Cave Troll

Cave trolls are the black bastards of the troll race. Even compared to other species of the troll race they are prone to violence and destruction. They are well known for entering berserker rage when they fight.   Their grey skin is hard and thick, making it difficult to injure them.       STY: 25, STO: 25, FYS: 13, SMI: 10, INT: 7, PSY: 11, KAR: 3 KP: 19, SB: +1D6 Naturligt skydd: 4 p skin   Fists (1D3) 9, Kick (1D6) 4, Bite (1D6+ /2SB), Claws (1D8) 7, Close combat weapon 4, Sneak 2, Hide 2, Upptäcka fara 4, Climb 2 Förflyttning: L12

Basic Information


Cave trolls have a humanoid body with two arms and legs. Cave trolls bodies are large and compact, with long arms and big hands. The head of a troll is shaped like an onion and lean forward from the muscular shoulders, giving a troll a portruding forward stance. The mouth is filled with cainine teeth and their fingers ends in sharp claws. The body is covered in muscles and the eyes glow yellow in the dark.

Genetics and Reproduction

It is unknown how Cave trolls reproduce or if there even are different sexes.

Growth Rate & Stages

Cave troll children have been seen.

Ecology and Habitats

Cave trolls live in large caves and only come out from them during the night.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They only eat meat.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Cave trolls are usually solitary creatures, but sometimes comes in small bands.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Cave trolls have been reported in all known mountains ranges in Ereb Altor.

Average Intelligence

Cave trolls are stupid and not capable of any complex thoughts. According to most sapient races the smartest cave troll is about as smart as a stupid dog.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

A  cave trolls eyesight is significant worse than humans and they are shortsighted. If there is a light source the Cave trolls sight gets even more diminished, but they have normal sight in the dark.   Cave trolls sense of smell is excellent and it is speculated that they leave scent markings just as many mammals do.

Civilization and Culture

Average Technological Level

Cave trolls have no technology level and there are no proof of them constructing any tools. They might use tools looted from other species.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

There is no interspecies relations as all other biological creatures are considered food. But sometimes they cooperate with orc tribes in exchange for food.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Average Height
Most cave trolls are reported to be almost 3 meters tall.
Average Weight
Around 300 to 350 kg
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
A thick grey skin which gets darker and harder as the troll grows older.