
  • Magilre
  • Klomellien
To the north the mountain range named Klomellian mountains dominates in an east to west direction. In the west the range dilludes into a hilly range until dissapearing. The land continues westward in what most likely is the flattests parts of all of Ereb Altor. The flat plains of Magilre.   In the east there is a mountain range called Melasha mountains. They are quite low and as far as mountain ranges go, quite unremarcable. The southern part of the mountain range have proven to be rich in silver and gemstones. Between the mountains and the bay of Gryppa there is a large plainland called Ishna. The thin and nutrient poor soils is scarcely used for farming. Closer to the mountains in the east there is a more hilly landscape called Abzural. It is home to a large forest called Ize and a huge lake called Jaggerack with steep and rocky shores. Jaggerack is supplied from several small rivers from the Melesha mountains. From Jaggerack the majestic and deep river Maure flows towards the sea in a long and windling path. In the middle of the lake there is a island with the ruins of a city upon it. The legends tell of a city called Joraga where a mighty demonologist lived. He managed to summon a mighty fire demon and failed to control it. The demon burned the city to ruins but could not escape the island. After it had incinerated everything which could burn on the island it vanished. The locals today leaves the island alone and never set foot upon it, they also avoid sailing close to it.    Lake Kvulm is a large lake located close to the mountains. It has high and steep shores and the water is brown and slow flowing. It is also vile smelling and no one knows why. Religious people calls it "The anal of evil" or something similar. The only sentinent beings wha handle the smell and make their home close to the lake is a goblin tribe called "the hairless" wich makes their home on the northern shore.  They make their living fishing the fish called Kvulmer carp, or Golden Carp. The fish is considered a culinary delicacy in the more civilised land and are sold there. The goblins actually trade with the human caravans and they might be considered semi civilised.


The eastern part of Dryro are made up of the land Magilre and is a very flat landscape. The centre of Dryro are made up of the country Klomellien.

Localized Phenomena

  • Misty dale: In the souther parts of the Klomellian mountains, neither part of Klomellien or Magilre there is a dale which is constantly covered in fog. No one knows what is hidden in the fog and the few expeditions who have ventured into the fog, no one have returned. 

Fauna & Flora

  • Ziploids: A animal family which is unique to Magilre. The ziploid family includes four different species. The swamp ziploid which are found in Efrozink and can reach weights up to 80-90 tonne. Another ziploid is the dumbziploid which stop growing as they reach approximatelly six tonne. They are found in all Magilre, but mostly in the northern forested regions. The steppeziploid are swift grasseaters and roam the plains, where they cause great damages to the grain and corn fields. The fourth and smallest ziploid is the Magillersnail. It took a long time for it to be recognised as a ziploid rather than a snail.
  • Elephantid birds: A non flight pack living predatory bird. They reach a height of one meter but as the packs can grow large they can take down very large animals. Humans rightly fear them. They run fast and they beaks can easy rend flesh from bone. They are the dominat predator on the Magilre plains and have hunted wolves to extincions.
  • Klomull: In the bay of Gryppa there are giant seaturtles which can be domesticated. They reach several tonnes and Klomellien amongst other thing use them for warfare. In the wild they are peaceful and eats seaweed, but they have been known to destroy small vessels out of curiosity.
  • Iron Carp: A large carp fish with fins sharp as steel. They can cut through rope quite easily and many small vessels who have set anchor during the night have found themselves adrift after a shoal of Iron carps passed them during the night. 

Natural Resources

The sea is filled with banks close to shore and as the temperature is right, there is a large population of clams. In some spots there are clams which at a regular rate produce pearls, and which can be found reasonably close to the surface.   The Klomellian mountain range do not produce much ore, but there are exceptions.   Melasha mountains southern parts are rich in silver and gemstones.


Large parts of Dryro where uninhabited by humans for a long time and it was a stronghold for many black blood tribes. Humanity came later and the tribes of the Klomellian mountains where the strongest. On the plains of Magilre there are signs of having early mankind settlements as well and stories indicates it.  The first bouts of true human civilisations where colonisations from the south in form of Imperium Jorpagnia. They settled upon The large plains quickly driving the barbaric tribes back into the Klomellian mountains. Around 620 B.O. Imperium Jorpagna colonized the shores of what is now Klomellien, in order to gain easier access to ore and salt.   The Dryro region where at the time of the Conflux quite sheltered as they where surrounded by mountains and the sea. But as trade stopped the region regressed. The people of what is now Klomellien fought wars and intermarried the people who later moved onwards into the Kard regions.    Large areas of Dryro are uninhabitated by humans and filled with wilderness, monsters and black blood tribes.
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