of an elven citadel."   Mannheim, known prior to the 686 as Grinstead, is the largest town in the haunted forest known as the Greatwood which smothers the western Empire  Grinstead prior to 687:   Despite its size, Grinstead is of strategic importance to the realm, for it is the only place of civilization in the vast forest known as the Graahtwood. Thus, most traffic between Carovin and the capital must pass through Grinstead. Merchants passing through the Graahtwood do so as quickly as possible and hire extra caravan guards, as the threat of horrible creatures emerging from the forest is ever present. Unfortunately, this threat is only slightly diminished in Grinstead.   Grinstead was "founded" on the smoldering remains of the capital of the Rhynari elves. As they retreated deeper into the forest from the advance of the bloodthirsty Holmgardians, the Rhynari cursed the wood with eldritch magick. Ranging parties sent into the wood disappeared, while the screams of horrible creatures became a regular occurrence. Rangers who did return to Grinstead reported that warped, human-goat mutants had appeared in the Graahtwood, attacking travellers on sight - the Beastmen.   Though numerous expeditions have been sent to pacify the Graahtwood, it still remains a fell place that no upstanding Imperial would frequent except on urgent business. Thus, Grinstead has remained underdeveloped despite its importance in connecting Carovin and Rhudaria to the Empire. The city now consists of a thousand or so log hovels encircled by a moat and palisade and arranged about the great fortress of Thoric's rock. This fortress, originally the palace of the Rhynari queen, was once one of the fairest sights in the Empire and provides a commanding view of the forest. At its centre is an enormous, partly ruined tower that has been repurposed as the residence of the Holmgardian ruler of the Graahtwood.   Aside from Thoric's rock, there are a few other features of note in Grinstead. Near the Barrowmere gate is a great triumphal arch, built by Emperor Deuron II. The Arch of the Goat, as it is called, commemorates a great victory against a horde of marauding Beastmen who once harried the town. On the principal square, the Wulfrikplatz, an enormous Weirtree stands as a relic of the ancient Rhynari religion, while the Church of St. Heinhoffen looms close to ancient elven burial grounds. Lastly, Grinstead is the home of an important assembly ground for the brutal Lupercal tribe, who are Imperial subjects. This area is euphemistically termed the "Forester's Guild" by the towns inhabitants.

Upheaval and Renaming:

Recently, Grinstead has become a favourite spot to exile unwanted Imperial heirs. Much to the amusement of the populace, Emperor Cardalos II sent his lecherous son Karl to Grinstead as the "Lord Protector of the Graahtwood". Despite the lofty title, this was clearly an act of punishment. Rumours even abound that Karl was exiled for committing an act of adultery with a Valmer peasant, bringing shame on the Imperial house. Karl's subsequent actions as ruler of Grinstead did little to dispel the rumours, for the sounds of wanton ribaldry were often heard from Thoric's Rock.   In early 687, Grinstead was destroyed by the forces of Sanguine. Around a month later, the War Council and the Second Crusade fought a combined undead and Beastmen army in a well-planned, multiple pronged attack. Despite the accompanying flagellants taking heavy losses, the War Council destroyed the undead army and their commander, Beron the Red, and the beastmen were routed. The War Council and their army camped in the ruined town for a time before continuing their march towards the Barrowmark.   Later, Grinstead was re-founded as the city of Mannheim, by groups of flagellants sent across the Empire: the Purifying Zealots of Tyr. The remains of the elven citadel of Thoric's rock were rebuilt into a great Tyrian fortress-monastery, designed to rival Carovin as a center of religious worship, and the population doubled to nearly 15,000 zealous Tyrians.


70% Holmgardian, 25% Old Holmgardian (Lupercal), 5% Valmer,

Guilds and Factions

Forester's Guild - assembly ground for the Lupercal tribe Princely Court - leadership of Prince Karl Graelingard

Natural Resources

Lumber, fur, root vegetables, weirwood
Founding Date
Prior to 0 HR (Rhynari), 236 HR (Holmgardian)
Alternative Name(s)
Large town
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
by Jernau M Gurgeh
  Above: Grinstead in winter, prior to the War of the Broken Crypt

Cover image: by Hanns Lautensack


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