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While Halfings are in many old tales, their exact origins are unknown and their oral traditions value fables with lessons as opposed to real history. Regardless, they have been a welcome and joyous part of the Empire for as long as records have been kept. Once the primary experts in farming and animal husbandry, they’ve shared their knowledge over centuries and many now live within the cities. Halflings vary in size, shape, and color as much as humans and live just as long, though like the Elves do not grow any facial hair.
Adults are small in stature. They have a natural nimbleness and reflex that is reflected with +1 AC, they are never considered flat-footed for target AC, and have a +2 to their Passive Perception stats. They have a natural connection to beasts and have a +2 to Animal Handling checks and +1 AC against beasts.

Cover image: by Chuck Meriam


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