Elephantid bird

  Elephantid birds are predatory bird native to the plains of Magilre. They are flightless and hunt through running and with its large beaks. Elephantids are pack hunters and on the plains of Magilre they are the top predators. Elephantids are flightless and canĀ“t climb and therefore they have not been able to spread from the Magilre peninsula.  
9 7 6 14 2 7
L17 Beak: 1t6, 7. 2 claws 1t6, 11

Basic Information


Elephantine birds have large bodies with small winglike appendices which are pretty useless. They have strong long legs which ends in large claws, which they use for hunting. The neck is long and ends in a head which is mostly made out of a large beak, strong enough to tear flesh from bone.

Genetics and Reproduction

The female usually lays three or four eggs.

Growth Rate & Stages

Within a season they are able to hunt buy themselves.

Ecology and Habitats

They make their homes in the plains, some have been known to nest in ligth forests.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Elephantine birds are meat eaters, and as they hunt in packs they can take prey bigger than themselves.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Elephantine live an hund i packs up to 6 grown up individuals. If the pack become larger they usually divide.


They cant be domesticated, but they are quite easy to keep in captivity.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Feathers are used for stuffing pillows and to make clothes prettier. The claws are sometimes used for jewellery.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The Elephantine bird is only found in Magilre in the wild. Some have been caught and exported to menageries.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Elephantine birds have exceptional eyesight but all other sensories are quite weak.
up to 10 years.
Average Height
The head is usually around 1.20 meters above the ground when they stretch up to observe.
Average Weight
Around 50 kg
Geographic Distribution