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The capital city of the Worsklin Territories is quite different from other capital cities in the Korum Empire. Nearly all the buildings are only one story. The local use of shale and river stones and the possibility of a quivering earthquake keep the buildings low. The one contrasting building is a Korum Legionnaires outpost made from imported granite bricks, standing two stories tall with a large banner on the upper ramparts. Visitors often mistake it for the capital senate.   The vast majority of the buildings, small and large, across the expansive city are complex yurts. The owners of these buildings have no true ownership of the land below their feet, so shifting buildings is common. While visitors find this especially confusing, many vendors and businesses use tall poles with colorful streamers to identify their location.   The concept of an inn as a business was introduced to the region with inclusion into the Empire. Standard practice before then was welcome hospitality were possible, or helping others find shelter. With the Empire, many locals took the opportunity to establish lavish inns with furs, feathers, and crystalline decoration. This practice continues to battle with social norms of individuals or family heads only owning the one yurt they truly need.


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