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Tabaxi are rumored to once have been more numerous than humans thousands of years ago, but for unclear reasons there now remains far fewer, divided into two main groups: the Uncia and the Epta. The Uncia are larger, broad-shouldered Tabaxi with white and light brown fur with black ring spots. The Epta are much smaller with very short light yellow hair with short black stripes and spots. Given their heavier fur, the Uncia typically live in The Nortlat Stills, while the Uncia live in the south and southeast lands.
Adults can range from small to medium size, have +2 Dex because of a natural agility, advantage to Acrobatics checks, and can see as normal in low light conditions. They also have claws and teeth that cause 1d4 + STR mod piercing damage.
Uncia adults are medium size, have a natural resistance to cold damage, and when more fur than clothes are showing have advantage on Stealth checks in snowy or rocky terrain.
Epta adults are small to medium size, require only 4 hours of sleep for a long rest, and 30 minutes of rest for a short rest. Similar to Uncia, their fur grants advantage on Stealth checks in rocky and dense flora areas.

Cover image: by Chuck Meriam


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