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The Nortlat Stills

To the north is the Nortlat Stills, a breathtaking expanse of pine forests and rolling hills often covered in snow. Though often seen as barbaric, the heroic people of the Nortlat Stills are as hardy and stalwart as their forests. They’re recognized for their use of Nordus, large broad beasts with thick wool and large curled horns, for labor and riding, and training large Gloom Hawks for hunting. The Nortlat Stills joined the Empire hundreds of years ago when Queen Varys was defeated after a four month conflict, and a new series of families were granted Noble House status, including one Dynast House, which has remained the head of the Norlat Stills since. The people speak Nortlat.

In the Nortlat Stills, peoples names are typically one or more first names, given by one or more of their parents, followed by the one or more surnames or family names of their parents. Many common names for first names include:
Angrbida Girdr Skaldr Gasada Vidarr Egill
Atli Hunnar Siv Pyorr Golund Birkir
Askr Hodr Orvar Urdr Velundr Dirbir
Brokkr Idunna Njall Yirdr Yngr Asdr
Edla Kara Magni Manadis Nandis Arnbjorg
Surnames or family names include:
Heimir Verdandi Brynja Eyvindr Ingivar Gylfa
Gildingr Asumundr Dagrun Grunnar Snerra Unnur
Signy Astridur Dorottya Hakon Hjalmar Hlynur
Horgurdr Oudur Gridora Jokull Svandorarinn Tryggvi
Skaldri Firka Arlendr Moleifur Drudirr Viridir
To outsiders or those that do not speak Nortlat, it is difficult at best to distinguish first names from family name(s), but this is well known and understood to the Nortlat people and asking for someone's preferred name will clarify things.
Hailing from their long history, the Empire Houses of the Nortlat Stills are known as Jarldoms locally.
The Dynast House of the Nortlat Stills: Eidenkast
Noble Houses of the Nortlat Stills:

Going for a ride?

In the Nortlat Stills, there are many beasts that have been used for mounts by the people, but only two have become prominent: Nordus, and Jofr. Jofr have become a status symbol in the Jarldoms of the Nortlat Stills because of their price, their size, and the intimidating appearance of a rider and their mount armored and ready for battle.
Geopolitical, Province


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