
Barbia is the name of both a region and a land in the north of Ereb Altor. It is inhabitated by a proud but barbaric people of Nargurian descendancy. The land is sparsly populated with a few permanent settlements and the nomadic lifestile of the majority of tribes keeps it that way.   The people of the land is severly divided between the people living in the city Babor, other permanent villages and supportive nomadic tribes all ruled by the Emperor of Barbia. And some strong nomadic tribes who wants to protect the old ways, stay free but still get access to trade with other nations. Other nomadic tribes stay out of this conflict which have evolved into a civil war.   The capitol of Barbia is called Babor and it is where the Emperor makes his home. Babor is by all means a very modern city, much thanks to traders from other lands who have made their homes here and built houses in ways most local Barbians can´t. The Emperor controls all trade with merchants from outside Barbia and it is possible as Babor for a long time was the only port in Barbia. Babor and most large settlement is placed on the west coast of Barbia, centraled around the Bay of Ardi. As a result most of the merchants come from the east, but it is not uncommon for ships from the continent Akogral to be present in the port. The inhabitants of Babor are made up from barbarians who either recently have lost a tribal war and seen all their relatives killed and land taken, or descendant from such people. There is also a large population of merchants from other countries who have made Babor their home.


Barbia is a divided country where a small part in the west, is what southerners would call civilised. A Emperor leads them and rules the country. But the sense of personal freedom is still strong in the people.   The further you get from the capital Babor the less you feel the power of the emperor and the chieftan of the local tribe becomes more important. And what is not known to most outsiders is that the country is embroiled in a civil war. The emperor and his allies versus some very powerful nomadic tribes.


Horses and riding are important, much light cavalary. During festivities many skillfull riders doing acrobatics on horseback.

Public Agenda

The Emperors agenda is to unite the tribes of Barbia and make it a true civilized and powerful empire, through trade and the rule of law.   The free tribes struggle to maintain the old nomadic way of life.

Demography and Population

The inhabitants of the land Barbia is mostly made up of humans. The majority of the human population are made up Northern barbarians of Nargurians descendancy. They can be divided into two subtypes, the nomadic tribes of the plains and the urbanised settled people.    There are also the island living sea people called Habulons, after the islands they inhabit.   Within the peaks of the Windpeak mountains, there is a people who are not of Nargurian descendancy. They are at stoneage level and live on hunting and fishing. They are very isolated and the few who have left the mountains usually returns later.


All warriors from Barbia are considered light cavalry as they are trained from even before they can walk to ride. They prefer to use leather armour and spear, bow and shield.  But the last decades more advanced weapons and armor have found its way from the south. As such richer and more powerful leaders are armed with scimitars and metal armour. But only in such way it does not inhibit them when they are in the saddle.   The warfare are highly mobile with fast changing frontlines, demanding the strategy and tactis to be very flexible. Their skill in siege warfare is absymal and they do not even have the ability to build warmachines necessary.   The Emperor/ Yddris
  • 180 maniples of light cavalary by the east front, facing Clan Tridor
  • 80 maniples light cavalry by the west coast to protect against pirates.
  • 40 maniples light cavalry scattered throughout the land and villages.
Clan Medos
  • 12 maniples light cavalry by the eastern front facing Clan Tridor
  • 3 maniples light cavalry at home for protection
Clan Relian
  • 55 maniples light cavalry to be used against Yddris and medos
Clan Fridar
  • 55 maniples light cavalry to be used against Yddris and Medos
Clan Gehard
  • 50 maniples light cavalry by the hq
  • 60 maniples by the eastern front to be used against Yddris and Medos


There is no formal religion in Barbia and few if any Barbians pray to a God. The closest they get is shamanism were they worship nature and natural spirits.


Most laws are ancient and based on traditions. As such much of the focus are based on the right to property and theft. Stealing from someone out in the wilderness is considered worse than trying to kill them. They would starve or die from wild animals rather than a sword.   Family and personal honour is very important and a life for a life is a staple in the laws of the land. If a person kills another person, the family is honourbound to kill one from the killer family. These killings often leads to more killings leading up to clan warfare. Some of these clan wars have led to whole families becoming extict.   Within the areas the Emperor rules there is written law and it is brutally upheld.

Agriculture & Industry

In the western part of Barbia where the southern civilisation are making a impact, there are farmlands and industrialised production. Especially pottery and tanning have become mainstaples in the industrial production of Barbia. The village Alder are located close to large deposit of natural clay of perfect quality, making pottery the mainstaple of the villages production. They still do some hunting and fishing to complement the trade. The village Nug position on the shore of Glimmerlake makes fishing their prime income. Unlike the villages by the sea, Nug provides cleanwater fishes, which they mainly trade with Babor but some trade with the nomadic tribes takes place as well.   Barbian bone carving is well known outside of Barbia. Many nomads are very good at it, as it can be done by the campfire at night. The carved bones are used fom many things, from jewellery to icons.

Trade & Transport

For a long time all external trade went through Babor, but later emperors built the two villages Si-Nel and Utill were trade is the main way to make a living.  Si-nel is were the western traders are meant to land, while Utill is located far from the west and as such were the Akrogalian trader are staying to trade with the Barbian tribes.   The chieftans who have subjugated to the emperor gets to locate a emissary within the trading hubs and bring their wares their to trade with the foreigners. The tribes who have not subjugated to the Emperor are excluded from the trade. This way the Emperor expands his power and the centralization of Barbia.


Babor is the capital of Barbia and its only real city.   The oldest villages are Nug, Sendul and Alder. The newer are Vesse and Ara. the newest Si-nel and Utill. There is a kind of road connecting the villages along the western shore and Babor.
Alternative Names
The Land of the Horse people
Government System
Power Structure
Semi-autonomous area
Economic System
Barter system
Glimmer lake: The northern part of the lake are made up of the swamp Hetrez. Streams from The windpeak mountains and rivers from the swamp enters the lake and keeps it filled with water. From the lake the water flows in rivers towards the Bay of Ardi. In the lake there are many different fishes, and especially during late summer when it is filled with salmon heading back to their place of birth. Along the shores of the lake there are many bushes with edible berries, creating natural mazes.   Hetrez: Hetrez is a large swamp. It is mostly made up of low bushes, fern and other waterplants. It is filled with small waterliving mammals, such as otters. But also reptilians such as snakes and frogs. The air and water is filled with insects.   The plains of fire breathing dragons: The piece of land have since ancient times been a lifeless area. It is sterile, hilly and the soil is black and nutritionless and filled with large broken rocks. It is also heavily eroded from the powerful streams by the coast. It is almost impossibloe to travel throughout the region without a boat.   The Nargur Borders: The majestic forest Nagur expands along the Highlands southern border on the opposite shore off the river Vatnatra. The forest is made up of different leaftrees and filled with life. There are Crown deer, Ox, Bears, Wolves to mention a few. The river Vatnatra have its springs on the highland and flows towards the Bay of Ardi, where it joins into a mighty river.   The silverleaf forest: This northerend forest are made up of a mix of trees. The wildlife are made up by large to small mammals such as deer to hedgehodge. Some flowing waters have their springs within the forest and as such there is also water living animals to be found.   Moonbeam forest: The part of the Silverleaf forest where elves once used to live are called Moonbeam forest. It is a very beautiful forest where the straight silvern tree trunks shoot towards the sky.   Windtop peaks: In the middle of the central highland there is a high mountain range. The stone is in a tempered light grey bluish hue and its pointy peaks are covered in snow the year round. The highest peaks are mostly covered in clouds. The flora and fauna is sparse . Within the peaks many of the rivers have its origin.   Habulon islands: Within the Bay of Ardi there are hundreds of small islands who are collectively called the Habulons. Some are no larger than a rock emerging from the water, while a few are large enough for som flora and fauna. The water is brimming with fish and the sky with birds.   Kettael: Since prehistoric times the cratre Kettaek have been recognised as a large hole in the highlands. It have a diameter of two mil and it is two kilometers deep. The bottom is covered by a clear blue lake with a sparkling white island in the middle. The island is the remains of the asteroid who once impacted. Its white crystal clear material is called moonstone. As ages past the island have become smaller since magicians have broken of pieces for their own use. The island is nowadays guarded by the (Sphinx? other monster?) who protects the island and seldom grants anyone the right to take a part of the stone. The island is sparsely grown with moss, grass and shrubbery and the wildlife is made up of small mammals and birds. Many pack of wolves have made their territory amongs the shorelines. Nomadic tribes usually take their herds to the water, but prefer to stay away as they fear the lake and the island.
There is no official currency in Barbia and all trade are made through barter. There are monetary trades in the permanent settlements, and they use foreign currency, mostly based on weight and what the coin is made of.
Major Exports
Dried meat, Fur and skin, bone carvings
Major Imports
Weapons, "loot" and cloth
Legislative Body
The emperor is the one who writes official laws in the country of Barbia.
Executive Body
The person or family who have been wronged are honour bound to execute the punishment according to the law.
Controlled Territories
Related Species
Related Ethnicities

The trade between the two realms are increasing but so is the raiding.

Articles under Barbia