
Alder is a peaceful and harmonic village by the shore of a river commonly known as Mudwater. It flows northwards and ends in the the bay of Ledor. and to the south into the swamp Hetretz. The site of the village was chosen as it is close to several huge deposits of clay. It is also inside a valley surrounded by high mountains which serves as a protection, and guarantee of much rain.   The village Alder is famous for its quality pottery, as its located close to very large deposits of premium clay. Master potters have made their home and run their business out of Alder. A few times a year large caravans stop in the village to sell wares and buy as much pottery as possible. The pottery is then transported to Babor to be trade both internally but also externally.


The village fortification is intended to stop raiders and make sure they have a hard time. The village caant stop a force intended to invade the village. The defenses are a moat and log pallisade.

Industry & Trade

It is clear even to an outsider that the pottery production of the village have long past the cottage industry level and into a more industrialised production, with individuals specialising on producing one part of the process. There are buildings and people making sure the clay is perfect before shipping it to the ones who make the general shape. On one day they make large pots and the next day they make small pots et cetera.   There is a steady trade with the village Nug who is reasonably close by. The trade route is oftn by boat along the river Mudwater and through the swamp. The traderoute are often made by the same people giving them a highknowledge of the area. From Nug Alder mainly gets dried fish and they export pottery.    A few times each year larger caravans stopp in the village to trade. These caravans comes from Babor and bring things which cant be locally produced and buys pottery in very large quantities.   There is trade with the local nomadic tribes when they are close by. When they stop by there is usually time for festivities as well as trade. Most tribes stop by now and then which leads to a few romantic adventures as well. A quite common trade is also fertilising the herds as they need new blood to not become inbred.


The climbing mouse (Inn): This is the spot where the men gather as dusk comes, and the first place the wives go to find them. During the day the main room is empty exept for the flies, and perhaps the occational traveler. Occatinally the Inn is used as a gathering house for the village, when they need to discuss common issues. The owner of the inns name is Andumik.   Bowswains house: Down by the shore of the river is the house of a weird fellow. The locals call him Bowswain but his name is Omtur. He is very big and his face is always toting a beard. He always invites people for a drink, and as dusk comes he has his ordinary place in the Inn. It seems as if he has a lot of money, and it is rumoured he has trained his dog to sniff out gold.   The Troll statue: A bit upstream there is a very realistic statue of a Troll who seems to be fishing and taking a nap. No one knows who made it or when.   Farms: A normal farm in the area contains one family made up of husband and wife with 0 to 4 children. Sometimes granparents live onthe farm as well.


Sometimes it is visited by mysterious persons looking for the retired adventurer Urban Stonebeard. Those in the village who know him can tell that he is always visited by strangers such as wizards, elves, people in hoods, knights in shining armour et cetera.


The village is placed in a valley surrounded by mountains. It is on the shore of the river Mudwaters.


The village is far north and often its a bit chilly, but it is also inside a valley which protects it from some of the bad weather. When the sun is up and the sky is clear the temperature actually becomes quite pleasant, even for southeners.

Natural Resources

There are several huge deposits of clay of exceptional high quality.   The land is well watered and nutriented by the surrounding mountains.
Owning Organization